
The Father of American Marvel Superheroes

That night, a Kryptonian ship with a baby crashed on Mike Kent's family farm. When he decided to adopt that child and the golden finger of crossover was thus activated, he understood that his life was about to change. Superman Clark Kent, Professor X Charles Kent, Magneto Eric Kent ...... When he became the father of these people, the strongest family was born!

Biscayne · Movies
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32 Chs


Along with the sound of playful laughter, the middle-aged woman in front of Mike's appearance instantly appeared to change.

The skin of the body is like a layer of waves, in an instant from head to toe stirring, the middle-aged woman has turned into a strange person with blue skin.

Although her body curves hook, but the whole body is blue, there are even dark blue scales division in the key parts of the body, and a red hair makes it more a few demons, looks unnerving.

The magic girl, Raven.

There are mutants in this world, but what is strange to Mike is that he has not heard of the two pillars of mutants, Professor X and Magneto's name.

Magician Raven looked at Mike, the corners of her mouth slightly hooked, curiously said: "How do you recognize me?"

Mike said, "You're holding the baby in the wrong position."

A woman who has given birth to three children, holding a child's posture can never be wrong.

Raven drifted off, nodded, saw that Mike kept looking at her coldly, suddenly smiled and said, "What? Still not used to seeing me like this? How about this?"

Said, the blue skin on her body faded away and became a blonde woman.

The body was still hot, but interestingly, under the flirtatious temperament, the delicate features showed innocence.

This is what she originally looked like.

Mike face expressionless, wearing a casual clothes Raven hugged Clark walked to Mike, playfully said: "so cold ah, when in bed ..."

The corner of Mike's eyes jumped and said, "How did you find this place?"

"It wasn't easy for me to track you down?"

Raven said faintly, reached out and gently caressed Mike's face, playfully said: "Still so shy, what I like most about you is this."

After a pause suddenly said, "For this child, is it worth it?"

Without any hesitation, Mike nodded affirmatively and said, "It's worth it!"

This was something he had decided two months ago.

"Worth it!?" Raven shoved Clark into Mike's arms, and Mike hugged him hand over hand, relieved to see that the little guy was not frightened.

Seeing this, the anger in Raven's eyes intensified and said, "You think you're done with the organization when you say you're done with it?"

Mike smiled faintly and said, "First, tell me, what are you here for?"

Raven said without good grace, "Do you believe me when I say I came to you to give you a child?"

Looking at Clark, who was being protected by Mike in his arms, Raven was surprisingly a little jealous in her heart.

If only her parents had been so protective of her when she was a child ...

The fact that Mike looked at Raven with a look that said he believed you was a ghost made Raven feel irritated.

Walking to one side of the chair and sitting down, Raven folded her long and slender legs together and said, "Sloan told me to come and find you."

"He knows about this place? He knows about the baby?"

Mike frowned.

Raven shook her head and said, "I don't know, I didn't tell anyone."

She had found this place by chance when she heard Mike on the phone and was curious to follow him back and find out when he was last back.

Mike looked at Raven and said seriously, "Thanks."

Raven waved her hand and said, "It's a return of the favor you did for saving me earlier."

Mike hugged Clark and let him lean on himself, gently patting Clark's back.

The little guy yawned and slowly closed his eyes.

Watching Mike's action, Raven was speechless.

Who could imagine that this man who killed without blinking and was known as the king of assassins would be so gentle in putting a child to sleep?

"You ..."


Mike made a gesture, walked over to the crib, placed the already sleeping Clark gently on the bed, and after covering him with a small quilt, pointed outside and took the lead and walked outside.

Raven got up, suddenly made a face at Clark, and walked out.

Following Mike down the stairs, Raven sat on the couch and, after Mike reached for a glass of water for her, propped herself up with her chin and surveyed Mike as if she was meeting him for the first time.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm wondering which woman hooked your soul and gave you a baby."

"I picked up the baby."

"Picked up?" Raven exclaimed, then muttered, "You're crazy!"

To face being killed by the organization for the sake of a found baby, what is this if not insane?

"Huh!" Indifferent laugh, Mike said: "Sloan asked you to find me for what? Or ... what does he want?"

Sloan, a guy full of ambition.

The corners of Raven's mouth hooked up and said, "You still see through, how just for ..."

"Don't say anything about the baby, I've already decided." Mike picked up the glass of water, white mist slowly rose in front of his eyes, blocking his face, he said calmly: "Suddenly tired of this life."

Raven fell silent and said, "Sloan wants to make a deal with you."

"A deal?" Mike put down the cup in his hand and said in a deep voice, "He wants to make me take out Kuch in exchange for letting me exit safely?"

Kuch, the current leader of the Assassin Alliance, as long as he was taken out, Sloan would be able to take the position of the leader.

Raven nodded her head.

Mike had a calm face: "Do you think I can trust him?"

"Half and half, at least he won't be like Cooch and definitely won't let you off the hook."

Mike closed his eyes and thought for a few seconds, then nodded and said to Raven, "After killing Kuch, I want a favor from you."

Raven was stunned and smiled playfully, "Why should I help you?"

"Count me as owing you a favor."


Raven agreed cleanly.

Mike's favor was still very useful.

"Also, I need to see Sloan."

"What time?"


"I'll make the arrangements."

Afterwards, the two had a small talk for a while, and Raven turned to leave.

As for the nanny who took care of Clark, Raven turned into the image of Mike and let her go home first this evening.

In other words, Mike will take care of Clark tonight ...

"Whoa, whoa!"

Upstairs came the sound of Clark's crying, Mike's eyes narrowed, his heart beat violently, and his whole body rushed upstairs at a very fast speed to Clark.

At this time the baby cries generally only two reasons, one is hungry, the second is to solve the physical needs.

Mike, who had been a father in a previous life, still understands some of these things.

"Can't panic!"

Mike looked, Clark was very competitive did not pull, he soothed Clark while brewing up the formula.

Waited a few minutes, after the temperature of the milk powder is suitable for the mouth, while feeding Clark, but the brain can not help but think of other things.

Sloan wants to control the League of Assassins, Kuch is the biggest obstacle, because Kuch is not only the chief, but also the only two assassins in the League of Assassins king.

The only one who can deal with the king of assassins is the king of assassins.

This is also the reason why he asked Raven to find Mike.

Kuch, as the head of the League of Assassins, and Mike's relationship is considered an acquaintance, so Mike knows him fairly well.

This man would never let a threat to the organization people just leave the organization.

The agreement is an agreement, Kuch will not go back on his word, he allowed Mike to safely leave the organization, but after leaving, Mike is not the organization's people, he dealt with Mike is not a breach of the agreement.

Once in the jungle, the body can't help itself ...

Mike's eyes were gloomy, but after looking down and seeing Clark eating milk while curiously sizing him up, the gloom in his eyes instantly disappeared and a gentle smile appeared on his face.

But in the next second, the smile on his face froze.

This child ... pooped.