
The Fated System

[On a small hiatus for university finals, chapters will return by April 26th!] In the mystical world of Houndouria, magic and power are intricately woven into the fabric of society, dominated by the intricate bonds and contracts with devils, fey, and the forces of nature. "The Fated System" follows the story of Jared, a young man from Earth who, after a heroic and untimely death, is reborn in the body of a 13-year-old in this enigmatic realm and must fight to survive... but with the help of a unique system he realizes he can do much more than survive.

Jeweled_Rose · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Varex's Duel 1

The next morning everyone went to Professor Falis' class, buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming duel. The atmosphere in the classroom is electric with excitement, and students are actively discussing their predictions and opinions about the duel and the contenders.

As they entered Professor Falis's homeroom, Kendell, Celia, and Coli were immediately enveloped in the lively chatter of their classmates, all discussing the upcoming duel to determine who would become Professor Valex's pupil. The duel, a hot topic, had everyone debating the past two days.

"I heard Kendell's been training non-stop for this," whispered one student. "After seeing his performance in the combat practice, I wouldn't be surprised if he took the top spot."

"Yeah, but don't count out Celia Dargonov," another chimed in. "She's got some serious moves, and those body enhancement rituals of hers are no joke."

"And what about Corgin? He's got that family legacy behind him, supposedly he has some sort of ritual tattoo already," a third student added, eyes wide with the thrill of the gossip.

Coli, overhearing the conversations, nudged Kendell and Celia. "Looks like you both are the talk of the class."

Celia grinned with a mix of excitement and nerves. "I guess it's all or nothing now."

Kendell nodded, his expression focused. "Let's just do our best."

Professor Falis, sensing the rising excitement in the room, clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright, everyone! It's time to head to the arena for the duel. This is not only a chance to showcase your skills but also a learning opportunity for the rest of you."

The students quickly filed out of the classroom, heading towards the arena with a buzz of anticipation. The arena itself was a grand structure, the stands surrounding the central platform where the duels would take place. Spectators filled the seats, creating a vibrant, almost palpable atmosphere of expectancy.

As Kendell, Celia, and Coli took their places, they could feel the weight of the eyes upon them, as they were all among the duelists. They surveyed the arena, noting its size and layout, mentally preparing themselves for the challenge ahead.

Professor Valex stood at the center of the arena, his presence commanding attention. "Welcome to the duel to determine my pupils for this year's competition," he announced, his voice booming across the arena. "This will be a display of skill, strategy, and the effective use of body enhancement rituals."

"Please remember that you are only allowed to use Body Enhancement Rituals for this competition, I will be watching closely to see all of your techniques."

"Kendell, Celia, Riven, Coli, Slalia, and Corgin please step forward."

All the students stepped forward, all seemingly confident and ready for the fight.

As the contenders lined up, facing their competitors. The tension was thick, each participant was focused and ready.

"Here is how the duels will go, it will be three one-on-one duels, after which the final three contestants will fight in a one-on-one-on-one duel where the first to tap out or be knocked unconscious loses. The remaining two will be my pupils and continue to fight for the role of top pupil."

"As agreed, the first duels will be one-on-one, and only body enhancement rituals are allowed. No lethal force is to be used," Professor Valex continued, laying out the rules. "The first match will be between Coli and Riven."

Coli stepped forward, his mind racing with strategies. Riven, a known skilled combatant, was not an opponent to be underestimated. Coli knew he had to rely on his agility and tactical thinking to outmaneuver him, just like Kendell did in his fight against Riven.

As Professor Valex signaled the start of the duel, the arena fell silent, all eyes fixed on the two combatants. Coli could feel his heart pounding, adrenaline coursing through his veins. This was more than just a duel; it was a chance to prove himself, to show his growth and potential.

The first clash was imminent as the first match, Coli versus Riven, commenced with a palpable tension in the air. Both contestants circled each other, eyes locked, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Coli, slightly less experienced in dueling but agile and quick-witted, needed to rely on his speed to dodge Riven's initial advances.

Riven, confident and powerful, activated his Form Demon 1 tattoo, his body swelling with increased muscle mass and a faint, intimidating aura with the horns on his head bumped out with a very faint golden glow. He lunged towards Coli, his movements a blend of raw power and honed technique.

Coli responded by activating his own Form Demon 1, drawing the ritual in the air his body began morphing into a more agile, streamlined form as the bumps on his head grew and mirrored Riven's. He skillfully dodged Riven's attacks, weaving through the air with an impressive display of acrobatics.

The crowd cheered and gasped in unison as the duel unfolded, both participants showcasing their mastery of body enhancement rituals. Coli, despite his agility, found it challenging to land a solid hit on Riven, who countered each attempt with seasoned expertise.

After several intense minutes of back and forth, Riven managed to corner Coli, delivering a powerful blow that sent Coli staggering back. The impact was significant, but Coli, resilient and determined, quickly regained his footing.

In a surprising turn of events, Coli used his enhanced speed to create distance between himself and Riven, then, with a burst of speed, he charged, landing a solid hit on Riven. The strike was precise, targeting a weak spot that Coli had identified during the duel.

Riven, caught off guard, lost his balance and stumbled, giving Coli the opportunity to follow up with a series of swift strikes. The crowd erupted in cheers as Coli displayed a level of skill and strategy that surpassed expectations.

"GO COLI!" Kendell and Celia cheered, this was the first time they had seen Coli fight and he was doing incredible!

The duel reached its climax when Coli, in a bold move, executed a daring maneuver that caught Riven completely by surprise. He feinted to the left, then quickly darted to the right, delivering a decisive blow that should have sent Riven to the ground.

However, Riven had learned from his previous duel against Kendell and wouldn't be taken off guard that easily. As Coli approached Riven feigned surprise, before deftly moving to the side and jabbing Coli in the ribs.

Coli fell over and gasped for breath at the sudden hit. As he struggled to get up, it was clear that Riven had won the duel. In a finishing move, Riven landed a few more jabs on the recovering Coli.

Coli tapped out, and the arena burst into applause, the spectators impressed by Riven's sudden recovery and unexpected victory.

Professor Valex, observing the duel with keen interest, nodded in approval. "Well done, Riven. You've shown great improvement and ingenuity from your combat exercise. Coli, you fought well, but remember, anticipation and adaptation are key in combat. Even when you think you are about to win you must stay alert."

With the conclusion of the first match, the excitement in the arena reached a new peak. The next duel, Kendell versus Slalia, promised to be just as thrilling, if not more. The participants took their positions, the air thick with anticipation for the next display of ritualistic prowess.

Kendell stepped forward, his mind clear and focused. He knew Slalia's reputation as a formidable duelist, and he was prepared to use every skill and tactic at his disposal. This was more than a duel; it was a test of his growth, his mastery of the rituals he had learned, and his ability to adapt under pressure in a real duel.

Professor Valex raised an arm, and as he swung it down he announced, "Begin!"