
The Fated System

[On a small hiatus for university finals, chapters will return by April 26th!] In the mystical world of Houndouria, magic and power are intricately woven into the fabric of society, dominated by the intricate bonds and contracts with devils, fey, and the forces of nature. "The Fated System" follows the story of Jared, a young man from Earth who, after a heroic and untimely death, is reborn in the body of a 13-year-old in this enigmatic realm and must fight to survive... but with the help of a unique system he realizes he can do much more than survive.

Jeweled_Rose · Fantasy
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52 Chs

The Library, Again 2

Kendell damn near jumped out of his skin in shock. He had been so absorbed in reading and understanding this new form of ritual he hadn't heard about that he forgot about the demon that could speak into his head.

'Oh um ok.' he mentally replied before picking up the book next to his left hand.

The book was labeled, 'Body Morphing Rituals, The Endless'.

Kendell gingerly opened the book, his heart racing with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. The cover, adorned with intricate symbols and a faintly shimmering emblem, seemed to pulse with hidden power. As he flipped through the pages, he found detailed descriptions of the various demon forms that could be called in the body morphing rituals for a race of demons called 'The Endless'.

The book was divided into sections, each detailing a different demon, their unique abilities, and the specific terms of the contract required for the morphing ritual. The Endless seemed to be known for their ability to manipulate their surroundings and blending with various elements.

Kendell's eyes were drawn to a section about a demon known as Skarlix, renowned for its ability to manipulate shadows and darkness. Skarlix's power would grant the user enhanced stealth capabilities, perfect for Kendell's preference for subterfuge and illusion-based tactics.

"This could be it," Kendell whispered to himself. "The ability to blend into shadows, to move unseen... Skarlix's power could give me the edge I need, but I wonder if there is any strength here."

A picture of Skarlix was drawn in some sort of magical ink that seemed to almost animate her appearance.

The figure was tall and imposing, Skarlix's form is a study in contrasts - simultaneously present and elusive, like a wisp of smoke that refuses to be grasped. Its body, if it can be called that, seems to be made of a swirling, ever-shifting mass of shadows that twirl into a serpent-like lower body. These shadows ripple and flow around its form, constantly moving and changing, never allowing a clear, definitive look at what lies beneath.

Skarlix's face, partially obscured by the dark veil of its own making, is a haunting visage. Two glowing eyes, reminiscent of smoldering coals, burn from within the shadowy shroud, radiating a sense of intelligence and malevolent intent. They seem to flicker and dance, as if alive with the flames of the underworld.

Long, slender hands extend from the formless mass, each finger ending in a talon-like nail that gleams with an unnatural sheen. These hands look as if they move with an elegant, almost mesmerizing grace, conducting the shadows around Skarlix as if orchestrating a silent, dark symphony.

He read on, learning about the precise ritual symbols and phrases needed to invoke Skarlix's power. The contract terms were steep, as expected, demanding a portion of the user's life force- it seemed that for each second that the form was used, five seconds would be taken off of his life.

However, Kendell felt a rush of excitement at the prospect. The power to control shadows would complement his existing abilities and give him an unprecedented advantage in both combat and espionage.

Beneath the general description of Skarlix's abilities, there was a list of possible forms and the rituals to morph into each.

Skarlix had three forms that could be used:

Shadow Serpent:

Gain the ability to shift into the snake-like form of Skarlix that can utilize the mobility of the shadows and slip between cracks or move in complete silence. You gain advanced speed and dexterity in this form.

This form also allows you to grow fangs that drip with shadow-touched venom to plunge your foes into an endless nightmare that shows their deepest fears. While they are in this state you can watch as a spectator in their dreams to witness the events that unfold.

Shadow Assassin:

You gain the veil of Skarlix and gain her slender, talon-clawed, shadowy arms. You can place your body into the shadows of objects or creatures and remain there till you wish to emerge. The only condition is their shadow must stay while you do this or you will be immediately expunged from their shadow and your form will end.

This form also allows you to conjure blade-like talons from your hands that are dipped in shadow-touched venom. These talons are harder than steel and are retractable. The person poisoned by this venom will continuously lose the ability to move their body till they become paralyzed unless they go into sunlight within 30 seconds. Once paralyzed, as soon as they are touched by sunlight they are cured.

Shadow Sovereign:

You gain the cloak of Skarlix, the enveloping night grants you dominion over shadows. You are able to craft the very shadow around you into any form of weapon or object. Within a 30-meter radius, you can manipulate the shadows directly and form objects or creations at will, however, you are able to shoot, throw, or leave your objects anywhere within a 120-meter radius of yourself.

You are able to imbue these objects with more or less shadows to control their density, as well as the higher mastery over this form you have- the greater the amount of shadows you can create. You also possess the ability to cover the entire 30 meters around you in darkness and summon a pocket of night. It will last for 10 minutes after use and it will eat away at an extra portion of your life force.

With a deep breath, Kendell decided to copy each of the rituals into his system. The pain was going to be immense, but this power was incredibly worth it.

'This was exactly what I needed! Not only does this give me powerful two forms to use in combat, but it also gives me a form for infiltration and stealing information for Azmoth too. I get why Azmoth guided me here.'

He mentally instructed the system to absorb the information, feeling a surge of energy as the details of each morphing ritual were etched into his mind and onto his body.


[ Ritual Circle Detected: Would you like to place this tattoo on your body and sync? ]


'Yes. Please engrave all three of the rituals in front of me.'


[ Where would you like to begin engraving the tattoos? ]


'Engrave the first onto my upper left thigh, the second onto my left shoulder, and the final one onto my left abdomen.'

Kendell bit down so hard his mouth began to fill with blood. This wasn't just another ritual; it was a pact with a powerful demon, a step deeper into a world of shadows and secrets. The pain was immense as all three tattoos began to engrave themselves at the same time. 

Kendell fought the waves of pain and held on to everything that he had, trying his best to not pass out. 

He began to dig his nails into his palms to try and distract himself from the pain, the pressure was so immense he pierced his skin and blood began to drip onto the floor.

Finally, all at once the waves began to recede, and Kendell stood there. Shaking and near tears amidst a small puddle of his own blood.


[ Body Morphing Ritual, Skarlix's Serpent Form: Current Mastery | 1 ]



[ Body Morphing Ritual, Skarlix's Assassin Form: Current Mastery | 1 ]



[ Body Morphing Ritual, Skarlix's Sovereign Form: Current Mastery | 1 ]


With a shaky smile, he closed the book, his thoughts were interrupted by Azmoth's voice resonating in his mind.

"A wise choice, human. Skarlix's power suits you. But remember, with great power comes great risk. Be wary of how deep you delve into the darkness."

Kendell nodded silently, acknowledging the warning. He knew the path he was on was fraught with pain, but the allure of power and the need to grow stronger drove him forward.

With the book safely placed back on the shelf, Kendell left the library, his mind abuzz with the possibilities that Skarlix's power would open up. He needed to find a way to test them out without anyone watching.

As he stepped out into the cool night air, Kendell felt the pulsing of his new tattoos. The seal of the Deceiver on his hand pulsed softly as it shifted and swirled, a constant reminder of the pact he had made.

With a determined stride, Kendell headed back to his dormitory, the night seemed darker, the shadows deeper, but Kendell Hecrule was no longer a mere spectator in this world of magic and intrigue. He was now a part of it, armed with the power of the shadows and the cunning of a demon.

He was no longer just a student of Tilanaz Academy; he was now a player in a much larger, more dangerous game.