
The Fated System

[On a small hiatus for university finals, chapters will return by April 26th!] In the mystical world of Houndouria, magic and power are intricately woven into the fabric of society, dominated by the intricate bonds and contracts with devils, fey, and the forces of nature. "The Fated System" follows the story of Jared, a young man from Earth who, after a heroic and untimely death, is reborn in the body of a 13-year-old in this enigmatic realm and must fight to survive... but with the help of a unique system he realizes he can do much more than survive.

Jeweled_Rose · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Celia's Secret

In the History / Languages of Rituals class, the anticipation was tangible as Kendell, Celia, and Coli readied themselves for their presentations.

Professor Eldrin addressed the class with an encouraging tone. "Today, we delve into the unique research each of you has conducted. This is not just an exercise in public speaking but an opportunity to showcase your understanding of ritualistic history and language," she explained, her eyes sweeping across the eager faces.

She continued, "Each of you will present in turn. Be clear, concise, and ready to answer any questions about your topic. Remember, the key here is to connect your research to the broader context of ritual magic."

With a nod from Professor Eldrin, Kendell stood up, feeling the eyes of his classmates on him. Clearing his throat, he began confidently, "Today, I'll discuss the profound impact of celestial alignments on ancient rituals. Historically, these alignments were seen as gateways to immense power."

Kendell then showed a display of ancient drawings of star formations. "For instance, the Lyran alignment was believed to amplify healing rituals. Its appearance in the sky was considered a time of rejuvenation."

A classmate raised her hand. "How did these alignments affect the rituals exactly?"

Kendell replied, "Great question. Alignments like these were thought to channel cosmic energies. Ritualists would time their spells to coincide with these celestial events, believing it would enhance their magic's potency."

Professor Eldrin nodded approvingly, "Interesting perspective, Kendell. It highlights the importance of understanding the natural world in ritual magic."

Kendell's talk on celestial alignments drew a link between the cosmos and ritual power, delving into other historical examples where alignments significantly enhanced rituals. He described how ancient ritualists used the stars' positions to predict and harness energy with ritual circles, engaging the class with his analysis of these alignments' effects on spell potency.

He chose this as his presentation to try and throw off all the other students from what his true focus was, that way he could use surprise to his advantage in his duel with Leon and the others.

Coli then took the stage, presenting his research on the evolution of curse rituals.

"Today, I'll be taking you through the fascinating evolution of curse rituals." He started with ancient civilizations, explaining how early curses were often simple but steeped in superstition and fear. "In ancient Hounduria, for instance, curses were inscribed on tombs to protect the dead from robbers."

Moving forward in time, he showed how curses became more sophisticated, tying them to societal and cultural developments. "During the Early Magic Ages, curses were often linked to witchcraft and seen as a tool of the devil."

Coli then brought up a famous historical curse, the 'Curse of the Quiet,' believed to afflict those who disturbed the graves of the dead in Ancient Hounduria "This curse, though largely a myth, shows how curses can grip the public imagination and have real psychological effects."

"The story goes that each individual who would disturb a grave that held a person that was mummified, which was the fashion for the era, would be cursed based on a circle drawn on the mummies to never speak again."

Coli delved into the specifics of this ritual and how it came about, even though historians still debate whether or not the ritual was true witchcraft or if it was folk tales to made people stay away from graves during a period of grave robbery.

Their presentations set a high standard, showcasing their deepening understanding and passion for ritual magic. The rest of the students continued after that, and each student brought their unique perspective and insights helping all of them learn about all the rituals and ritual types that exist.

The class buzzed with discussions and questions, the presentations sparking curiosity and interest among them.

Coli and Kendell looked at each other in excitement and grinned. It was finally Celia's turn! She had been so secretive about this entire process so they have been dying to know what ritual she chose.

Celia walked down to the stage and placed two small wooden beams on the ground.

"My presentation is not only on a historical ritual but on one that I personally know how to use."

The students all looked around a little astonished, typically these rituals to be called historic had to be hundreds of years old!

"My family has a technique that was passed down generation after generation to enhance ourselves and make a name for our family out on the battlefield as I am sure most of you know."

She then turned and rolled up the right sleeve of her uniform revealing a small tattoo that looked similar to a yin-yang tattoo with another layer of runes around the outside.

"This tattoo is the Dargonov family heirloom and is used to cast another body enhancement ritual at a higher mastery than the owner possesses." She grins as the class's collective jaw drops at this news, "And as part of my demonstration let me show you how it works."

Demonstrating her initial power, Celia enters Form Demon 1, showcased by her small horns and slight golden hue around her body.

"Watch," She said as she walked over to the board on the right and punched it into the ground. It left a small, but sizable, dent in the wood, and splinters were sticking out around the dent.

Then she puts her hands together and ritual energy flows towards her. The golden glow goes out temporarily before the tattoo on her right shoulder begins to glow, and as it does her golden hue returns even brighter and her horns grow a few inches, beginning to have a slight curve to them.

She then walked to the left board and punched it into the ground. 


The board was obliterated and splinters flew around the room. The blow had gone through the wood and into the floor, slightly denting it.

The demonstration left the class in awe, and murmurs could be heard over the vast silence in the room.

'That's why she is the class rep huh.'

'Holy shit she's a beast, I pray for all the others who have to fight her in the duel in a few days. She might kill them!'

'We just got to witness a Dragonov family technique up close! Wow!'

Coli and Kendell were shocked, to think their friend was hiding this much potential!

'Shit if only I could see that tattoo up close, the system would be able to recognize it and I could copy it. That technique is so strong if I could combine it with the technique from Professor Varex and my Form Demon 1 it would be even stronger.' Kendell thought with a grin, 'Maybe I can get a closer look at study hall later...'

"Ken why the hell are you grinning again, don't you realize you have to fight her like this? Or are you being masochistic again and are excited about it you freak," Coli rolled his eyes as Celia walked back to her seat next to them and shot them both a prideful look from finally showing her friends her true strength.