
The Fated System

[On a small hiatus for university finals, chapters will return by April 26th!] In the mystical world of Houndouria, magic and power are intricately woven into the fabric of society, dominated by the intricate bonds and contracts with devils, fey, and the forces of nature. "The Fated System" follows the story of Jared, a young man from Earth who, after a heroic and untimely death, is reborn in the body of a 13-year-old in this enigmatic realm and must fight to survive... but with the help of a unique system he realizes he can do much more than survive.

Jeweled_Rose · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Golden Demon

Where Professor Varex once stood, now a formidable golden demon loomed, radiating a terrifying presence. Its face, akin to a ghastly mask, was twisted into an expression of sinister intent, almost as if it were sentient with malevolence.

The body of the demon shimmered with a golden aura, casting ominous and shifting shadows throughout the classroom. Towering horns, majestic and intimidating, curled upward from its head, glowing with their own ethereal light, adding to its daunting appearance.

The air around it seemed charged with an unspoken power, leaving the students in awe and fear- unsure of what to feel.

With one glance over the students, they all felt a horrible chill creep down their spine. It was incredibly apparent that whatever this thing was it could kill them if it wanted to.

The demon moved with a deliberate, slow grace, its every step echoing with power. Its eyes glowed with a fierce intensity, fixating on the wall where the small dent the professor made from his Form Demon 1 a few classes ago was. Without warning, it flicked the wall with a deceptively gentle touch. The impact resonated like thunder, a giant crack spreading across the entirety of the back wall, webbing out in all directions.

The students gasped in shock, their eyes wide with a mixture of fear and fascination. The demon, having demonstrated its might, slowly returned to the center of the room. In a flash of blinding light, the demon form vanished, revealing Professor Varex once again.

The professor's demonstration left the students speechless.

"I apologize for any confusion that might have brought, however, I assume you all understand the power of that ability," He then began to explain further, "That was a result of combining the mastered Form Demon 1 technique and the mastery of my personal Body Enhancement Ritual."

"By amplifying the effects of Form Demon 1 the demonic power from that ritual forms a protective and strengthening barrier around my body that not only grants me a decent level of protection but amplifies my strength in Form Demon 1 tenfold," as if proving what he said was true he pointed to the wall where the large crack had spread across its entirety.

"If any of you have heard of the legendary 'Golden Demon' that fought for our country in the Ganalaian War, back when your parents most likely would have fought, that was me." He paused and grinned as some of the students sat there shocked and others whispered about the fabled hero.

"Celia, have you heard of him before?" Whispered Kendell, with no clear knowledge of this person since he has lived in this world for little more than a month.

"You haven't? It is said that the battle that turned the tide in the Ganalaian War, the one that fought off the invasion from Shelina, was the Sharinhiem Conflict, and it let us begin pushing them back." She said while staring at the professor without even turning toward Kendell.

"Whoa, and what part did he play in the fight?"

She turned and looked straight into Kendell's eyes, "His squad was all killed in an ambush, but he alone survived and singlehandedly killed the remaining 47 other magic users barehanded. That is why he's a legend."

Kendell's eyes went wide and he looked back at the professor with a new perspective, '47 PEOPLE? How does someone even do that by themselves, I know that magic we just felt was strong and the aura was almost deadly alone- but I have to imagine that the masters of magical arts of other nations should be on par with our professor if not on par at least close enough that five or so could take him on.'

Then a thought appeared that shook him out of his daze and forced a grin onto his face, 'At least I was able to get the tattoo of his ritual while everyone was distracted.'


[ Body Enhancement Ritual, Golden Demon's Enhancement: Current Mastery | 1 ]


'And since it doesn't rely on its own magical strength, just the strength of your other rituals, the burden to have it engraved wasn't bad at all'

"Ken, why are you grinning like that, you gonna try and learn his ritual or something? What I just said should scare you not encourage you, Houndoria all mighty you are so right Coli he is a masochist," muttered Celia while shaking her head in disappointment and Coli couldn't help but laugh.

Kendell just rolled his eyes and focused back on the lesson at hand, 'Little do they know I do have it, guess if even Celia seems doubtful anyone could use it I need to make sure I don't use it too quickly.'

The professor was still discussing some of the effects of the ritual when Kendell tuned back in, "And while the transformation was an immense show of power please remember it more so as the potential you can achieve by mastering and merging different ritual techniques."

"I know you are all currently beginning to work on your first unique ritual circle in How to Create a Ritual Circle with Professor Elarion so when you are doing this keep in mind how you can utilize that circle with your fighting style for the Royal Rally."

"You should also make sure what you make can be easily modified as you learn more, for instance, mine began as a basic ritual circle similar to what you are doing now. I was able to add more layers as I learned more and specified my fighting style over the years."

The students all nodded and wrote down notes as he spoke, this kind of knowledge was key as they were still developing all their skills.

'Hmm I was originally making my circle to specifically counter Leon's Fey magic, but maybe I need to rethink how it will work and make the circle more for my overall style. I wonder if I can set something up to give me complete protection while I set up all my rituals instead, then even if Leon can summon his Fey early I can have time to perform my own rituals to counterattack.' Kendell went into overdrive trying to figure out how to maximize his base circle to go with his overall illusionist style.

"After classes are over today we need to rethink a lot of our preparations, want to meet at our usual spot in the study hall?" Kendell asked his two teammates.

They nodded, both determined to try and make their circles better as well after the demonstration.