That day prince george was thinking about that smell.He cant help himself to stop thinking about that smell.
The scent of the smell is somewhat special,so he cant even get his mind off of that smell.
Prince george was a womanizer. He's very strict emperor of his kingdom.He is the king, with great willpower and he cannot defeated.
He's a tough guy, his childhood was a nightmare because he dont know his mother and he left his father.
prince george's uncle named "william" a cruel one.He seperated george from his father at his childhood.William told that his father killed george's mother and ran away with a women.
So, from the childhood he hated his father because of his mother's death. And uncle william (the minister)who dares to do cruel things to save his power and position in the kingdom.Prince george's mind was totally controlled and ruled by his uncle william. He poluted george's mind with women and other bad activities.
So,in the kingdom nobody dares to go against william.Because prince george gave more importance to william and he gave his father position to william in his heart.
William raised george and ofcourse he trained him to be a great ruler of the world.Prince george's a alcoholic.
He spent every night with women around him.But today its different.He is not at all interested in women now.
Prince george's heart was glancing and he wants to find that lady. This is his first time to think about a lady like this.
He cant even recognize her face but he's so attached to her smell and her touch.
He was like mesmerized when he thinks about her.Because,the touch with her soft and smooth hand was tingling and feeling warm to him.
Prince george always thinks about her so he cant even spend time with other women.So he decided to know about her and very anxiety to see her again.
so george sent some of his soldiers to the place where he first met her.He assigned them to find the lady. He said ,"Bring her to me with all the respect and do not touch her at all"(with base voice).
Then in ocean, melissa thinking about prince.she was in dilemma and asking her friend "fish", What to do,
i want to see him again,
what if he really saw me like this?(with sad expression).,"Melissa they're humans they dont have any kind of affections,you better get ridoff his thoughts from your mind.Humans are selfish.They'll kill you".he said.
But Melissa ignored him and said when there is a good there is a little bad too.(she said).
",aggghghhhhh melissaa, aghhh"
You wont listen to anybody if your decided to(,hopelessly).
So, melissa decided to leave the ocean.And want to see the prince.Melissa started behaving weird and all time talking to herself and singing songs .
Sea god worried alot about her,because she is naive and innocent. sea god loves melissa alot. so seagod and melissa's friends thinks that she is weird.
But her sister rubina found out that her sister melissa was about to something suspicious.So rubina appointed sea horse (rubina's friend)to follow her all the time and to keep an eye on her friends.
So sea horse started to follow melissa and her friends,and at time to time sea horse informs everything about where melissa going and what they're doing.
Description: hi friends, i'd hope you enjoyed my little mermaid story. so, our mermaid come to prince world.Let's see what happens next. please do support me and encourage me to improve my novel.
THANK YOU,,,,,,,❤️.