
1 Sierra's Daily Morning Routine

The sun hasn't risen yet when a loud rooster alarm sounded in a poorly-lit small room inside a plain house of a 5-member family. A slight movement and a dim light from a phone came on.

The time indicated was exactly 4 in the morning.

Sierra Lee quietly got up from her bed before suddenly stopping. Her mother would nag at her again if she didn't pray and read her scriptures. Somehow, she can detect if I'm lying about doing it. After a small prayer, she opened her scriptures, read some verses and began her day.

The first thing in the morning is not washing her face but to read novels online. She is a wide reader but especially loves reading online. She sees the world of other people and the difference in those lives and hers.

Sierra Lee started reading her type of stories—romance with a hint of adventure. Although Sierra reads this kind of stuff, you would never be able to guess but she is a person who avoids any romance, adventures and anything that would cause something unexpected.

After reading, she would set off to take a bath while playing music in the bathroom. Sierra believes that taking a bath doesn't need to be so meticulous and take only 5-8 minutes everyday. Today, she only took less than 5 minutes, feeling especially out of life.

Then, she would either eat alone or usually have a quiet meal with the family. Today, she ate her meal alone while her family were doing their own things. Of course, her mother did not forget to nag.

"Sierra, you didn't read your scriptures nor prayed again, didn't you? This is why you don't progress. This is why you are lacking in faith and have a bad personality. It's because you don't start your day right. If only you do what I say, then maybe you'd be a better person." Sierra's mother, Celine, nags.

Obviously her mother is a religious person.

Sierra can only keep her mouth shut cause to live a quiet and plain life, society says you must not talk back in any way to your parents.

Then finally, yes, she's at least excited, she's off to another 2-hour ride commute and a 10-hour plain life in school. School is still better than a noisy house right?

Thus, Sierra's daily morning routine ends there for today.

Well, this is just some intro and I was just venting my feelings through writing when I wrote this. And also, I'm sorry for setting the mood of the first chapter too dull. This is a realistic fiction and it will also contain some romance. Also, this is my first time writing. Anyways, welcome to my first story. Thank you for picking this garbage up. Loveyouall.

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