
The fate: Babysitter

Aiko moves to Konoha looking for a job and becomes a babysitter for Naruto. But what happens when she meets a certain man who is the brother of Sasuke, Naruto’s best friend. Read to find out.. - This story contains sexual content. - I do not own any of the Naruto characters. They all belong to the rightful owner. - This story will not follow the plot of the anime/manga. - Modern AU. - I own the storyline.

https_alfx · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Overprotective brother

[ Aiko's POV ]

Itachi and I were both lying on the couch. I was lying across it with a book in my hand. And he was lying on his side reading as well. Sasuke and Naruto were at school and Itachi got the week off before his next semester starts.

It was really, really silent but it was comfortable silence. I decided I got bored so I chose to irritate Itachi. I started by shifting a lot but he didn't care, he just continued reading. So I decided to go with plan B, I turned to face him and stared at him as he lifted his eyes up, looking into mine with a light smile, going back to read.

So I acted like a child and tried peaking over his book curiously. He just chuckled and put his arm around me so we both could read. Plan failed! I then turned my face and nuzzled it into his hair as he started to laugh. "I am guessing you are bored."

I pouted nodding slowly as he laughed. "Why don't you get irritated when I try to irritate you?", I asked as he laughed again at my question. "Because I love you and it's cute."

My eyes widened as my smile brightened. "I love you too!", I said with a cheesy grin as I lunged forward, smashing my lips into his warm soft ones and pulling away with a cheeky grin (Uh.. well.. I don't know anything 🤷‍♀️).

We both got up and headed to have lunch. After making lunch and eating it, we sat and watched some anime until it was time for school to finish. We both put our shoes on and headed to pick up Naruto and Sasuke.

(A/N: By the way, the reason Aiko is a psychologist is because rather than let someone to read people that barely show emotion than someone who is trained to read people...)

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[ Aiko's POV ]

I woke up early this morning because my phone started ringing. It was a call from none other than my best friend Sasori. "Hey, little brat!"

"Shut up, baka. I am not the brat, you are!"

"Still behaving like a brat, I see."

"I missed you too, Sasori."

"Anyway, I called you because I wanted to get some desserts at this new bakery near my house and we could watch some movies."

"I see, well we haven't hung out in a while so I don't see why not."

"And is it fine if I bring one of my friends? I haven't seen him in a long time too, he is always busy with his girlfriend."

"Yeah, that's okay.", I answered awkwardly.

"Well, then see you later, brat."

"You too, dumbass."

"Love you."

"Love you too, bye.", I smiled to myself and called up my other favorite man in the world.

"Hey, love...", he answered sweetly.

"Hey sweetie pie, whatcha up to?"

"Nothing really, I will be busy this evening with some friends so just a heads up."

"It's okay, I have found my self in the same situation.", I said chuckling.

"Well then, I got to go. Chat later, love you."

"Okay, looking forward to it. Love you too...bye."

- - - - -

[ Itachi's POV ]

Well, my morning started well seeing as I got a call from Aiko. I have to get ready to meet one of my friends later, Sasuke and Naruto have school. I wonder if I will see Aiko at school...sure hope so. I text her just in case.

She will be there to pick Naruto up at two so I won't be able to see her because Sasuke has guitar lessons today. I head to drop Sasuke off at school and afterwards, I head home to wait for Sasori.

- - - - -

[ Aiko's POV ]

I put on a black jumpsuit with some stilettos and a fancy black jacket with some shades. I dropped Naruto off a while ago and I had some lunch while waiting for Sasori.

As I head to the dining hall, I hear a hooting sound and go to check it out...it's Sasori, all right! I see all the art all over his car. All those 'puppet master' designs on the body of his car with the red rims and matt black exterior.

I get in and see him in the front seat and in the passenger seat is...Itachi?! "Hello, Sasori and...um Itachi.", I suddenly get a text.

Itaita ^_^ -

Wait, it was you all along? Does he know we are a thing?

Aiko <3 -

No! What are we going to tell him...do we pretend to be friends or come out clean?

Itaita ^_^ -

I will tell him, you don't have to worry. If it comes to that, I will say I wanted to keep us a secret.

Aiko <3 -

You don't have to do that, I will take the blame. I know him longer, it's my fault for not telling him.

Itaita ^_^ -

Not if I tell him first!

- - - - -

[ Author's POV ]

"Hey, Sasori!", Itachi says quickly.

"Yes, Itachi?..."

"Aiko and I are...babysitting Naruto and Sasuke together sometimes."

"I see...", Sasori said awkwardly as Aiko visibly face palmed in the backseat.

"What he means to say is...", Aiko started just as Sasori braked harshly.

"What is it with you two?"

"Well, we are dating...", Aiko said as Sasori sighed in relief.

"So, I take it she is the girlfriend...Itachi?", Sasori said pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Well, I wish you many years of happiness.", Sasori continued.

"So, you are not mad?", Aiko questioned.

"I respect you enough to know you would make the right choices...however, Itachi...tread carefully, this is my little sister.", Aiko smiled reaching over from the backseat hugging Sasori.

"Thank you so much.", she whispered smiling in content as Sasori eventually hugged her back smiling softly.

- - - - -

[ Aiko's POV ]

We arrived at the bakery and had some crepe cakes and cheesecake, we also bought some to take home because Itachi thought Naruto would enjoy it.

We all headed back to pick up Naruto and Sasuke then got home to watch movies. Sasori decided we watch a marvel movie and he said that Ironman was the best because of the puppets he built, I had to convince him that they weren't puppets but instead just suits but he didn't agree and told me I sound like Deidara.

We all eventually got hungry and decided to have dinner and I begged Sasori to stay and eat with us. We ordered pizza and watched one more movie before deciding to call it a night.

Sasori took Itachi and Sasuke home and I took Naruto upstairs to get ready for bed when Naruto asked me something.

"Aiko, do you think I can be a mayor?", as I smiled patting his head softly.

"Of course Naruto, you make everyone happy even when things are bad. You try to cheer them up, you will surely keep the town's people happy.", he smiled nodding slowly as I hugged him closely.

"Can I sleep in your room today, Aiko?", he asked me smiling softly.

"Of course, Naruto."


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[ Aiko's POV ]

It was the Friday before Mother's Day and I was really feeling bad for Naruto because everyone would be talking about their mothers and Naruto didn't have one.

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[ Itachi's POV ]

This morning Sasuke told me that his school was doing Mother's Day cards and he asked how would he write to mom. "We could call her on a video call and you could show her."

Sasuke smiled as he giggled running towards me for a hug which I returned smiling too. I lifted him in to the air spinning around as he started laughing.

- - - - -

[ Naruto's POV ]

I woke up to a smell...a smell of something baking. I jumped out of bed, brushed my teeth and had a shower. As I was walking downstairs, I see Aiko with a bunch of different pastries, cakes and pancakes all over the table.

She smiled at me as she pointed out the food before me and my smile brightened. "What do you want to have first?"

"Everything!", I giggled as she smiled brightly bringing the pastries first as we both started eating hungrily.


- - - - -

[ Sasuke's POV ]

We had to make cards for our mothers and I decided to make two...one for Mother and one for Aiko.

Mother hasn't been here because she has been busy with father and in that time, the closest I had to a mother figure was Aiko. She even makes tomatoes for me like a mother. I wanted to surprise her by giving her this card.

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[ Naruto's POV ]

I miss my mom, I used to go to the park with her on Mother's Day and we would have a picnic and sing funny songs together and I would make her toast because it was the only thing I could make but dad would help me.

This morning though I never saw her like every other year but I saw someone who also cared for me like a mother. Who wanted me to smile despite the sad memories and so I will write this card to Aiko. I am truly not alone, I have Aiko, Itachi and Sasuke.

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Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims out there! I am really sorry for updating late, haha.

Enjoy tho!
