
The fate: Babysitter

Aiko moves to Konoha looking for a job and becomes a babysitter for Naruto. But what happens when she meets a certain man who is the brother of Sasuke, Naruto’s best friend. Read to find out.. - This story contains sexual content. - I do not own any of the Naruto characters. They all belong to the rightful owner. - This story will not follow the plot of the anime/manga. - Modern AU. - I own the storyline.

https_alfx · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Family outings


[ Aiko's POV ]

Since Itachi and I are officially an item. We both decided to tell the boys though we aren't sure how they would react to it. We planned to take them to the carnival, that is opening today.

Naruto and Sasuke finished school so I picked him up and headed home, we both decided to get changed and wait for Itachi. He showed up and we got in the car ready to head to the carnival.

"Now everyone, I am aware that most people in this car, except for you Sasuke, have a sweet tooth so please do not over do the sweets, okay?", I said.

"Hey, I am not agreeing to that!", Itachi protested.

"Okay fine, but only because you are not a kid you know, but Naruto no overdoing the sweets."

"Okay.", he answered but I missed the evil glint in his eyes.

We arrived at the Carnival as I pulled Itachi aside. "Now, remember the best time to talk to a child is when they are happy."

"Aiko, they will be fine, I promise.", he said wrapping his arm around me.

"I hope so!", I said hopefully.

We decided to go and buy lunch, we each took our 'kids' to buy what ever lunch they wanted and agreed to meet at the eating area. We all met up and sat down to have a discussion.

[ Itachi's POV ]

"We have something to say to you both.", I said smiling slightly taking Aiko's hand in mine.

"We are together!", Aiko exclaimed.

"So? Isn't it obvious you all are sitting together?", Sasuke said confused.

"No Sasuke, like we are boyfriend and girlfriend."

"No way! This is Awesome!", Naruto said jumping up and down.

"Oh that's exciting, can I call you sis now?", Sasuke said smiling.

"Of course, that's wonderful!", Aiko said as my eyes widened slightly shocked at his reaction. This is perfect, she is perfect. The way she loves children and the way she cares, her feisty side, everything about her.

-TIME SKIPPY no Justu-

We decided to go and buy some sweets and I ended up with Naruto but he got tired so I carried him as Aiko walked around carrying Sasuke. Naruto pointed to a stall as I left with him to go and check it out, he pointed to a bag of candy.

"Naruto, you know Aiko said not too much candy."

"I know Ita, but please~", I sighed in defeat as I bought him not one but two bags of candy.

"Aww Ita, thank you!", he said hugging me as I chuckled. I walked back to Aiko.

"Oh hey, Itachi you- Is that two bags full of candy?"

"Um well, you see I-"

"You softy~"

"I am not!"

"Are too~"

"Okay, I am not a softy."

"Are too, Itachi~"

"Not for you~"

"Ewww Itachi, there are children around!", Aiko whisper screamed as I laughed at her reaction.

We headed to the enchanted gardens as we took pictures near the night lanterns before heading home. As I dropped Aiko and Naruto off.

"Goodnight, sweetheart.", I said.

"You too, dear.", she said smiling. As we kissed each other Goodnight and she headed inside. "Text you later!", she said before we left.

- - - - -

[ Aiko's POV ]

I was doing one of my daily reports on Naruto's progress when I got a call.

"Hey! Long time no see Aiko."

"I know, but when are you coming to visit, Kankuro?"

"That's why I called...I am pleased to let you know I will be visiting Konoha because father has some business with the mayor."

"That's great, maybe Naruto can finally meet Gaara."

"I think that would be wonderful!"

"So, when are you arriving?"

"Two days from today."

"That's great and you can finally meet my boyfriend."

"Oh I see, someone found love, well between you and me, you were always better in the romance department."

"That's because you never like to keep a girlfriend for long."

"Hey, my interests change with time."

"Haha, very funny."

"Is that what you told Sasha when Cloe found out you were dating both of them."

"That was one time, Aiko!"

"Uh-huh! You literally had them believing your lies."

"Haha, you can scold me later. Temari is calling me."

"Okay tell her I said hi, see you!"

"See you!"


[ Itachi' POV ]

Aiko called me over to meet her friends from Suna and she told me to bring Sasuke. I was quite excited to meet her friends so I was going to go over at about 12:00.

It's currently 9 am and I am so lazy to get out of bed, it's a Sunday and I have had lots of tests. I have been studying for and on some days, Aiko looks after Sasuke so I can study.

I will graduate in two months and my parents will be back in five months. Father's Day is coming up so I don't know how Sasuke will feel being away from father. I guess Aiko and I can do something to make the boys feel a little less alone.

Well, it's time to go and wake Sasuke up. We eventually get ready and head downstairs to have breakfast. I am wearing black baggy cargo pants with black combat boots, a baggy grey t-shirt and a black bomber jacket.

Sasuke is wearing a black jumper (like the one in the chunin exams yo!). For breakfast, I made some toast, eggs and sausage.

After that we headed to my car, I decided to use the orange Lamborghini.

- - - - -

We arrive at the house and head inside to meet Aiko and her friends. I receive a text on my phone and I check it.

Aiko <3 -

I saw this gorgeous guy outside, he wore full black and a bomber jacket looking like a whole meal!!!!!!!!

Itaita ^_^ -

Oh no! He definitely sounds like a threat, looks like I might have to fight him on this...first a ninja with crows and a Sharingan, now him.

Aiko <3 -

Oopsie.... (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

Itaita ^_^ -

It's okay, I will just have to use Susano'o...

Aiko <3 -

Oh, you have the Mangekyou Sharingan now?

Itaita ^_^ -

Yeah...got to fight for you.

Aiko <3 -

Awwwww, I am in the Kitchen by the way.

Itaita ^_^ -

Heading there ♥︎.

I walked into the kitchen with a smile on my face seeing Aiko looking so cute in an apron saying 'Kiss the chef' so I walked up to her and started peppering sweet kisses all over her face as she laughed.

"Oh, it's you the bomber jacket guy, better be careful I got a boyfriend."

"Is he dangerous?"

"Yeah, he got the Susano'o apparently."

"Would he mind if I do this?", I said as I kissed her.

"Or this?", another kiss.

"Maybe you should ask him.", Aiko said laughing.

We both started laughing as I helped her by carrying a massive Chocolate cake to the table. "You made all of this?", I asked her.

"Yep! So, you better enjoy it."

"You say it like that's difficult.", I answered with a grin as she smiled blushing cutely.

About half an hour later, a car arrives and three people get out, a guy with spikey brown hair, a girl with blonde hair and a little boy with red hair.

"Hey, Aiko!", the guy with brown hair said.

"Hey, Kankuro! This is Itachi, my boyfriend and Itachi, this is Kankuro, Temari and this cute little fella is Gaara.", Aiko said lifting Gaara into her arms.

"Hello, nice to meet you all.", I said with a small smile.

"You better not break Aiko's heart or I will cut you up and sell your hair on the black market!", the girl Temari said as I sweat dropped.

Aiko laughed awkwardly giving me an apologetic smile. "I will go get Naruto and Sasuke.", I said trying to leave the awkward silence.

I walked upstairs to Naruto's room as I stepped inside, I saw Naruto and Sasuke playing Mortal Kombat. It seemed like an awfully violent game. It's probably Aiko's. The game ended very gruesomely when Naruto did something called a brutality attack and severed the opponents limbs. Is this game appropriate for children?

We all headed down stairs to the table. "Hey Naruto, Sasuke...meet Gaara.", Aiko said with a smile as the red haired boy peeped from behind her legs. "H-hey.", he said timidly.

"Hi!", Naruto said enthusiastically as Sasuke just waved lightly. Gaara eventually walked up to the boys shaking their hands with a small grin appearing on his face.

The play date was going well. Temari didn't seem to hate me as much as she seemed to in the beginning. Kankuro is quite a cool guy, turns out he is got a passion for ventriloquy. And Gaara is a very quiet little boy but I could see Sasuke become a little jealous of the attention Naruto was giving him. Oh well...he is an Uchiha after all. He got a possessive side.

- - - - -


Yeah, I updated twice today because I am kind of free right now. So I thought why not write for you guys! Thank you for the support and please review it if you like it.
