
The Fantastic Tales Of A Jack Of All Trades

Are you sick of characters gaining supreme powers without earning them? Do you get sick of the phrase "A jack of all trades but a master of none?" Well I am! And as the author I welcome you to this wonderful book following the tales of Vincent! for once I'm gonna make a MC that isn't OP because some god made a stupid mistake or because they for some unexplained reason got a system out of nowhere (don't get me wrong i do genuinely enjoy such stories but recently I've gotten a bit tiered of such tales) in this story it will be earned! Practice makes perfect!

LHLM · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Chapter 51

???: "Well well well somone survived another night"

Vincent: "Who, what!? Whats going on?"

Vincent was upside-down with his lets stuck in between the branchets of what looked like a white tree. Soon he recognised a black skeletal figure standing infort of him in eye level. He imidietly undrrsood who stood before him, It was Ħèkk.

Ħèkk: "Young fool your time here is limited do not waste it. As you get yourself dislodged off this bone tree i shall start teaching you."

Vincent quickly looked up at the tree and noticed how the branches look like they were made our of bones, the tree gently swayed as if the wind was blowing yet there was no wind. Before he could start to ponder it Ħèkk's inhuman voice snapped him out of it.

Ħèkk: "As my apperance may hint i specialise in the Dark arts. Im especially skilled in the branch of magic known as necromancy. I intended to give you a crash corse to teach you the basicis. This is to both aid you in surviving and because i expect you to later use these powers to repay me. I dont care what you think of my skill you will learn them one way or another so its best you cooperate. If its hard for you to acept it think of this as repayment for saving your life from the wolves. Since i revived that skeleton inorder to save your life."

Vincent: "Why?"

Ħèkk: "Why did i save you? It suited my intrests. Or why must you learn necromancy? It is also for my interests. And for you it is also for your surviva so you better do your best."

Vincent atlast managed to free himself from the tree as he than ungracefully landed in a wide feild of green grass.

Ħèkk: "I know you are capable of magic but Aquamancy and Necromancy are two sperate diverging arts based on the same original school of thought, thus the similar names.

Vincent: "I often practice the sword and i also train Aauamancy, so how will i have the time to practice this too?"

Ħèkk: "Young fool do you not understand that you are waisting out already dwindling time with this petulance. Your time to train in these arts is your dream time. It'll also help as a hidden card your opponents wont know they have even if they did spy on your previous training sessions."

Vincent: "So i should avoid using what you teach me?"

Ħèkk: "For now, yes. Unless your life is in danger do not deployed what i am about to teach you."

Ħèkks arms were crossed as it stepped Away from Vincent.

Ħèkk: "The basis of necromancy is death, most people think that the first spell a necromancer must learn is a sumonimg spell but in reality most of not nesrly all of us start with more utilitarian spells. In my case my first spell was one that let me see death and the second let me manipulate it. However in your case we dont have enough time as you need a new card to play and fast."

Vincent: "So what will you teach me?"

Ħèkk: "An old spell i named Saħèrrack.

Vincent: "Please tell me i can rename it"

Ħèkk: "No and do not disturb me mid explanation. This spell was originally deemed ussless to me after i created it because while it was extremely easy to learn and use but lacked power. Howver these traits are perfect as thier exatly what you require. A spell you can quickly learn and use that is also week enough for you not to accidentally kill yourself while utilising it for the first time. That is as long as your carful and are not going out of your way to inflict self harm.'

Vincent: "So dose this spell actually do?"

Ħèkk: "It lets you feal death and than touch it. You wont be able to see it for a necromancer you will functionaly be a blind necromancer with only a sence of touch. However dont underestimate its ussfullness."

The over the following minutes Ħèkk taught Vincent on the most basic mechanics nessesary for how Saħèrrack worked and how to use it. The explanations were rushed and Ħèkk tried to save up on even more time by using Vincent's understanding of Aquamancy as a cut in solution to try and solveany problem Vincent encountered. When the time finally run out Vincent began to slowly sink into the ground as if he got caught in quick sand.

Vincent: "How will i know im not imaging all this? What if the time when im backed against a wall and i try to use this spell only for it to not work as its simply a figment of my dreem?"

Ħèkk: "I can assure you that this is real but if it wasn'tand you were to try it my guess is thay you would be dead."

By this point in time only vincents head and neck still remained abouve the ground as he said.

Vincent: "Ah well thats reassuring."

Ħèkk: "If and when you arrive home i advise you tell no one about me or i will make sure you die in agony."

Vincent Opened his eyes. It was dawn and the sun would soon rise from over the horizon.

Vincent: "Guess im awake again."