
The Fantastic Tales Of A Jack Of All Trades

Are you sick of characters gaining supreme powers without earning them? Do you get sick of the phrase "A jack of all trades but a master of none?" Well I am! And as the author I welcome you to this wonderful book following the tales of Vincent! for once I'm gonna make a MC that isn't OP because some god made a stupid mistake or because they for some unexplained reason got a system out of nowhere (don't get me wrong i do genuinely enjoy such stories but recently I've gotten a bit tiered of such tales) in this story it will be earned! Practice makes perfect!

LHLM · Fantasy
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Chapter 50

After his weird dreem Vincent began to pounder. He had many stange dreems in recent times yet this one was different. In most of his dreams Vincent felt detached, it was a surreal experience as if he wasn't truly there. He would somtimes even follow himself from the 3rd person. Yet here in this dreem he was himself. It was as if he was there, and it felt very much real. Everything he saw was as bizarre as the rest of his dreems yet somthing was very very verrrrry off about this one.Eventually Vincent had to return to reality after all they were still around two days away from the capital.

The messenger ended up being a highly skilled forager. in comparison to Vincent who was a complete amateur the Messenger knew whay he was doing very well. Vincent may have managed to survive in a forrest for about a mounth and he may have been taught a little by the villagers during his time there too but he could recognise a fraction of the fruits berrys and nuts that messenger would find. The messenger knew what was Eddible and what was Posionus every time . According to the Gaurd the messenger was also a skilled hunter capable of throwing his kinfes to hit airborne birds. Unfortunately due to the war starting a campfire could attract unwanted attention thus the trio would be living on a strictly vegan diet. Vincent was most impressed with how the Messenger was capable of navigating so effectively. Essentially he would bring them to water when needed and would find food without even stopping to fond out where they were going, he would litteraly just pluck a random berry from a tree mid conversation wile walking in a strait line explaining to the others on the route thier taking.

According to the messenger they were to go through as much forrests as possible without going on any established road inorder to avoid being intercepted by rebel forces.

When the sunwent down and the three were prepared to go to sleep a loud roar could be heard. The guard raised his speer whikw the messenger readied a throwing knife. Aftwr some thumps could be heard a large green bear could be seen.

Messenger: "Phew its a Narnus bear."

Vincent: "A Narnud bear?"

Messenger: "Its a monster that can be found throughout the content. In this forrest its probably the third most powerful momster you can find."

Vincent: "Than why don't you seem worried at all?"

The messenger pointed forwards at the bear. When vincent looked he noticed it was already dead with the a guards spear already pearcing out of the bears back.

Vincent: "Ah, thays why."

Messenger: "Narnud bears are Posionus so its best not to eat them. The only good stuff on em is thier fur wich is used by in mage outfits. I guess their posion is ok but its reletivly week. Strong enough to kill you but theres a chance you survive and even if you die it would take weeks if not mounths to finish you off."

Guard: "out mission is to get to the capital we not to skin some bears. We should go to sleep and head out as soon as possible. "

Messenger: "Right you are. We better head up there. Thay tree is easy to climb and should be safe enough from predators."