

When the space ships dropped out of light speed, the first thing they did was establish a communications link amongst themselves, this meant that on the bridge of each of these ships was a 3D hologram displaying the captains of each ship.

"So what's the plan?" one of the captains asked.

"Like we agreed on early, we shall first discover the location of our query then we shall take drop ships to the planet, liberate him of his head, get the bounty and share a planet amongst our respective crews" captain A replied.

"Sir we have accessed the satellites orbiting the planet and are currently searching for the bounty." One of the cremates of Captain A said.

Captain A smiled at the holographic imagines of his partners and said, "See gentlemen, step one of the plan is already underway. Now all we have to do is wait patiently.

The other three captains share a look before the nodded there heads and end the communication link.

"Captain, are you really going to share the bounty with them?" a crew member asked Captain A.

The captain laughed before replying, "of course not, when we have our targets head, I will initiate the court down procedure of the dark matter bombs I sneak to their ships and send them all to hell"

The crew on the ship began cheering at the brilliance of their Captain.

Captain A smiled at the cheers from his crew for they were as ruthless as him.

"Now all we have to do is find us the planet bounty head and we are set" Captain A thought to himself.

The jet slowly reduced its speed and altitude as it came to stop in front of a cliff face.

The cliff face opened at the jet flow in to a short tunnel that lead in to an area that was a cross between a garage and a work station.

"Welcome to my home Lab" Tony said as the jet landed next to a red 2004 Formula 1 Ferrari with the NO 1 on it.

The back ramp of the jet opened and Kal walked out and head straight to the F1 car.

"Oh my god, it is a Michael Schumacher championship winning Ferrari…I want it" Kal thought to himself.

Turning away from the car to Tony, Kal smiled and said, "Nice car, can I have it?"

Tony looked at the car that cost most in his collection, then at Kal whose was failing to hide his desire for the car, which was written clearly all over his face.

Tony smiled and said, "help create inventions that will better mankind and I will give it to you for free"

Kal smiled and replied, "Just tell me when we begin"

Tony laughed, "how about we start tomorrow" he said as he walked towards a security door that led out of the garage/lab to the upper floors through a set of ascending stairs.

On reaching the top floor, Kal and Tony found Pepper seated on a couch wearing a white shirt and denim shorts showing off her long legs as she read a bunch of documents.

"Honey I am home" Kal said.

Pepper looked up at the duo and smiled before she got up and walked to Tony and gave him a kiss.

"Hey what about me?" Kal asked.

Pepper pulled away from Tony and replied, "When you make me the C.E.O of a billion dollar company, then I might consider kissing you"

"That is too rich for my blood" Kal replied as he waved his hands.

Pepper laughed before give Kal a hug, "I didn't expect you come to Malibu with Tony" she said as she ended the hug.

"I wasn't, but his begging wore me down and I caved in" Kal replied with an exhausted look on his face.

Tony rolled his eyes before removing his phone and sending Kal a GPS pin.

"Follow this directions to the sea side mansion I bought for you out of the goodness of my heart"

Receiving the pin Kal said "I guess that's my cue to leave"

"Okay, but do pay us a visit when you have time" Pepper said.

Kal nodded at her request, but he wasn't really sure if he would be visiting often because he planned on working while in Malibu. He really wanted that F1 car.

"I will send you the location of our work space tomorrow morning" Tony said.

Kal walked out the front door and flew off in to the sky.

Kal following Tony's directions floated down from the sky to land in front of his sea side mansion on the Malibu sandy beach.

"Not bad, not bad at all" he said as he admired the mansion.

"The master is back" came the sound of a female voice, which was followed by a woman in swimsuit showing off her gorgeous body running to wards him.

The gorgeous body belonged to Emma, one of his personal maids.

As she ran towards him, Kal could have sworn that she appeared to come at him in slow motion with her huge breast bouncing up and down, like something out of Baywatch.

Suddenly appearing behind her was her twin sister, Ella who also came at him in slow motion with her huge breast bouncing with ever step she took.

"May be a night with the twins won't be so bad?" Kal began think to himself.

He was about to start imaging what riding twins sisters at the same time would be like when Emma jumped at him, who was then followed by Ella jumping at him.

Kal raised a finger calling on his telekinesis to stop them in the air, if they ran into him, their bodies would have scattered like glass hitting solid concrete.

Emma and Ella in floating in the air began swinging their arms and legs, trying to fight off the telekinetic force.

"You know that won't work" Kal said.

The sisters didn't listen and kept swinging their arms and legs.

"We just want to welcome our master" Emma said.

Kal open his hands and sister floated towards him with Emma resting on his left with Ella resting on his right.

The moment there were in his arms, they wrapped their hands around him pressing their bodies against him.

"Welcome back Master" they said in unisons.

"You are both acting like I have been gone for days, I only be gone hours at most"

The sisters didn't respond, they just kept wrapping their hands even tighter around his body.

Kal as a hot blooded male was enjoying the feeling of the sister's huge breast pressing against his body and could help but stare at the beautiful scene of their breasts push up against him.

The sister looked at Kal and smiled because they could feel his body reacting to them.

But unfortunately for them, Kal was able to control his urges and placed the sister back on the sandy beach.

"Nice try, you almost had me there" Kal said with a smile.

The sisters sighed in disappointment, "one day we will get you to take our virginities and make us women" Ella said.

Kal laughed before saying, "that's the spirit, never give up"

"We won't" the sisters replied.

After their failed seduction, Emma and Ella led Kal in to the mansion and gave him a brief tour before leading him to the kitchen were Chef and Butler were deep in argument about which NBA team rules the western conference.

"The Lakers are dead and gone, Golden State warriors are the kings" Chef said.

"The Lakers aren't gone, they are just having a bit of an off period but soon there greatness will return" Butler replied

Kal didn't feel like hearing this argument, so he cleared his throat loudly which got there attention.

"Master, you are back" said Butler and Chef as they both stood there feet to show their respect.

Kal took a seat at the kitchen island before saying, "Golden State Warriors rules, now can I please have so thing to eat"

Chef smiled and said, "Yes Sir, right away" while Butler shook his head in disappointment.

Chef placed a plate of Scallops with Lobster Risotto in front of Kal which he began eating with a smile on his face.

While Kal was eating, it occurred to him that he should start on his super human creation project.

"I need test subject" he said out loud.

Suddenly he felt an unnatural change in space around Mars, he looked up and smiled before he teleported away.

Thanks for understanding my situation, i will try and deliver at least 5 chapters a week.

Thank you for reading

Lord_Drexcreators' thoughts
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