

The mood in the four space ships that were currently in high obit above Mars was that of calmness and peace, as the crews were enjoying their brief time off as they waited for their target to be found.

Crew members were either in there quarters sleeping or in the mess hall drinking and sharing stories, with some making or losing money as they gambled.

The Captains were also enjoying this brief time off by hanging out in there quarters and playing with their female slaves releasing their sexual urges.

They were all enjoying themselves unware of the danger that was coming their way.


Kal appeared above a planet millions of light years away from Earth.

This planet looked a resembled Earth from space, with its blue oceans and continents with green vegetation growing on them.

He scanned the planet from space, "It is not suitable" he said before he teleported away.

Another million lights away, Kal reappeared above another planet posing similar characteristics like the planet before, and just like before, he scanned it.

"Also not suitable" Kal said, and with a sigh he teleporting away.

He reappeared above another planet in the out rim of the Milky Way galaxy.

"I hope you have what I am looking for" he said.

Kal then began a scan of the planet and seconds later a smile appeared on his face, "it perfect, just what I have been looking for" he said as a laugh escaped his mouth.

This planet was not that different from the ones he scanned earlier, they all had oceans, continents and green vegetation mean life can survive on their surfaces.

But what made this particular planet different was the fact that it didn't have any sentient humanoid life on it…not yet.

Kal teleported away from the planet and appeared right in front of the four space ships currently above Mars.

When he appeared, he did a quick scan of the ships and counted about a combined number of 1280 people on the ships.

"I am flattered that some many are willing to sacrifice for the future of my success" he said as a smile appeared on his face.

On the space ships, proximity alarms were going off alerting the different crews of the sudden appearance of an object very close to them.

"What is going on?" Captain A asked when he walked on to the bridge. He was about to enjoy the female slave he had recently purchased when the alarms went off.

"Sir, it's…i…" a crew member tried to explain, but words were hard to find to explain what he was seeing.

"For crying out loud man, think the words then speak" The Captain A said.

The crew member still couldn't find the words, so he just displayed a 3D projection of Kal floating in space in front of them in plain clothes without any protective space or breathing gear.

"Oh, now that's imposing" Captain A said.

"Who is that?" Captain A added.

All the other ships were watching a 3D projection of Kal in space generated by their ship's optical sensors and they were all thinking the same thing as Captain A, who the hell is this guy?

Kal projected his voice across space, "You all came here to collect the bounty on my head and if it was any other day, I would just set you all on fire and roast marshmallows over your flaming corpses but, I need you all for a very special project"

Kal clapped his hands and the four ships were teleported along with him back to the planet he found earlier.

Kal appeared in obit above the planet while the space ships appeared on the planet's surface.

"Step one find a planet complete, step two bring bounty hunters to newly discovered planet also completed. Now for step three, turn newly acquired planet in to a planetary game reserve with bounty hunters will be game for my future super powered soldiers to learn how to hunt and kill."

Kal raised his hand and calling on the power of the space stone and he then began to rearrange the space around the planet, distorting the spatial laws.

He created a spatial bubble around the planet making it impossible for the people on the planet to leave and also impossible for anyone to land on the planet, unless they are able to wield the same power of space as him.

The spatial bubble was designed act in two differently ways which are, if someone or something from the planet were to touch the inner boundary of the bubble in the upper atmosphere, they would be instantly transported back to the planet surface while if someone or something from space touched the outer boundary, they would be instantly transported a few light years away from the planet on the other side.

"I am a genius" Kal said when he saw his work. From now on, any one that comes after his life will be sent to this game reserve to be hunted later.

If fact Kal didn't planned to just send bounty hunters that came after him here, he planned to send criminals as well, from all over the universe.

This planet would later be known as slaughter planet, the playground of a mad god and his followers.

Kal turned his back to the planet and prepared to leave when he heard the sound of breaking glass. This was followed by a sudden rush of power and authority over space.

Kal quickly looked at his ring and the space stone was gone, fully absorbed and now coursing through his body.

On see this, a laugh escaped Kal's mouth, "I honestly didn't think it would work, absorbing an infinite stone without exploding in to a thousand pieces, but look at me now, master of space"

Kal excited by his new found abilities raised a hand and pointed to a region of space, suddenly, space started to slowly fold in on itself beginning to form a black hole. But before the black hole could take full form, he cancelled it out. He just wanted to see if he could do it.

"If I could do this with only the space stone, what can I achieve with all the stones?"

Kal pushed the question to the back of his mind and called on space to take him back to Malibu, his job here was done.

He teleported away from slaughter planet but be didn't arrive in Malibu, in fact he arrived in a region of space foreign to him.

"Looks like I took a wrong turn" he said to himself before calling on his is spatial abilities to teleport him away.

But Kal didn't teleport away, this region of space refused to obey him no matter how much he turned to control it.

Kal chuckled "Okay, looks like I am really in a lot of trouble here" he said with a smile on his face and his heart was beating much faster, this is the first time since coming to this universe that he has felt fear.

Kal began to look around the foreign region of space to determine how bad his situation was when he spotted far off in the distance a massive white structure, without a second thought, Kal flew at full speed toward the massive white.

Seconds later, Kal was floating in front of an enormous asteroid about the size of Asgard and on it seat one structure which with a massive white temple.

The hair on Kal's skin began to rise warning him of great danger living in the temple and that he shouldn't be near this temple but rather flying away at light speed in the opposite direction.

Kal had begun to turn his back to the temple in order to flee, when the massive doors began to slowly open.

"Oh shit" Kal said as quickly turned his back to the temple and went light speed.

Kal now moving at light speed he tried to control space to take him back to Earth, but space still wouldn't obey him.

"What is going on?" Kal asked himself.

After fleeing for what seemed like hours, Kal came to a sudden stop to investigate his new surroundings.

"NO, NO, NO… how can this be" said out loud when he noticed, the massive white temple on the asteroid was still floating begin him with its doors still opening.

Kal turned his back prepared to flee again and that is when he heard the voice of a woman spoke saying, "don't bother, you can't leave this place unless I let you go"

Kal slowly turned back to the temple whose doors were now fully open.

"Come in" the female voice spoke again.

Kal called on the mind stone powers to suppress his fear as he flew forward in to the temple.

Kal entered the temple door in to a pitch black hall way which led to a light source shining and the end, which he reached seconds later.

The light source at the end was a massive hall with four thrones which were about the height of the Empire State building. Three of these thrones were empty while one had a woman seating in it looking down at him.

"Who are you?" Kal asked.

The woman looked at Kal for a second before she replied, "you know who I am"

Kal was about to answer that he didn't when a name popped up from his subconscious, "Infinity" he whispered.

A smile appeared on her face before she said, "yes, I am Infinity, all of space in the Universe, ever expanding with no end."

Kal wasn't thrilled when he heard her confirmation of her name, running in to cosmic entities this soon wasn't in his calculations.

He looked up at Infinity and thought to himself, "did she bring me here or did I make a mistake during teleportation? I could just ask her"

"Did you bring me here to this region of space?" he asked Infinity.


"Fuck, did she bring me here to end my plans for the infinity stones?"

And just like before, he decide to ask Infinity.

"Are you going to kill me?" he asked.

Infinity looked at him for a while before replying, "No, but I can't say the same for Entropy and Death"

Kal looked at the empty thrones before asking, "They wouldn't happen to be here?"

"No, they haven't yet a woken. Of the four, I am the first to awaken but they all will, eventually" Infinity replied.

"Awesome, I don't have to worry about being killed…at least not yet" he said to himself.

"Why did you bring me here?" Kal asked.

"Curiosity" Infinity replied.

Kal was about to ask a follow up question when suddenly the throne room vanished and he found himself standing on a beach.

He quickly began to look around his surroundings and sighed when found that he was back on Earth standing in front of his sea side mansion.

I haven't yet created a new release schedule, but i will have one when i post again on Sunday.

Thank you reading

Lord_Drexcreators' thoughts
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