The guilty cannot escape their past
Le bâtiment des filles est assez calme le week-end. C'est dommage qu'il n'y ait pas une seule paroisse ou lieu de prière ici à Saber, c'est décourageant. Quelqu'un frappe à ma porte ? À 11 heures du matin ? Heureusement que je me suis déjà rafraîchi. J'enfile rapidement mon voile, maintenu en place par une bande noire sur mon front, ma belle longue robe noire, simple mais élégante, tombant jusqu'à mes chevilles, cintrée à la taille par un cordon blanc symbolisant la pureté et la simplicité. Je prends mon chapelet, et je suis prêt à ouvrir la porte.
Lisa : Bonjour, ma sœur.
Moi : Bonjour, Lisa, c'est bien ça ?
Lisa : Vous êtes très belle, ma sœur.
Moi : Merci, mon enfant.
Lisa : Oui, ma sœur, il y a un livreur qui a apporté ceci, et j'ai pensé que c'était pour vous, alors j'ai décidé de vous l'apporter moi-même.
Moi : Merci, mais je n'ai rien commandé. Êtes-vous sûr que c'est pour moi ?
Lisa : Oui, tu peux vérifier ce qui est écrit sur la boîte.
Moi : D'accord, mon enfant, je vérifierai plus tard.
Lisa : S'il te plaît, ne le fais pas, c'est de la nourriture, ça va se gâter.
Moi : Aimerais-tu entrer, rester dehors, ou es-tu occupé avec tes amis ?
Lisa : Je vais entrer, si tu veux bien.
Moi : Oui, mon enfant, entre et mets-toi à l'aise. Voulez-vous que je vous apporte quelque chose à boire ?
Lisa : Avez-vous déjà eu le temps d'aller à l'épicerie ?
Moi : Non, le frigo était plein quand je suis arrivée dans ma chambre, et j'ai vérifié les dates, elles sont bonnes.
Lisa : Vraiment ?
Moi : Oui, pourquoi ?
Lisa : Oh, rien, un jus de pomme, s'il vous plaît, ma sœur.
Moi : D'accord.
Je vais chercher un verre et je prends le carton de jus de pomme pour l'apporter à Lisa.
Moi : Ici, tu peux en avoir autant que tu veux.
Lisa : Merci, ma sœur, ouvrez-la, je vous prie.
Moi : D'accord.
J'ouvre la boîte et je vois que c'est un déjeuner merveilleux.
Lisa : Je le savais, je connais ce restaurant, c'est l'un des meilleurs de Saber. Je suis sûr qu'ils ne se sont pas trompés sur le destinataire.
Moi : Il y a une carte... Je viens de comprendre.
Lisa : Alors ?
Moi : Le restaurant UDS est fermé le week-end ?
Lisa : Oui, j'avais l'intention de quitter l'école pour aller chercher quelque chose à manger pour le déjeuner avant de rejoindre le groupe avec qui je travaille sur un projet.
Moi : Je ne pense pas qu'il soit juste de sortir chercher de la nourriture en dehors de l'école. Je vais en parler au directeur. De plus, il y a assez de nourriture pour deux personnes ; nous pouvons manger ensemble avec différents couverts, si cela te convient, Lisa.
Lisa: That's fine with me.
I go to the kitchen to get cutlery and bring them back.
Me: After you, my child, eat as much as you like.
I close my eyes and say a small prayer to thank the Lord for this meal. When I open my eyes, Lisa has already started eating.
Lisa: Who was it from?
Me: It wasn't from anyone in particular. What is your project with your classmates about?
Lisa: Josh and Lucas aren't my friends, I don't have any friends. We're working on a class project about artificial intelligence.
It's a shame she doesn't have any friends at her age.
Me: But you're in your second year of the 2019 class, and you haven't found a single ally to help you with your projects?
She stops eating and smiles at my joke.
Lisa: You're much funnier than I imagined, Sister.
Me: Oh really? I didn't know that.
Lisa: Actually, Sister, I feel like the students in my class don't like me, that I bother them. Even when it comes to forming groups, since the first year, I'm one of the last to be chosen. Sometimes, I feel like crying, but I shouldn't cry, because crying is forbidden. My conscience tells me that if I cry, it's even worse, so I just smile and wait to see who I will end up with among the last students who haven't been placed in a group yet.
Me: Oh my, my little girl, may the Lord protect you and give you the strength and courage you need. Have you really tried to make friends?
Lisa: Yes, of course, I have information about all the students in the 2019 class in my journal, but it didn't work.
I almost choked. She keeps a journal and notes down information on all 30 students in her class? Who is she really? Her way of thinking is a little strange.
Me: And did the information you wrote down in your journal about the 2019 class students help you at all?
Lisa: My mother is a police officer, she gave me two journals (a black one and a pink one) before I came here. She told me that the only way to make friends is to get to know them better, analyze them, and then remember the essential information to show how much you care about them.
Me: So, what happened in your first year?
Lisa: For example, Sofie, Sofie's profile: intelligent girl, likes to solve puzzles like me. Before being in a wheelchair, she was much more cheerful, like a ray of sunshine. Even though she shows that she's fine, I think sometimes she doesn't need people's pity. She's really strong, I'd say she's a formidable opponent, and I admire her a lot.
Me: And then?
Lisa: In the first year, after writing down the information I had about her, I tried to approach her first, but she took it badly, so since then, I prefer to avoid her. She made a group of friends, so I'm happy for her.
Me: And that's it, my child? And the other students?
Lisa: Out of the 28 students I tried, it didn't work, so I gave up.
Me: Oh, my little beaver, I'm sorry for you.
Lisa: It's okay. However, the meal was delicious.
Me: If I'm not mistaken, there are 30 students per class, right?
Lisa: Yes.
Me: There are two left, why didn't you try with the last two?
Lisa: Because they don't meet the criteria, I'd rather be alone.
Me: Oh, really?
Lisa: Of course, yes. Well, I have to go, it's almost time for me to prepare my documents before meeting the others.
Me: Ah, are Josh and Lucas the ones who don't meet your criteria? Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit?
Lisa: No, Sister.
Me: Don't forget that it's not you who's the police officer, but your mother. Listen to me carefully: don't make assumptions or label people based on rumors or gossip, learn instead to truly know people by observing them.
Lisa: Meaning?
Me: I thought you were the puzzle expert. I just meant to reset their scores and get to know them without the data you've gathered on them, and come back to see me in two weeks.
Lisa: I'm starting to really like you, Sister. Thank you for the meal and for your advice. See you soon.
Me: See you soon, my child.