
The False Love you Gave

"Not everything in your teen age years are the same as others." "I know that now... Now go back from where you came from I never want to see you again. If I knew this would have happened I would have never accepted what happened ever since that day." "You have to understand!" "ME? UNDERSTAND YOU?!? CAN YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND ME?! GO BACK TO BEING DEAD LIKE YOU WERE AN HOUR AGO!" "In the fifteen seconds we spoke what have you understood?" "That in fifteen seconds you've destroyed me in almost everything that I have built, In fifteen seconds you've made me question everything I've seen, in fifteen seconds you've made me question my existence..... Confusion, that is what I have understood from you."

DreamerDia · Teen
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8 Chs


The sound of breaking glass was what made my head turn in that direction. Everyone looked towards the direction of the sound, curious as to what had happened. Alert and worried about my children running around causing the accident to happen, while getting hurt in the process.

I scanned the surroundings and saw there were no little children running around then turned my head back to my group of friends.

"What do you think happened?"

"Who was it?'

"Who do you think it was?"

"I've never seen them"

"Must be the new type of rich.."

My friends seem to be whispering among each other about the people involved.

It seemed that I was the only one that had a somewhat clear view of the scene but at the moment I didn't have any interest in it. I learned not to pay much attention to things that weren't my business. I believe that it was something that child taught me.

At that moment I remembered that I wanted to pay attention for some reason despite knowing that the scene had nothing to do with me. Or maybe it did. I had the right to know if there was something going on if it meant danger in this place was the excuse that I had made for myself.

I started to become curious again. There was this gut feeling, maybe it's trying to warn me of danger but it wasn't that simple. Maybe the curiosity awoke in me again or the feeling of being stared at in an unusual way from that direction. Or maybe it was the feeling that the incident involved me one way or another.

I moved my head to get a better view but my height wasn't much help when the person in front of me was wearing a hat as wide as their waist, which was large.

People around me were also shifting around to get a better view of the situation.

As soon as I lifted my head to get a better look, people at the center seemed to be glued to their spot or frozen in place.

"What exactly is going on… why aren't they moving…..?" I muttered under my breath.

The figure of the young lady became clear in my view.

It reminded me again of that child. she should be in her 20th's right now right? She must be doing fine. She was always fine even when I wasn't around.

The faces of those on my right were shocked and there was only one worried face next to her which quickly disappeared. I tipped toed forward a little and saw the bleeding leg.

'Did the glass cause that? It does look ugly. Is that why they all stopped?'

She was dressed in a glittering navy blue dress with a slit on the side of the bleeding leg.

She was surrounded and because of the injury she stood out the most. The person in front of me finally moved to the side.

I finally was able to get a clear view of the people at the center. As soon as I laid eyes on her face, I froze. My body became stiff. My heart beats felt so heavy that they were felt throughout my whole body. I panicked and my mind went into a trance and flooded with thoughts.

She wasn't supposed to be here.

She wasn't supposed to ever see me again.

She wasn't supposed to know.

She wasn't supposed to ever find out and if she was it wasn't supposed to be this way.

When he said he wanted to talk to me seriously was it about this?

But wait, why is she here? How did she get here? Was she invited by Yvonne? Since when did they know each other? I didn't see her name on the guest list nor as any of their plus ones. Then how did she get in? Since when was she here? How long has time passed? 1 minute? It felt like an eternity. I looked around and had to stop my overflowing thoughts.

I calmed down and looked at her carefully. Looking at her face she didn't show any expression that would reveal any emotion. But I looked into her eyes and I couldn't tell what she was feeling but I could tell what type of eyes they were.

If I didn't know any better I would have thought she was zoning out or drunk, just like what the people around me are assuming.

They were the type of eyes she gave to people who did her wrong. They looked like they were judging everything and had a pierce that could be able to see you and peel you like an onion slowly building the suspense before there was nothing.

I was given those eyes once too many times.

Right now at the moment it made me doubt the way I interpreted the meaning of her eyes all these years. I thought they were arrogant but now that I'm better they are eyes that are dull of life and numb from the pain. I saw that look in her eyes for a long time. Did I really misinterpret the look of her eyes to me for so many years? I would just glance at them and the look seemed to irk me in some type of way. I would look at her and see my father through her, and the look in her eyes too pierced me as deep as that of my fathers.

I thought I would never see her again as I did not want to continue hurting about something that should be left in the past. I believe that she is my first mistake and the first regret that I have come to realize.

If there is ever a good world for the both of us that is where no one hurts the other. I really hoped the best for you while I was not by your side.

I think I have grown more as a person without you by my side.

But I don't think I will be able to do so now. With you here and if you are to return to my side you need to be good enough for me.

Who would know if there will be a day in which I would think that I was wrong the whole time.