
The False Love you Gave

"Not everything in your teen age years are the same as others." "I know that now... Now go back from where you came from I never want to see you again. If I knew this would have happened I would have never accepted what happened ever since that day." "You have to understand!" "ME? UNDERSTAND YOU?!? CAN YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND ME?! GO BACK TO BEING DEAD LIKE YOU WERE AN HOUR AGO!" "In the fifteen seconds we spoke what have you understood?" "That in fifteen seconds you've destroyed me in almost everything that I have built, In fifteen seconds you've made me question everything I've seen, in fifteen seconds you've made me question my existence..... Confusion, that is what I have understood from you."

DreamerDia · Teen
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8 Chs


I was able to regain composure thanks to the movements of the one next to her.

Was that a boyfriend?

Well she is old enough to have a partner but I hope she's not thinking of starting a family too soon.

Once I looked at the face of the gentleman when he turned around my thoughts stopped.

How was he also here too? What does he know?

It wasn't a face that I was familiar with. He was that woman's grandchild, Alvaro, in other words he's that child with half blood running through his veins.

Who else is here? Could it be that she brought those kids with her too? Or did she abandon them once she couldn't take it any more?

I need to mentally prepare myself because I feel like panicking again.

How did she sneak in this event without getting caught? Not even my people could do that? Have they gotten themselves through life as spies or thieves?

When I got out of my thoughts I focused my gaze on them again and realized that Alvaro was looking at me. The look in his eyes was that of shock, but it soon turned into a piercing one filled with coldness. The one thing that the both had in common was that look when someone would hurt their loved ones. Ones that were meant to kill and knock down whatever the other had built up.

With his actions I could tell that he seems to protect her despite not being respected by her if their relationship is still somewhat the same.

Alvaro is a capable child. I could see why he would be here unlike that child. I knew he was going to get far and be able to accomplish a lot despite the trials he had to face, and he gave his family pride unlike that child who was always an embarrassment. They must be close now after years of seeing each other, but I doubt it's to the point in which they would be together as family and protect each other from harm. Or to the point in which he would be associated with someone like her.

Alvaro might have brought her as his plus one. But I don't ever remember having seen his name anywhere on a list.

I looked at him carefully again. His eyes then focused somewhere else in the crowd still without changing his expression. Despite not understanding what was happening I need to prepare for anything that might happen next.

If they really did sneak in I need to do something so then they won't get caught.

I started to walk through the gaps in the crowd. There was not much movement among the crowd since they were all spectating waiting for some sort or response. Some people in the crowd were already snickering and laughing about what one of the people at the center said.

They were waiting for that child to react and respond. Her eyes were still on me and as I got closer to her I saw that she flinched. I was a light flinch one that was barely noticeable.

Fear was shown in her eyes. She stepped back as if knowing my intentions. Knowing what I wanted to do. This was something that she would always do and it would make me seem like the bad guy. I hated whenever that happened but what I loathe the most was her and I think the feelings that I have once forgotten have begun to arise again.

She seemed to regain a little bit of consciousness and seemed to think twice before taking another step back or making any other movement.

I was grateful that this child was smart enough to know her situation and to take proper action according to it. But it was only in the moments in which no one was in control of themselves or anything around them, in the moments in which they were most desperate, she would help, she would guide but she would never get the credit. She would always give it to someone else. In these moments she would be embarrassed because she was such an idiot, a pushover, and when someone would push her to her limit she would embarrass them. That is what she had done to me by making me look greedy.

She knew how to raise and please people without trying while at the same time she was able to bring them down into ruins and misery.

I was walking slowly to her, looking only at her. Soon she was blocked by a wide back, covering her completely. I stopped myself from walking furthermore I also saw Marilyn, the host's sister, approach her with a face full of concern.

The man who was blocking my view of her turned sideways. HIs side profile seemed familiar but I couldn't recall it at the moment. My mind was only worried about them getting caught and I might be dragged into it if they do.

Moments later she was carried by Alvaro and the guy whose face seemed familiar. Great, she must have thought that it was the only way she could escape the situation. Now she might not even be able to show her face around anymore because she embarrassed herself even more.

To my surprise Marilyn seemed to know them. She even led them out of the reception hall herself.

Wow Alvaro must have really made his connections if he can talk to Marilyn but then she was kind to everyone who seemed to need help so it might be a coincidence. Then again she personally escorted them out which was something she would not do for anyone. So maybe it was Alvaro.

A few moments later Marilyn walked back into the reception hall and walked to Roger.

It was shocking to see the face that Roger had. It was rare to see him have that look which seemed down and concerned. These people did not let anyone get close to them. It was hard enough for me to approach them. But why would Roger show a face of overly concern for someone who was not hurt. I doubt that the kids would truly reveal their relationships so he would not know how they are related, right?