
Dreaming Again

After all the events happening in the last days, the memory of that strange dream had been fading in Kayden's mind, especially since it had not recurred.

Yes, lingering deep within him, the fragments of the dream remained, particularly the atrocious pain that had accompanied it. They clung to his thoughts, refusing to dissipate, like remnants of an abandoned toy, no longer of interest or relevance.

'I am here again…' he thought, completely dazed. 'I guess there is nothing better to do than exploring the surroundings of the ruins,' he decided, afraid to approach the main gate.

Gazing at the worn remains of the path he had traveled on the previous time, he began to walk.

In the desolate expanse, where not even a whisper of wind stirred, Kayden's footsteps echoed, a solitary sound amidst the profound silence.

Eventually, after an unknown period of time, his gaze met a familiar sight, causing a shiver to run through his body.

The eerie stillness weighed heavy on his shoulders as the ancient ruins loomed before him, like a forgotten memory etched in stone.

The air itself seemed to hold its breath, anticipating his next move. Cold sweat on his back, he headed for the ruins. With each step, a sense of foreboding tightened around his heart, casting an ominous shadow over his determination.

'I don't know why, but this time the presence of the ruins feels even more realistic. I can't shake the feeling that I'm trespassing into a realm far beyond my comprehension.' Kayden thought, raising goosebumps on his skin.

This time, he avoided the main gate of the palace and walked around it. The sight before him was both mesmerizing and unsettling. The collapsed columns and walls stood as a testament to a bygone era, and their intricate design hinted at the power that once resided within the palace's walls.

'The aura that I feel is probably just a trace of its former power, yet it's still overwhelming.'

As Kayden kept walking, he realized something, feeling both awe and trepidation.

Even when the impressive surroundings had mostly been destroyed, the main section of the palace, protected by the main gate, remained untouched, standing resolute against the passage of time.

Despite looking somewhat worn, it showed no signs of collapse that would make it possible to enter the palace.

Kayden continued, his heart pounding in his chest. In the previous days, he had started to feel proud of his cultivation and achievements, but the ominous aura emanating from the ruins shattered his pride, making him feel like an ant.

Remembering his helplessness in the face of the pain caused by the main gate, the weight of his own limitations pressed upon him, reminding him that he was but a small part of a vast and enigmatic world.

With each passing moment, Kayden became deeper in thought. After dreaming about the ruins for the second time, both of them after the earthquakes started, he was sure that this dream held a deeper significance, one that surpassed his imagination.

Kayden's mind began to grasp the possibility that the Awakening had a much longer history than what most people had initially believed. It hinted at the existence of countless hidden secrets waiting to be uncovered.

'Now that I think about it, the fact that the government managed to obtain so much information from Lord Thasal in such a short time is quite weird.'

Seeing how they had been sharing information little by little, it was obvious that the government knew a lot more than they were telling.

Moreover, after knowing about mana arts and the benefits of becoming Sage Grade, it became evident to Kayden that using his knowledge as an earthling to judge things would only end up being counterproductive since there were countless mysteries still unknown to him.

Little by little, Kayden became aware of things he had previously missed, until realizing the most shocking one of all.

Yggdrasil, The World Tree, whose image had begun to appear in the Earth's sky, was one of the most remarkable elements in Norse mythology.

Noticing this, a chill ran down Kayden's spine. 'It could be a coincidence, a mere confidence,' he told himself, but he somehow knew it was not.

This made his mind open to a new world of possibilities since at least one of the existing mythologies on Earth seemed to relate to the major powers of the universe.

Overwhelmed by the fact that deities and heroes so long fictionalized could exist, Kayden quickly turned his thoughts to things immediately related to him, leaving this matter for the future.

After a while, he fell into thinking that the dream might be a good thing for him, a valuable treasure.

The intimidating aura of the palace was likely a sign that his power was still remotely distant from the events that took place in that place.

Kayden couldn't help but remember a few fantasy novels he had read when he was a teenager.

'This might be similar to the miracles that happened to the protagonists in those stories. Maybe the inside of the palace hides secret mana arts or forgotten elixirs. It might even have the method to surpass the Mana Ascension stage!' He thought.

However, he quickly tempered his excitement, wary of setting his expectations too high. He did not want to be disappointed by reality just in case he was wrong about the ruins being a treasure.

Thinking about that, he finally finished circling the palace, arriving back at the entrance.

Hesitating, he decided to approach the main gate, walking with nervous steps.

As he got closer, trepidation tinged every step as the imposing aura deepened, making Kayden feel as if he stood in the presence of a god, a force that held the reins of his destiny.

Eventually, he arrived at the massive door, careful not to focus on the symbols.

Without daring to look at the door, Kayden's heart raced as he brought his hand to his mouth, biting down hard until the metallic tang of blood filled his senses.

Holding the pain without much difficulty, he raised his hand, the taste of blood lingering in his mouth. His fingers trembled as he extended the hand toward the door, the droplets of blood glistening in the dim light.

A mixture of anticipation and fear coursing through his veins, Kayden let his blood touch the gate's surface before stepping back.

With a slow, deep, and heavy sound, the door opened, revealing an endless darkness within, just as Kayden remembered. The sound echoed in the air, carrying a sense of solemnity and mystery.

Calmer than the last time, Kayden could sense a feeling of unfathomable depth emanating from the dark abyss, as if an unknown and mystical world awaited beyond the door.

Filled with caution, Kayden carefully stepped into the palace.

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