
Chapter 20

The reply came back a minute later: >>We will let you know when to act.


She bit back her frustration.

“Ellen Calleti,” the voice over the intercom interrupted her brooding.

“Your services are needed in the president’s office.”

Her heart leaped. They just told me to wait! Then she remembered her

place and the other job she was there to do. “On my way,” she replied.

Ellen grabbed her tablet and hurried from her office.

She took the elevator up two floors to the president’s suite, swiping her

hand over the biometric lock. In seconds, the doors opened to a lobby floored

with marble. Holographic overlays of news reports scrolled across the left

wall. To the right, a slim young man sat at a reception desk.

“Hi, Nico,” Ellen greeted. “The president wanted to see me?”

“Yes, go right in.”

Ellen took a steadying breath and walked straight ahead to the double-

doors, passing by two security guards dressed in black. They nodded to her.