
Chapter 19

Tararian Guard.”

Monica nodded thoughtfully. “Does it say anything about her past


“No, sorry, ma’am. There’s a note that she’s on leave at the moment, but

otherwise the details of her service records are classified.”

“Of course. Anyone working in military intelligence can’t have their

mission history out there on display.”

“Would you like me to look into her?” Jared offered.

Monica shook her head. “It doesn’t take much speculation to figure out

what a telepath with the Guard might specialize in.”

Jared’s eyes lit up. “Oh, she’s one of the Readers?”

“So I’ve heard. A Valtan Reader with specialized military training.”

A slow smile spread across the other scientist’s face. “That makes things


“It does, doesn’t it?” Monica had a feeling Jared was going to work out

much better than his predecessor. “Keep an eye on her. I believe we’ve been

handed the perfect case study.”