
The Awakining

Warren was startled by the girl's quickness, she clearly felt the pain, but apparently the passion that burned in her was so strong that the girl did not pay attention to the pain. But he was only too glad.

The girl was accelerating in her "dance", Warren decided not to stay in debt and joined with all his strength. After the guy began to act, the girl felt indescribable bliss, stopped biting his neck and arched back, taking a rather strange pose, hanging on Warren, while tilting the upper part of her body far back.

Warren, too, felt an unprecedented pleasure with each thrust, unconsciously some time had passed in this stormy dance, and Warren felt as if he was approaching the endgame. And exactly at the moment when his Yanqi burst inside the girl's womb, an extremely pure Yinqi rained out. The moment was so synchronized that Warren was incredibly surprised. Usually, even when the climax occurs simultaneously, it is not quite simultaneous, someone reaches the peak of pleasure for some time earlier.

But in this case, everything was perfectly synchronized, and once again Warren put it down to a dream. He gently lowered the girl down, giving her time to catch her breath, but when she went down, she noticed that Warren's dragon was still ready for battle and got closer. Then she gently touched the tip of her tongue to the towering colossus.

Warren, whose unit has not yet had time to move away from the wave of pleasure, from such stimulation instantly released a charge of his Yanqi directly on the girl's tongue. She carefully tasted the taste of his seed, then made a surprised expression on her face and began to greedily lick and drink this unexpectedly delicious white liquid.

Despite all her passion, the girl resembled a curious cat that tries to understand what is happening in all its guises. The guy, at the sight of her cautious but passionate curiosity, caught himself thinking that he wanted to make the girl even better, even if what was happening was a dream. Then he lay down on the ground, crawled under the sacred garden, the girl sitting on her knees and penetrated inside with his tongue, parting the lips that covered the entrance to the cave.

The girl from such actions of Warren began to writhe like a snake and finally let out a moan, showing her angelic voice. From such a surprisingly pleasant groan, Warren's rod, already standing straight and looking at the ubiquitous heavens, received an even greater blood flow and increased in size, ignoring its past size restrictions.

The girl who opened her eyes after her moan noticed a slight increase and leaned forward and down, taking the mighty dragon in her mouth. At first, her movements were very hesitant and she could only fit a small part of the impressive wand in her mouth. But, even without Warren's prompting, she very quickly understood the essence of how to do it and began to take the object deeper and deeper into her throat.

Warren was surprised to think- " Either she has a natural gift, or she has a terrifying talent for understanding the very essence of things."

So they continued, until each fired his charge several times. The girl seemed to be addicted to the taste of Yanqi Warren, who in turn was addicted to the taste of the sacred juices that the girl was releasing.

After that, they did not lose their passion, but only let it flow further, continuing their dance with renewed vigor in various poses.






After a time known only to the heavens themselves, Warren was behind the girl, holding her hands and driving his plunger deeper into the hole. Both of them were sweating through and almost exhausted, but they still continued their battle, spurred on by passion and no one seemed willing to give up their positions. But when Warren once again released his Yanqi into the girl's bosom, she could not stand it anymore and, falling to the ground, looked at Warren with apologetic eyes, he realized that the girl could not stand it anymore, and he was exhausted himself. Looking around, he saw that he was in some kind of garden, next to a pagoda. But the guy was not very interested in the landscape, he was looking for a place to lie down with the girl, and he found what he was looking for. There was a rather large marble bench nearby, and with the last of his strength, he picked up the girl in his arms and carried her to this bench.






"Hmm, what a wonderful dream!" - thought Warren, waking up. But then I felt that something was wrong. He was naked, and his hands were warm and pleasant to the touch. He opened his eyes and to his great surprise found himself lying on a marble bench in the very garden next to the pagoda, and in his arms was the girl from the dream, naked.

And then a suspicion crept into Warren's head- " But, but how is this possible?!"

And as if to confirm his thoughts, the girl in his arms let out a groan of awakening and slowly opened her eyes, turned her head and, seeing Warren, blushed, which was very noticeable against her pale skin.

"Um, hi?!"-Warren said, somewhat hesitantly, even with a questioning intonation.

"Hello, master ..." - a beautiful voice was heard, which by the end of the sentence began to fade, it was clear that the girl was extremely shy.

"Master?"- the boy asked, puzzled.

"Yes, I should probably introduce myself and explain what's going on, but master, let me get dressed first..."-the girl said, completely unsettling Warren. He had no idea what the hell was going on. Why does this girl call him master? Why is he in this strange place? And why is she so shy, if she was the direct initiator of what happened before? All these questions appeared in Warren's mind, but seeing that the girl was not comfortable without clothes, he nodded, allowing her to get dressed.

"Okay, she said she'd explain everything, just wait and then listen to what she has to say."- thought Warren. Then he released the girl from his embrace, stood up, and donned his demonic armor again, then looked at the girl. She, still shy, materialized a snow-white dress on her body- "Apparently, she used a spatial artifact." - the guy thought and his eyes shone when he saw this beauty in a dress, she was all to face.

"Master, let me introduce myself, my name is Kate, I am the guardian of this place!"- the girl said and bowed to Warren.

"Why do you call me master?"- asked Warren.

"Because the master is the owner of this place.-the girl replied.

"What exactly is this place?"- the guy continued to be interested.

"This is the Garden of Denied Sanctity!"- said the girl, as if to imply that this was all said.

But Warren wanted to know more and asked-" And what is this Garden of Denied Sanctity?"

"This is the place that my father created, he left his legacy here and made me the guardian of this place! I'm some kind of Artifact Spirit."- said the girl.

"The Spirit of the Artifact?"-Warren said with some doubt, and then continued- " But you said your father left you here, what kind of father would make his daughter be an Artifact Spirit?"-he was so surprised, because if someone is the Spirit of an Artifact, then they have rejected their physical form and live only as a soul. But suddenly he was caught by the realization and all the pieces of the puzzle came together in a complete picture.

"But even he couldn't do that to his daughter..."- the guy thought, still not believing in such a possibility Warren.

But the girl finally dispelled his doubts, saying- " My father is an Ancient God of Destruction, made me the Spirit of this Artifact!"

"Why do you say that about my father?"- the girl asked, and a spark of anger shone in her eyes.

"He killed you to make you an Artifact Spirit!"-Warren exclaimed.

"Killed me? No! What makes you think that?!"-the girl said.

"But only by rejecting the physical shell can you become an Artifact Spirit..."-Warren said, not quite so sure.