
Sweet dream

Warren's disregard for his life at the moment was understandable-he was very happy with the Heart of Will he had received.

"Oh ... well, anyway, it's time to pass on my legacy to you, yet you've passed my tests."-Lucifer said and cheered up after these words, after a very long time, he finally found an heir. He walked up to Warren and said just one word-"Goodbye!" - touched a finger to Warren's forehead and disappeared. Warren was very surprised by this turn of events, and he thought- "Did my personality irritate him so much that he decided to pass away as soon as possible?"

But as soon as this thought ran through Warren's mind, he felt something enter his spiritual space, a powerful wave of pain ran through his body, his eyes went dark and he fell unconscious.






"What is this soft stuff?"-Warren thought as consciousness began to return to him, the first thing he felt was that he was lying on something soft. He reached under his head and felt- "Mmm, how nice it feels!" - that was his second thought. Strangely, the thought of just opening his eyes and looking around somehow never entered his mind. He began to squeeze his hand and enjoyed the feeling, but after a moment he noticed that warm air was blowing on him from somewhere. Reluctantly, he opened his eyes and saw the reddened face of the beauty in front of him.

"I guess I'm still asleep!"- he concluded. Why? In the first place, he had no idea who this beauty was. Secondly, the beauty had snow-white wings-such as Lucifer once had, and this holy aura, like a crown, surrounding her head-such as Lucifer's race had. One would think that this is a representative of this very race, but according to Lucifer, this race has long since died out. Based on this, Warren decided that this was a dream, based on his recent impressions.

The girl, noticing that Warren had opened his eyes and was looking at her, held her breath and just stared at him in silence. Warren decided to take a closer look at the girl, no matter what you say, but she really is beautiful. Snow-white hair that didn't cause discord with her young and beautiful face, as it did with some other cultivators. A beautiful face, with slanted red eyes, which by the way are mostly demons, but Warren did not betray this value-it is still a dream, high cheekbones, and incredibly white skin, as if even the sun did not allow its rays to touch such beauty. Warren couldn't fully appreciate the figure, since he was lying on the girl's lap, but from what was in his field of vision, he could tell that the girl had very attractive forms, which, however, did not differ in their size, but everything was so balanced that any man would have salivated.

The demonic element in Warren's body began to awaken, the girl was already slightly embarrassed, and when she noticed the activity of Warren's wand, she finally blushed, but did not say anything and did not even move. She still allowed Warren to lie on her lap and touch her thighs with his hand. Warren, on the other hand, was only more turned on at the sight of such a reaction, the girl reminded him of an easy-going servant in her behavior. Any girl with such treatment would not be so calm, unless of course the man was her lover, but even in this case, only a girl with a special temperament would be so easy-going. And if it wasn't in a dream world, Warren would be very surprised to meet such a girl.

Warren decided that if this was his dream and the girl was so obedient, then why not enjoy her to his heart's content. He reached out his other hand to her neck and began to pull her toward him, lifting himself up a little to speed up the process.

As soon as his lips touched the girl's lips, Warren could immediately swear that this was the best kiss in his two lives, the girl's lips had an incredibly attractive sweet taste, which is why this effect was achieved. Warren began to spend his time with his tongue, the girl, who apparently had no such experience before, learned very quickly and was still as easy-going. At first, she simply did not resist Warren's actions, but after a few moments, she began to respond to his intrusion and even conduct a timid counterattack.

The guy lost track of time, savoring the sweet mouth of the girl. When they separated, he noticed that the girl's red eyes flickered and this calm, timid girl, a moment ago, began to tear off her clothes, revealing her pale, but no less attractive body to Warren. It was a strange case when her pale skin, which usually speaks of health problems, looked extremely harmonious.

Warren took his breath away from such an impressive sight, he could not believe that something of such beauty could exist in this world, but remembering that what was happening was a dream, everything fell into place. The girl, meanwhile, finished undressing and looked at the guy. He'd be an idiot if he didn't understand the implication in that look. He didn't have to be invited twice, he immediately deactivated his demonic heart, thus withdrawing his armor, and immediately a hot body stuck to him.

Warren's hands began to wander over this piece of art of the heavens themselves, especially the guy liked to touch the snow-white wings, which were probably a sensitive part of the girl's body, because she bent in the camp from the first touch. Warren, meanwhile, examined the rest of the girl's body with extreme care, sometimes pinching, sometimes squeezing her tender body. Looking at the two cherries, bright against the background of the girl's skin, Warren felt an incredible temptation and a call coming from them. He bent down, unable to resist the call, and pressed his lips to them. The girl let out a long sigh that was filled with passion.

The guy was absorbed by a soft object with a hardened top. One moment he was kissing the object of his passion, the next moment he was gently nibbling on the top of this object, the next moment the guy was greedily sucking on a cherry, and then with extreme caution, with the tip of his tongue, he drew patterns on the entire surface of this wonderful object. Every time he did that, the girl let out a sigh with a different intonation, but still she didn't say a word or even make a moan, as if she was afraid to reveal her voice to him.

Warren somehow managed to detach himself from the object of his desire and turned his interest to the sacred garden of the girl, gently touching his fingers to such an intimate place. When he came to this passage, I realized that the cave is already wet enough and thought-"Well and good, you can immediately move on to the main dish!"

His dragon has long been ready for battle, rushed forward and Warren did not stop him and, gripping her hips the girl on hands and working the wrapped hands around his neck, called a warrior to attack.

When the rod entered the sacred garden, it felt a barrier. Warren subconsciously looked at the girl, as if asking about her readiness, but she did not wait and took this step herself and a thin trickle of blood ran down. The girl felt the pain and cringed, but still did not utter a sound, but only clung to her teeth in the neck of Warren. And he did not mind, especially since she did not apply much force to the bite.

Warren still did not dare to act further, giving the girl time to rest, but she felt, or rather not feeling herself began to act.