
The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)

A woman from our world is reborn as a Fallen Angel Gamer in a Marvel/Crossover AU. Will she grind her way to the top, or get a game over?

StarWaves · Movies
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284 Chs

Chapter: 85

Chapter: 85 

Mittlet shook in fear! What the hell was her youngest sister doing here? Layla was supposed to have been missing because of one of Azazel's crazy experiments. Had that been a lie? All so that Azazel could secretly send her after their group? Did Azazel know what they were up to? Mittlet's mind was racing as she tried to come up with a reasonable explanation.

"Don't hurt yourself there, Sister," Layla said across from her. "Critical thinking was never really your thing after all," she said as she snickered at her own joke. The armored blonde woman next to Layla also started giggling. Mittlet had never wanted to stab someone so badly, but she refrained. She could feel the power almost seeping off the armored woman. Clearly, Azazel wouldn't let his precious little Layla go anywhere without a strong bodyguard. Mittlet could tell the woman was easily strong enough to beat everyone here without breaking a sweat. And speaking of everyone else. Where the hell were they?

"Hey! Dohnaseek, Kalawarner! I can sense you two hiding! Come out now!" Layla yelled loudly enough for her voice to echo across the church.

"H-hiding? We weren't hiding, younger sister. We were just um… taking a nap," Dohnaseek emerged from the church's backroom wearing his stupid fedora. Kalawarner was right behind him.

"Hey, Hey, Hey! What's going on here!? Why are all you mighty Fallen Angels acting so scared just 'cause two fuckable pretty little things showed up. Come on! As your loyal follower, I'm embarrassed!" From a nearby pew, a man who was laying down and catching some shut-eye sat up. He had silver hair, red eyes, and a manic expression on his face when he spotted Layla and her guard. Mittlet cursed in her mind. Freed Selzen was batshit insane, and she had no idea why Raynare let the crazy fucker stay around!

"Shut the hell up, Freed! Couldn't you hear us calling her sister! This is Layla, she's a Fallen Angel as well," Mittlet yelled at the crazy exorcist.

"Well, if they're here to ruin our plans, then we might as well kill them, right? Ugh!" Freed said before he suddenly coughed out blood. Mittlet's eyes widened in fright at what she had just witnessed – except she didn't! Layla's bodyguard had moved faster than her eyes could track and had impaled her sword right through Freed's torso. A second later, she pulled it out. Blood splattered onto the holy ground before Freed dropped to his knees, clutching at the hole in his chest.

"That's the second time you've insulted the lady I love with such a foul mouth. I won't be hearing it a third time," the woman said as she swung her sword and all the blood dripping on it flew off. She sheathed it before turning back to Layla and smiling at her.

The other nearby stray exorcists all shrank back in fear at the display. Mittlet knew that Freed was pretty much as strong as they were, and he was disposed of just like that. And by a woman who claimed to be in love with her youngest sister…


"Eeeeep!" Mittlet jumped as Layla called out her name.

"Well, that was unpleasant, but we're wasting time now. Where is Raynare?" Layla asked her again. This time the woman with her also glared and released a bit of her power into the air around them. It felt crushing and smoldering as it pressed down on everybody in the room.

Mittlet peed herself... and then fell backward.

Oh for fuck's sake… Mittlet wet herself in fear and then passed out. That was gross, and I feel bad for whoever will be cleaning that mess up. I turned toward my other two siblings. Dohnaseek and Kalawarner were both cowards at heart and had been keeping themselves relatively quiet.

"I'll tell you where they went! Just don't sic your paramour on us! Please!" Kalawarner said as she stepped forward.

"Kala, no! Raynare will punish us!" Dohnaseek said.

"I will punish you two if you don't tell me!" I said as I let my 8 black wings emerge from my back. The expression on the two's faces upon seeing them was pure shock.

"E-eight!? HOW!?" Dohnaseek trembled as he asked. None of us his business, that's how.

"Oh fuck! It's a high-ranking Angel!

"We're screwed, man, screwed!"

"Game over, run for it!"


I watched the comical scene before me as the dozen or so stray exorcists remaining all started fleeing wherever they could. Considering there was only one entrance to the church, they all started giving out the windows. Glass was shattering everywhere as they all dove out the windows in fright. It didn't even take 20 seconds for them all to clear out of the church. I considered capturing them, but chose not to. That many stray exorcists running throughout Kuoh town was sure to draw the attention of the devils. I could use that as a distraction.

Kalawarner looked gobsmacked as she watched all of her henchmen run away. She turned back to me once they were all gone, though, and let out a sigh of defeat. "Alright, Asia Argento ran away and is hiding somewhere in the town. Raynare told us all to stay here and keep a low profile while she went out and searched for the girl.

"You could have just started with that instead of wasting all this time!" I yelled at her, and she shrank back.

"You two, pick up Mittlet over there and get the hell out of this town. I have no doubt the Devil princesses are going to be on full alert soon," I told them. My two conscious siblings nodded vehemently before I spun around and headed back out the way Sif and I came in.



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