
The Fallen Angel Sasuke Uchiha

Sasuke Uchiha, the neglected twin brother of the "prodigy" Sasuki Uchiha, Sasuke in all rights was an unlucky child, being neglected by his parents for his sister, ignored by his elder brother due to his shinobi duties, and bullied by others for not being like his sister, watch as he gains a new peculiar power, that in his hands will make him absolute. (this is my first fanfiction, so please be easy on me, i won't be making any other fanfictions besides this one) (the mc is completely broken, the mc is straight, there is going to be multiverse, the world he's in is heavy AU) (all characters and arts go to there respective owner (s)

FanficFanatic12345 · Anime & Comics
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The Bell Test, And Meeting with Kurama

3rd POV

It was the next day and Sasuke was ready, he had already eaten breakfast which was some fruits, Sausage, Eggs, and Coffee, after cleaning up his leftovers he flashed out of his Home, and reappeared in his cave. The cave was rather small, with a small black bed on the farthest corner, a stove in the middle right wall, there was also some other things but those aren't all that important, grabbing his usual clothing he flashed out onto training ground 3. (I'll post a picture of what he looks like)

Flashing into Training Ground 3 he immediately scared Naruto and Sasuki, and his sensei's just had somewhat shocked looks on there faces seeing that he reappeared out of no where just like last time, and this was enough proof that he had somehow gotten his hands on flying thunder god.

Sasuke just simply looked at his teammates like they were idiots and turned to his "sensei's" and said "can you explain the test now"

They after hearing this immediately started to explain the test, Naruto and Sasuki had obviously already known what they were doing because they would have had questions otherwise, Hearing how simple the test was, Sasuke immediately knew that it was a test of teamwork, which was one of the simplest things that you have to do in your shinobi career, but it was rather obvious his teammates wouldn't do that, and considering who they are, there is a very high chance they will pass regardless, but knowing his "loving" godmother, she will try to fail him so he doesn't get himself hurt.

He already knew that the only way he would pass is if he put on a good "show" which is simply beating the shit out of both of them.

"Alright that is all you need to know!" Said Kushina, she then walked over to the timer and started it without giving any sort of warning and said "Start!"

The effect was instantaneous, both Sasuki and Naruto ran into the forest while Sasuke stayed, staring as his silver haired Sensei pulled out a small orange book, this caused Kushina to grow pissed and attempt to grab the book, completely disregarding the fact that there was a genin right next to her.

'Seems like she had grown arrogant if she believes she can just ignore me, even after seeing me move so fast, all I have to do is get one of those bells and harm them enough to make it impossible to not pass me' thought Sasuke already having an idea of what to do, and immediately after thinking this he sprung into action, teleporting past both Kushina and Kakashi, and before the two could react he had already gotten the bell, and both of them were beaten heavily, bleeding everywhere and had a few broken bones.

Minato, Fugaku, Mikoto, and Itachi all grew wide eyed seeing this from the little crystal ball they were watching from, Sasuke feeling that someone was watching him just simply looked up to where they were watching him from and did his famous "hn" and walked back to the tree that he was originally sitting on, and he sat back down while putting the bell in his pocket dimension given to him by the essence of the thief.

After sitting on the branch he just pulled out a small book that he ended up stealing on accident, this book gives him the knowledge he needs at the time, and it will automatically have knew knowledge in it, one of the coolest effects of it is that it can't be read, stolen, copied and/or sealed, if someone was to try to read it over his shoulder it would just look like a bunch of symbols they can't understand.

After around 2 hours of reading Sasuke finally set down the book and watched as Naruto and Sasuki were thrashed around rather easily, though it was obvious they were being light with there punches, after seeing how this was going to turn out Sasuke just put his book back into his dimensional space, laid down on the branch, and fell asleep.


Dimensional Home, Mountain Area

Walking around Sasuke was currently looking for the person he took out of Naruto a day ago, he has been walking for a little over one hour, and while he could very easily find him, he wanted to take in the surrounding a bit, after walking for another hour he had finally found the massive fox, Kurama was currently laying down in the middle of a large meadow with other smaller foxes playing around him, the smaller foxes hearing someone coming towards them all turned, only to see there master, they all immediately ran to the human and jumped on him, while licking his face all over.

Sasuke had an incredibly rare smile on his face, this smile could make many women fall for him instantly, to bad they care more about status then anything else now a days.

After finally getting the small foxes off of him, he walked up to Kurama and said "Hello, Kurama"

Kurama hearing his name immediately growled and was about to pounce on Sasuke, but before he could Sasuke teleported up to him and put a palm on his forehead, this was actually Sasuke Putting certain memories of his life, and his memories of what the future should have held, he of course didn't give Kurama knowledge of other universes and his abilities, but he did give him a small notice that other universes are in fact real.

Kurama seeing what the Kit had to go through growled, angry that humans would do that to one of there own, he looked over to the kit who had gone through to much for any child to ever go through and asked "How are you not insane?"

"Who said I wasn't?" Asked Sasuke, Kurama just looked at the kit in shock, and did the only thing it could think of, it wrapped him up in its large soft tails, and said "You don't have to worry kit, I'll be here for you now"

Sasuke hearing this just had a small smile on his face and said "Thank you... Friend"

Sasuke with that had immediately fallen asleep, he of course made sure to setup defenses for himself, but he knew that Kurama wouldn't hurt him, the second that Sasuke had made contact with Kurama's tails something had changed, his demonic chakra had become infinite with his Essence of the archmage, him and Kurama had become friends and partner's faster than any Naruto ever would have.

Kurama seeing that his new partner was asleep just snuggled up and fell asleep, while all the foxes had moved around there master sleeping on Kurama's tails, if anyone was to see this picture they would consider it a master piece, It would be called "The boy and the Fox"


And done, this chapter was short and was supposed to be longer but I think I left it off at a good part, next chapter will be uploaded randomly as I don't have any sort of update schedule.

(Word count is 1196)