
The Fallen Angel Sasuke Uchiha

Sasuke Uchiha, the neglected twin brother of the "prodigy" Sasuki Uchiha, Sasuke in all rights was an unlucky child, being neglected by his parents for his sister, ignored by his elder brother due to his shinobi duties, and bullied by others for not being like his sister, watch as he gains a new peculiar power, that in his hands will make him absolute. (this is my first fanfiction, so please be easy on me, i won't be making any other fanfictions besides this one) (the mc is completely broken, the mc is straight, there is going to be multiverse, the world he's in is heavy AU) (all characters and arts go to there respective owner (s)

FanficFanatic12345 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Finishing the bell test, talk with the older brother, and practicing

3rd POV

After sleeping with Kurama for a little over 8 hours Sasuke had finally woken up only to see the massive fox staring at him, seeing this he asked "Is there something wrong?"

"No Kit there is nothing wrong, I'm just confused on why you bother staying in that hell hole after everything they have done to you"

"You don't need to worry about that Kurama, I'll be leaving this place after the Chunin exams are over, also why aren't you questioning the fact that I know the future?"

"Because I respect you for surviving what you have been through, and due to that respect I won't question it, plus I have a feeling there will be much weirder things happening while we are partners " Replied Kurama

Sasuke just simply nodded while saying "Thank you for that Kurama, but I'm gonna need to wake up in the real world now, They will get suspicious if I don't"

"Alright kit, you can visit me whenever you want, and do to the fact that we are perfect partners I can talk to you while your out there now, though I won't do it very often" Finished Kurama

Sasuke just nodded and disappeared, only to wake up back in the real world, looking down towards where Kakashi and Kushina were previously at, he watched as they simply handed the two the bells and said "Congratulations you pass!" While Kakashi just nodded, while obviously disliking that he was just letting them win like that, he unlike others don't see Naruto as a hero or Sasuki as a Prodigy, because he knows what a hero and prodigy look like and these two are neither.

Jumping down Sasuke just simply walked over and handed the bell back to the two of them, Kushina seeing this said "Sorry Sasuke you fail, I hope you pass next time!" she smiled while saying this and inwardly thought 'this should be enough to make him give up on being a shinobi!'

Kakashi who heard this just looked at her like she was an idiot, while both Sasuki and Naruto were just laughing at him, while completely ignoring the fact that he had the bell way before they did, and got it in a much simpler and more effective way, Sasuke hearing that he was failed just sighed and walked off, as he already knew this was going to happen and thought 'The fact that she still fails me even after I beat her like that is just proving my point that she is not a good person, and from the look on Kakashi's face he actually wants me to pass, so that's a plus' and with that he walked back to the hokage's office, while going into the general area he cloaked himself and waited.

After waiting for a little while he walked into the office while the other Jonin's were walking in, walking over he leaned against the wall and listened to the different Jonin giving there reports on whether or not there team passed or failed, while listening to this he pulled out his book and continued reading on poison's.

After listening to all the nobody's talk he listened in on Kushina's report on there team "Naruto and Sasuki Passed! But sadly Sasuke didn't" She said the last part with a very obvious sad face, Kakashi who heard that she was actually going to fail him spoke up and said "That is not true sensei and you know it, the kid beat both me and Kushina faster than we could react, he is most definitely Jonin level at the least, if anyone failed it was Sasuki and Naruto who both refused to work together, they were at high genin at most, and were incredibly arrogant in many ways, they are not suitable to be shinobi at all!" He said the first part about Kushina lying with an annoyed face, while the rest went back to indifference.

All the Jonin who heard this were shocked as Kakashi rarely ever speaks up like that, Asuma and Kurenai who were there were also shocked that there friend was like this, as he rarely ever showed any emotion besides indifference and a calm face, the fact that he got annoyed like this was somewhat mind blowing to them, but the fact that he yelled at his sensei and the fourth Hokage is even more mind blowing.

Minato who heard this immediately got mad that Kakashi talked to his wife like that and about his son like that, but after hearing the level that Kakashi believes Sasuke to be at he was shocked, as from his perspective Sasuke was only at chūnin level, the fact that a child at the age of 16 was at least Anbu level is insane, and from what he watched Sasuke wasn't trying at all, thinking 'While I don't want to make my godson a shinobi I have to do it, there is just to much evidence against it, but if I can I'll stop him from becoming a Chunin as long as possible'

"Alright Kakashi you win, Sasuke will be passed and will be on team seven" replied Minato, Kushina who heard this looked like she was about to kill him, and everyone in the room besides Sasuke started getting scared as nine tail like pieces of hair came out and started flowing, next killing intent flooded the room and Kushina was about to yell but simply turned to the Jonin and glared, in an instant they all ran out except Kakashi who walked as "he" had gotten used to this by now.

Sasuke just watched as the husband and wife yelled at one another over whether or not he should be a shinobi, but eventually Kushina calmed down and agreed.


Walking out of the hokage's office area he walked down the streets ignoring the stares like usual, he then turned around a corner into a dark alley and waited for the person who was tailing him to come out.

Itachi who was tailing him walked out and said "Hello brother"

Sasuke just looked at him and said "Hello Itachi, what do you want"

Itachi looked at him with little to no emotion and said "straight to the point I see, I just want to ask, why you didn't return home?"

Sasuke just looked at Itachi as if he was an idiot and said "Because I don't want to live with a neglectful mother and father, a bully sister, and a big brother who cares less about me"

"I do care about you Sasuke" replied Itachi

"If you did then you would be siding with me right now" replied Sasuke, and with that there short conversation ended, while thinking 'I'm sorry little brother'


Getting back home Sasuke decided to test out one of his more complex abilities, this being the essence of the skill mastery, he walked over and started practicing something he hadn't done before, this being cutting down some wood, he ended up mastering the art in minutes, he then moved on to practicing in mining and mastered that in seconds, seeing just how strong this thing really is, he decided to practice it more in the future.

laying down he fell asleep in his small cave, only to appear in the large world, he went over to where Kurama was and fell asleep on his soft tails.


Done, I have a question and it is rather important, this question is about the love interest, and I have found someone who could fit, but I'm gonna have to pull some BS outta no where, is that ok?

(Word count is 1277)