

Julie's childhood was not like others and growing up she had to be independent. Will she be successful in both her relationship and career? Rose, Julie's duaghter , will she be able to overcome everything and be the best in her field? Jion me and let's explore the lives of this mother and daughter as they rise from being weak to become strong.

Kaizy · Urban
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25 Chs

Let's be with each other no matter what.

The art showcase in China was an absolute success but to Julie it was just her starting point. The Chinese market opened widely for Julie and her works as she really left a deep impression on them. she interpreted art in a different view. At this moment, many cooperations wanted to have a deal with her but since she was already the partner of the Ye cooperations, no one dared to come forth.

Two days after the showcase, the two ladies decided to go back to America as there was so much to take care of at the moment but Wang Ye and Magret were not willing to say goodbye to each other.

That morning, Wang Ye personally drove them to the airport but as they reached , he couldn't stop kissing Magret and as Julie witnessed all of this she couldn't help but feel pitiful for being single at the moment. After some time, their plane finally took off.

After the long hours of flying, they finaly landed in America. As they came out of the airport, Julie recognised Nick's car parked just across the airport. Just then she saw Nick coming to her side. He took the luguages and led them to the car and held the door for them to get in. Julie sat at the front seat while Magret took the back seat.

After almost forty five minutes of driving, they finally reached their apartment and after saying goodbye to them, Nick drove back to the office. since they returned on a Sunday, they decided to return to the company on Tuesday because of the jet lag.

The next day, after Magret ended her call with Wang Ye, she walked into the the living room.

" How is it?" Magret asked.

" How is what?" Julie asked casually.

" You and Nick" Magret added.

" What happened to us?" questioned Julie with a confused expression.

" Oh God!, I mean how is the progress in your relationship" Magret asked as she rolled her eyes.

" Just normal" Said by a relaxed Julie.

" So how come he picked us from the airport by himself yesterday"Magret questioned again as she wiggled her brows.

" He did it just to show his courtesy" Julie replied.

"Because you thanked him during the showcase?" Asked Magret again as she kept wiggling her brows at Julie.

" No, can you please stop teasing me and focus on your Want Ye instead?" Julie said jokingly.

" Honestly , I want us to move out to a better place. I know this place carries all our memories but I just feel like I have stayed in the past for a while and so I want to move into a new place and start a new life" Magret said seriously.

" Actually, I already thought about it the first day Nick asked about why we were still staying here even though it's very far from our company and with our current status, we could afford a new one but I just thought we had so much past than present to this place so it was hard to move. I also thought you wouldn't want to move" Julie added emotionally.

" Yeah I get that but you shouldn't always consider my likes and interest first before yours. " Magret said also with emotion.

" let's always be there for each other no matter what happens okay ?" Magret added.

" Okay" Julie said as they pulled each other into a tight hug.

The next day, the two arrived at the museum all smiles and joy. when they entered the museum, they received a warm welcome with a surprise celebration from the staff. After that, the ten of them went to the meeting room to report on their respective roles in the museum.

At The Meeting

" Miss congratulations again, the auditing team calculated this months revenue and there was an in increase of 1.5 compared to the previous month. This shows a good outcome for the company" said Mr Eric, the chief auditor of the company and one of the people her father recommended.

" Also the number of guests increased by 50% from last month" Nessa added.

" The sales rate has also increased by a Max and costumers are not only interested in only the artworks but also the antiques" Lucy added.

" Due to the art show case in China this time, our publicity rate also increased by a 100%. it also built a strong image of us in the eyes of both countries" Mr Steves,the head of the advertisement and marketing team said.

" Lastly, the showcase this time has also helped us a lot as the number of followers has increased from 4.5million to 10million in this short time. Some also left a message to the company that they wanted to purchase our artworks online" Laura concluded.

" So how do you suggest we go about the online trading?" Magret asked.

" With that, I suggest we collaborate with IT team to create such a portal for us. After the portal gets ready we will inform them on our official website" Laura answered.

" But the problem is since they are foreigners, how do we deliver it to them?" Magret questioned again.

"That, I think we would collaborate with a shipping company for it." Laura replied again.

" Ok thats a good idea" Magret said.

" Then Mr Anderson since you are the head of the IT department, I guess you will know how to create such a portal. in regards to the shipping, I already have someone in mind. " Julie said in seriousness.

" Yes miss" said Mr Anderson .

" This plan will actually help us to get into a wider market. Since we have all good news today, let's have a dinner from the companies funds to celebrate" Julie added before ending the meeting.

That night, even though the four old men couldn't make it for the dinner because of their age, Julie didn't forget to send them some gifts. The six young people really enjoyed that day. As the two ladies reached the door of their apartment, Magret received a call.

" Julie someone called and said they would want to meet us for business tomorrow at the office." Magret said as they entered the living room.

" okay then please notify Nessa to welcome them well tomorrow" Julie said with a tired voice.

" Okay, sleep early so that tomorrow we can meet them with good conditions" Magret replied.

" Okay. I have also started looking for a new apartment" Julie said before entering her room.