
The Fairy King's System

*** A boy who had a tragic life got reincarnated in another world as a Nature Spirit, the weakest variant of fairies. With the new life that was given to him, he will do his best to make it a fulfilling life, by at least surviving in this harsh world that he was reincarnated on. Where every creature could easily kill him, while at the same time climbing his way on top. This is a story about a seemingly harmless and weak creature, but sometimes looks could be deceiving. Hardship often had something in return, but every action has consequences along with it. *** Not all fairies have wings... or tails. Sometimes all you need to have is a glowing circular body to be the strongest. *** Warning: If you came here expecting a Kind/Hero MC you are in the wrong book. I'm not a fan of cinnamon rolls. And no, he is not a pure-hearted person, but also, he is not a killing machine who will kill anything that has life in it. I'm not a fan of robots. If you are not a fan of underhanded or straight-up manipulative MC, leave this book alone. This book is not for everyone. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. ***

Torpid_XD · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 81: Trust And Approval

Afternoon arrived at the capital of Ashendar kingdom. At the road in front of the guildhall.

Walking down the road were Gwen, Clint and Amiya on their way to the guildhall after a day of adventuring.

"I hate giant ants!" Amiya said while dragging her own body across the road while carrying a huge brown sack on her back the same with the 2.

Quite abruptly, Gwen, Clint, and Amiya stopped upon seeing Levy waving at them, behind her was Roshan leaning against the wall.

Gwen hurried and approached them. "Levy."

"We want to talk with the 3 of you about something. Could you spare us some time?"

Gwen's eyes repeatedly switched between the 2 of them. "Sure. Let us hear it."


Inside of one of the restaurants in the marketplace of the capital of Ashendar. The establishment was full of people as the waitresses were continuously jogging between the red-curtained circle wooden table.

The weak laughter of the customers mostly women were could be heard.

The sweet smell of cake was dispersing throughout the room.

"Come again, Levy?" Gwen said while her eyes were widening.

"As I said, we want to join your party, I know it's not the best time considering the recent incident, and of course you didn't know us that much so we totally understand that you'll naturally get reluctant about it, so we completely understand if you don't want us to join." Levy long explained.

Gwen straightened up her body and switched her gaze towards the two sitting on the opposite side of the circle table. Sitting beside Gwen were Clint just silently listening to them, while on the other side, Amiya was minding her own business excitedly eating a pink slice of cake with yellow icing on top.

"You have a point. But we cannot just deny your request, contrary to what you believe in, we have already had so many quests that we have participated together, of course, we have already know you more than enough to happily accept your proposal." Gwen pointed her gaze at Roshan currently leaning his head on the light blue wall. "Roshan on the other hand. Even though he is a new person to us, I can say that he is more than trustworthy enough, I suppose? However, first, may I know the reason why?"

"We are desperate enough, it's either you or a group of drunkards," Roshan answered while still leaning on the wall.

"Oh, he talked, I thought he was asleep and not even interested," Amiya commented while cutting her cake.

Gwen nodded. "I understand. Let us ask our leader about this first."

Both Gwen and Amiya's eyes traveled toward Clint that instantly frowned. "How many times do I need to tell you that I am not the leader of this party?"

Gwen looked back at Levy and gave her a genuine smile. "Seems like he approved."

"Uhm, I think that's not what he said," Levy stated.

"I am surprised that Roshan agreed. Based on the first impression I have on him, he is not the type of person who will easily join a group of people he just met." Gwen's eyes darted on Roshan.

"What kind of blackmail did you use to make him say yes?" Amiya asked while still focusing her eyes on her cake.

Roshan shrugged. "Bills need to get paid."

Levy leaned back to her wooden chair. "He agreed. Somehow. For some reason I can't even comprehend."

Gwen paused for a few seconds. "What do you think, Amiya? Clint?"

Amiya shook her head. "I have no objection."

Clint nodded. "Additional members in the team are more than welcome, we will be glad to have you around."

Levy clapped her hands. "Then, let's go talk to guild master Rudwick. He would be glad to hear the good news."


Inside the guildhall of Ashendar, at the office of the guild master Rudwick.

Rudwick was sitting on his chair while massaging his forehead. A few distances from him were Roshan, Gwen, Levy, Amiya, and Clint sitting together on the long sofa while watching him.

Rudwick raised his head and looked at the five and released a strong sigh. "At this very moment, I'm not looking at a newly built party. I'm looking at a bunch of misfits trying to band together. What made you think it is a good idea?"

Levy shrugged. "I thought you would be happy that we finally got a party to join in, guild master."

"Malevie, is this a face of a delighted person? 5 of the most headache-inducing adventurers in the guild somehow managed to make a party. What are the odds?"

"Don't worry guild master, we will do our best as a party. We will never give you a headache." Levy replied while scratching the back of her head.

"You all already have." Rudwick eyes shifted to Roshan silently listening to them. "Did you agree with this, Roshan?"

Roshan nodded. "Yes."

Rudwick's eyes shifted to Gwen. "Princess Gwendolyn, is it alright for the 3 of you to recruit them? Provided the recent incident in the Fairy dungeon?"

Gwen smiled. "Yes. Levy is a kind person, we have already known her for a long time and Roshan helped us in a dangerous situation yesterday, and I think he is easy to get along with."

Rudwick shook his head and exhaled. "Youngsters these days, just be careful while doing your class B quest, on the positive side, it is favorable that Roshan is with you."

"You are approving us, guild master?" Amiya asked.

"Yes. You 3 are already an established party, all I need to do is to put those 2 as your recruits. Now, take your leave and reflect on what you have just done."

"Thank you very much, guild master."

Leading the way, Gwen came out first, following her were Amiya, Clint, Levy, and Roshan on the back.

"Roshan, stay here for a while."

Roshan stopped and let the others get out and close the door.

Rudwick sat on his chair and stared at him. "You're getting a lot of attention lately."

Roshan faced him and nodded. "I noticed."

Rudwick nodded. "Just be careful, not all the attention you will get is a good thing. Maybe you are powerful, but magic power is not the only thing that makes this world work."

Roshan paused for a second and slowly nodded his head. "I see. I'll take your advice in mind."