
The Fairy Godmother killed Prince Charming

"And they lived happily ever after. The End" All stories end well, except for Princess Freya and Prince Thomas. The fairy godmother Edaleen got drunk at the wedding and accidentally threw lightning at the prince. Now it only remains to flee. But on her way she runs into the villain, to whom she promises to give him whatever he wants in exchange for returning the crystal of her wand and helping her end the story with a happy ending.

Kanguritox · Fantasy
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100 Chs

The Wrath of the Dragon

-You damn daring asshole! -

-Hey Pryor, you don't hear that, I didn't know there was a chicken coop in the building-

Pissed off, Elaine was about to slap Brad when she was pulled over. Brad held her arm tightly and held her tighter and tighter, to the point that he made her writhe in pain until she fell to the ground.

Releasing her arm, he squatted to be level with her and his aura began to taint the air slowly.

-Wow! According to you, am I insolent? Heh! You are not so imposing if you are on the ground. Let me tell you a couple of little things you piece of old hag.-

-Dragon, I don't even know you, I came here for another matter that has nothing to do with you- Elaine refused to back down

Brad's eyes began to shine and he took Elaine by her shoulder and with his other hand he cupped her chin.

-Oh! Is that so? First your people attack my wife, then my family to end up demanding that I apologize for their mistake ... I think that denying knowing me is a bit shameless on your part-

-Who ... who the hell are you ... I never ...- between tremors she could not react correctly

-Your grandchildren come to a buffet that does not correspond to them, they dare to insult a director and attack my wife, my reasons for hating them increases- angrily he grab her hair

-Think, what do you think I'll do to your granddaughter if she dares to touch Sonia ... think about what hares will do to you if they just put a finger on her hahaha-

Elaine realized that she was in dire straits upon hearing Sonia's name.

-I know you sent your granddaughter to change teams. I wonder why? Can you answer me? Or do I ask your pretty little granddaughter? -Brad squeezed Elaine's hair so tight it looked like he was going to pull it out.

-No ... no ... no please, I'll tell you -

-Of course you will and how you will do it! -

Brad's aura spread to the fairy buffet in an explosive fashion. The sensation caused fear and made some of them lose their balance. No one knew where that feeling of horror came from, except the dragons who knew that aura as "The Wrath of the Dragon".

A dragon demanding a fight to maintain or gain status, protect his territory, or fight for his clan were more dangerous than anyone.

Dragon fights were held in private and only occurred among the most veteran alphas when they were looking for the next leader of their clan as their auras were very toxic to anyone who did not wield magic. Only a alpha dragon with a veteran rank could demand such a fight from another of a similar level. If they were not somewhat even, the aura would end up breaking the opponent's little mental balance.

All dragons children, youth and adults were invited to witness and learn about such a spectacle for that reason, their entire race knew the feeling of terror of a candidate for leader.

Now they were witnessing it outside of a clan arena. This particular aura gave them the feeling of being swallowed up by despair and fear. There was a dragon defying the rules and to someone for a specific reason. Trying to locate the person responsible, they began to fear for the worst.

-Well, I didn't know that my brother would go far to take care of you-

-It's a bit annoying, then tell him not to do it again-

-Yes ... I'll tell him when he comes back- Sonia waited happily for her husband's return and she didn't seem to affect anything while she devoured a pizza.


-I'm glad you cooperated, that's how it is done. I hope, there is no next time, because if not ... I'm going to send your grandson to pieces- Brad whispered in the ear of a tearful Elaine and that felt her body like a pile of stones

-You can go and persuade her, but if only she gets to touch Sonia's hair, I assure you that tonight you will only have four grandchildren instead of five-

Elaine scrambled to her feet from the ground and crawled out of Pryor's office crying. She staggered and fell with every step she took, she decided to hold onto the walls until reached the elevator. The secretaries and the rest of staff, saw her in a deplorable state and she looked so pale and ruined from crying.

Everyone felt the terrifying aura and when they turned to look inside the office, they saw Brad standing smoking while he laughed at Elaine's misfortune.

Brad closed the door, sat in the chair, put his feet up on the desk and continued smoking.

-Shut down that cigarette, shit. Put your feet down and sit down well, you damn brat, unless you want me to lower your salary-

-Yes ma'am, sorry-

-What the fuck was that? The wrath of the dragon? Is seriously? What crossed your mind to do that, if you had an interest in intimidating her, there were other resources.- Pryor was recovering from Brad's display of power

-It's difficult, Ross told me to take it out little by little and I did. I just learned it yesterday, I showed it to my wife but it doesn't affect her, so I don't know how to handle it-

-Yesterday? Doesn't she affect? Who did you marry, another territorial alpha dragon? LOL-

-I don't know, I'm going to ask her... ah, I don't have a cell phone. I broke it yesterday when I used it. Hahaha-

-Ahhh, at least that bitch is not going to screw up, the rest of her life again. Go away and thank you. Tell your bosses to come later and poor thing if you smoke indoors again-

-Ok Pryor! .... sorry, yes ma'am-

Brad left to look for Sonia. Pryor was sure things would get worse, but now with the Trudys and she avoid thinking about it for the moment.

On the way to his office, Brad was stopped by Hibbert. She was looking at him like she was looking at a alpha leader and she was a little scared of him.

-You caused that right? That was ... who did you ask for a fight? -

-Hmm, old Flake. Let Maler know to take care of her, and thank him. I have to go see my wife. See you later Hibby-

Hibbert looked at Brad's back and thought that he was still a child inside, a very dangerous one. On the other side of the hall, there were two dragons watching in terror at a black dragon talking happily to the foreign red dragon and running towards the support fairy buffet area.

They went out to find the source of the dragon's wrath and found something out of logic. They grew up hearing stories about black dragons and how powerful they were in their golden age. Now they were witnessing a legend, and they wanted to find out about him. They went to the fairy godmother buffet to warn their comrades about the event.

-That can't be ... you're lying. Are you sure Colin? Capable was only the clothes. There are no black dragons. We all know that and if there were any... do you know what would cause that? -

-Yona I know what I saw, if you don't believe us. Ask the foreigner to tell you.-

-Oh by the gods! Laika, Yona come. There's ... there's a damn black dragon on the stand asshole buffet! -

Some fairy godmothers were pale looking down, as Sonia retired with the dragon.

-Who is that? Where did he come from?-

-Ah! But if that's Bradley, stop freaking out, you cowardly lizards- Philippe made fun of those who just found out about Brad's identity

-What the fuck! Bradley ... the cowardly and useless Bradley!-

-It is true! You did not go to the wedding and did not find out. Brad matured to adulthood on Friday and married on Saturday and with nothing more and nothing less than Sonia hahaha ... that happens to them for leaving him with Ross- Laurel laughed at the Trudy brothers

-Maturation? Married to Pinky ?! That is wrong, he is not ..-

-You know Laika, why don't you go and congratulate his little brother and then tell us that he told you- Radcliffe wanted Brad to hit his brothers in order to have fun just like the rest of his acquaintances.