
The Fairy Godmother killed Prince Charming

"And they lived happily ever after. The End" All stories end well, except for Princess Freya and Prince Thomas. The fairy godmother Edaleen got drunk at the wedding and accidentally threw lightning at the prince. Now it only remains to flee. But on her way she runs into the villain, to whom she promises to give him whatever he wants in exchange for returning the crystal of her wand and helping her end the story with a happy ending.

Kanguritox · Fantasy
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The hen cackles

Elaine Flake was furious. Her grandchildren had gotten into a fight with the Fairchilds and Jonathan was injured with none other than someone from the Trudy family, the dragon Bradley.

Anyone would have been the least of problems, but a dragon was a major error. Pryor notified her to meet Monday to work out a private agreement. She disliked having to stick her face up for her grandchildren and show herself to everyone in Pryor's office.

Wanting to advance the arrangement, she called the Trudy patriarch, Victorius. He mentioned to her about the dilemma that Jonathan was in and that she wanted to reach an agreement without going to the meeting.

Elaine couldn't believe what she heard, as Victorius denied having a relationship with Bradley. He told her that the young man was literally disowned and expelled from his clan, to the point that he was erased from the family registry as soon as he set foot outside the house.

Brad was left at the mercy of nowhere. He was an outcast and a stranger whom no one wanted or should associate with.

Victorius gave Elaine the guideline that she could take the reins of the matter and put the arrangement in her favor in private since his ex-grandson did not come to beg them for help. And even if Brad had come to beg them, no one would dare to help him, least of all stand up for him.

With that in favor of her, she began to prepare a plan to ruin it, incidentally take revenge on Sonia Pinky and for that, Susan agreed to help her. On Monday, Sonia's team would enter the novel with her and then make her regret it.

Jonathan was still on medical leave due to the beating he received and was watching television with anger. He was zapping between channels until he stopped on a celebrity gossip show. The news about a private meeting that made half the world go crazy was wreaking havoc with the press.

There were famous people and even nobles and ambassadors from some countries who would attend this meeting in mid-September. They were talking about the birthday of someone so important that even the FBI and Interpol had to intervene to safeguard their safety and prevent private information from being leaked.

- Pure shit. There's nothing to see. Hey it hurts! -

-Stop touching your face. The scabs will not form and you will end up with an ugly scar on the nose- Susan accommodated her brother's pillow

-Motherfucker! He will pay me when he is more presentable.-

-Grandma said he doesn't have anyone, he was abandoned, doesn't that sound like the perfect prey?

-On Monday take care of that bitch Pinky, the grandma will partially liquidate that lizard to leave the rest for me when I return to work-

They both laughed waiting for their revenge, although if they had planned it better, perhaps ...

The party continued and couples danced on the floor. The DJ put on a mix of classics and when "Put your head on my shoulder" sounded, the couples got romantic.

The wedding were almost finished, they just needed to throw the bouquet and the garters to the singles. The rest ate the cakes, waiting for the moment. Most of the children were already asleep and the brides had gotten drunk, although the grooms tried to keep them lucid until the end.

Ross, like Brad, avoided getting drunk to deal with their women. They asked Mama Rabbit to take care of Etoile until Monday, but Etoile decided that it was better for her to go live with Mama so that she could get used to them and she gave their place to the newlyweds. She knew how necessary that time was as a couple.

They said goodbye and announced the end of the party. Staggering, Leen tossed the bouquet followed by Sonia. Both were carried in their arms to the cars. Leen was babbling for more alcohol and Sonia was fighting with Brad and hitting him.

They both knew they would have to deal with two disasters upon arrival. The gifts would be sent to a nearby warehouse tomorrow for removal within the next five days.

On Sunday, Leen and Ross brought food for everyone to eat together, but seeing Brad rubbing his wife's back, they couldn't help but laugh at him.

It was almost 7pm, and it was almost impossible for Sonia to get up all day due to her waist pain. She found herself prostrate face down on the couch with warm compresses to ease her pain.

-You think it's a joke, the pain is excruciating-

-You shouldn't have exceeded sister-in-law hehe-

-Damn lizard, this is your fault! -

-You were the one who threw herself on me. Don't expect me to have self-control when you do that!

The newlyweds started their first day together fighting, although they seemed to enjoy it.

[-Brad is a masochist. He loves that she hit him and yell at him-]

[-Tomorrow he may retaliate against something tougher. Pryor set the meeting for Monday at 9am. According to her, that woman is a fucking crazy. Even Maler warned me about her]

[-We have to warn this couple of lovebirds, the Flakes are very resentful. In particular, we have to take care of Sonia, Susan appears on the team roster as the fairy godmother-]

[-About that, I already thought about how to make her not try to do anything stupid, just watch, I'm going to put a leash on her]

-Hey brother! I forgot to tell you something. I didn't want to ruin your party yesterday, so I better tell you now so you can stop a few cockroaches tomorrow-


-Tomorrow comes old Flake and Susan traded places with Thaby. She will go with the team of ... Sonia-

Brad's tail smashed the dining room table in half and his cell phone was smashed when he clenched his fist.

-So he changed places to go after my wife huh ?! - Brad's face was disturbing and his aura came off violently

Monday came and the employees were coming to work. Everyone greeted the newlyweds and those who had not been invited ended up finding out that day. The biggest surprise and impression was caused by Brad that he was a total stranger to the vast majority. His appearance was very intimidating and he had a creepy smile.

Those who asked who he was, knowing his identity, avoided him when they remembered the beating of Jonathan. While everyone was at the buffet, Sonia locked with him in their bosses' office to reassure him and hold out until the meeting with Elaine.

They called on loudspeaker and Brad said goodbye to his wife to go see Pryor.

-Little dragon ...- Sonia adjusted Brad's tie sitting on the desk

-I'll be right back. I'm going to break someone's ego-

-I already know that. But first, close the zipper of your pants hehe-

Brad turned red, adjusted his shirt and pants to leave.

Elaine was with Pryor throwing poison at Brad and Sonia. Her comments were deplorable and left Brad a wild and resentful bully.

She shouted for a public apology from both of them and even their final dismissal from the complex. She was unwilling to be embarrassed by someone without trade or profit and even she brought the Trudy family to the table as her guarantors and witnesses.

Pryor looked at Elaine's impudence and teased her internally, for while she remained in her refusal to back down, she did not notice that Brad was standing in the doorway and now approaching the chair.

-How you like to cackle, old hag- Brad crossed his legs and lit a cigarette

-Excuse me. Insolent do you know who you are talking to? - Seeing a black dragon disturbed her for only a moment and then she continued with her complaint

-Ko ko ko ko ... you, cackle a lot. Now I know where the Flakes came from so cocky-

-Pryor, how dare this guy disrespect me. If it belongs to your people, you will pay it together with him-

Pryor couldn't help but laugh and stare at Brad. Being ignored pissed Elaine off.

-You're done. Hey Pryor, I change my mind, I demand an apology, but from the entire Flake family, I also want this old woman to kneel and apologize. Nobody insults my family and messes with my wife- Brad sounded angry.