
The Fairy Godmother killed Prince Charming

"And they lived happily ever after. The End" All stories end well, except for Princess Freya and Prince Thomas. The fairy godmother Edaleen got drunk at the wedding and accidentally threw lightning at the prince. Now it only remains to flee. But on her way she runs into the villain, to whom she promises to give him whatever he wants in exchange for returning the crystal of her wand and helping her end the story with a happy ending.

Kanguritox · Fantasy
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100 Chs

The Masterful Fairy and the Eater of Tales

-What the hell do you think you're doing hiding? Did you think I would not notice your presence? Damn lizard! - Ross was holding Brad's neck who was drowning.

-Ross put him down now! - Leen ordered Ross to release him

Brad fell to the ground trying to catch his breath. Arthur by his side seated in the corner of the closet holding his knees crying and shaking from the terror emanating from the man in front of him. He was muttering words that made Ross, who was staring at him, reach out his hand to help him up.

-I am not going to kill you, get up child-

Arthur was about to cry and Sonia had no choice but to hug him to calm him down.

-Stop looking at me like that, I'm not going to do anything to your brother, the one I'm going to punish is the elusive lizard-

-Don't hurt me, I swear it's a misunderstanding-

-Misunderstanding? You were hiding in the closet with Arthur listening to everything ... why? ... oh, don't tell me you're a pervert! - Leen was disgusted with the thoughts that crossed her mind

-I'm not a pervert ... what happened was ... it was Arthur's fault! - Brad pointed defiantly at the young man in Sonia's arms


The silence only made Brad feel stupider. Everyone's gaze demanded that he explain what happened.

-I ate everything I had and I was still hungry. I remembered that Ross bought more sandwiches and kept them in his backpack, when I entered the office to look for it, I found Arthur going through his things. I wanted to stop him but you came and we hid in the closet ... I swear! -

-You are pathetic and a scoundrel. Why hide from your bosses? Instead you are a crying thief, why were you checking my things? -

Arthur was still trembling with fear but Sonia urged him to answer.

-I ... I ... wanted to know who you are, Leen and you ... what are you planning to do with her?

-I think it's useless, now this trio already knows. It means that by tomorrow I will be ruined, my life will go to shit, I will lose my job and I will have to go back to live with my parents in Madagascar- Sylph was crying inconsolably

-I will not say anything. My brother neither and I hope this lizard less, as long as they tell us the truth- Sonia was impassive holding Arhur

-No one will open their mouths. We will fix this as civilized people. Now I think Sonia and Arthur deserve an explanation of who Ross is- Leen was putting his ideas in order

-What about me? If you don't consider me your partner, I can open my mouth-

-As our servant, if they kick us out, you too will be out of work. So you better shut up or we'll throw you out on the street-

Brad preferred to keep his anger away and listen to Leen's explanation. There were twenty minutes to go before an interview with Pryor, and during that time they gave a formal introduction to Ross, a brief account of their unfortunate encounter, the curious relationship they established that would end with a wedding by the end of the month. Both Sylph and Sonia did not believe the last thing they heard. It seemed to them between stupid and hasty, although seeing the position they were in, it made sense. They postponed their talk for later in Leen's apartment. They had to prepare for the meetings with Pryor and the teleconference of which they had no idea how much would last.

Leen asked Arthur to please buy food and other items from the supermarket. His distrust of Bradley grew more after the unsuccessful robbery attempt and he preferred to refer the task to someone more responsible.


Finished their duties, they headed to the amphitheater to see Pryor. She received them stunned, because the doors finished closing without problems and all the fairies involved were in perfect condition. The amphitheater had been filled with the directors, managers, supervisors, leaders, and other senior employees.

Everyone was amazed that the new directors had achieved such an achievement on their first day, even Pryor who had been looking down and upset lately, now she was reassured that she had made the decision to place them as directors.

While the reunion seemed to be heading in the direction of the anomalies and the anticipated departure of the stories, what would then be presented to them, cut off their temporary peace of mind. At the end of the explanation, Pryor and Adys limited themselves to advising everyone on how to reveal the dilemma to all employees without causing widespread panic.

The scheduled time arrived and those present anxiously awaited whatever was going to be exposed to them at the meeting. The screens lit up and the most important figures in the realm of magic were shown with colorful expressions.

The amphitheater went dark and holograms of statistics, historical records and various images were displayed on the stage. When it was the turn of the Americans to present their results, the great majority paled. The angry Turks, Koreans and Filipinos demanded an explanation. No one had been informed of the discovery except for supporters or American headquarters abroad. The CEO of Moonspell, Serge Noiret, insulted American organizations, because if true, his business and that of the entire triad would be in trouble due to the lack of knowledge of the manufacture of magic weapons for more than three centuries.

Cinthia furious put the Americans under suspicion, because they did not have more rabbits unlike their competitors abroad, who even retaining trackers, did not notice anything until long after the Resonance and even dared to hide conclusive information for the investigation. The supreme fairy Helix Winter, just laughed in disgust, did not think it possible that something like that was happening again.

The hologram showed a crude drawing that practically seemed made by an infant. It was the representation of the greatest oldest enemy for fairies and stories; a "story eater". For almost everyone, they were legends, almost a myth so to speak.

His presence meant the end of the known world, since the devourers were dedicated to feeding on the magic of stories and had an atrocious predilection for fairies and their stars.

They were the triggers of wars that lasted millennia, until the most powerful fairies in those times, used their pure stars to stop them and thus completely extinguish them from this world, sealing them forever in an infinite void.

The Masterful Fairies who succumbed at that time, left behind the legacy of the shards instead of the use of pure stars. The stars did not want to lend themselves to be the cause of the end of the world again, so they chose to divide themselves to death among the fairies. The story about that event had occurred more than 1700 years ago and all record remained in popular folklore and in the mouth of the people until it became a story for children.

Scandinavia had had a perch with these creatures in the 16th century, and the record of how they dealt with them had been lost, being archived as a mere delirium by those involved, who claimed that the analogue fairies died trying to lock them up.

Soon madness arose in those who believed in creatures and those who considered it a children's story.