
The Fairy Godmother killed Prince Charming

"And they lived happily ever after. The End" All stories end well, except for Princess Freya and Prince Thomas. The fairy godmother Edaleen got drunk at the wedding and accidentally threw lightning at the prince. Now it only remains to flee. But on her way she runs into the villain, to whom she promises to give him whatever he wants in exchange for returning the crystal of her wand and helping her end the story with a happy ending.

Kanguritox · Fantasy
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100 Chs

The magic door and the hidden fairy

There was still more than an hour and a half for the stories to end,, during that waiting period the programmers and supervisors were kept alert from the fourth glass floor, waiting for the opening of the 108 doors. The Rankers for their part, were organizing the schedule of highs and lows in the ranking to enter the points of the teams at the end of the day.

The enclosure was empty awaiting the arrival of the fairies, only silence was present. There had been no incident worthy of intervention and that situation put on the nerves of all the personnel in the complex. When suddenly, the sound of a door opening left them in check.

The runic door swung open and the bright blue light mixed with the warm breeze characteristic of a story's exit echoed.

The first to set foot outside were the character development team, "Coco Bay," then the plot team "Pink Sugar," the villain team, "Zebra 3," and so on until the fairy godmother Laurel. The staff couldn't believe their eyes. The first thought was that something terrible happened that caused the return of the fairies to be anticipated, but when the huge orange door closed, turned white and the name on the sign above the door vanished, they took it for granted that the story had concluded.

All teams arrived safely and began cheering and celebrating their return home. Something unheard of was taking place but his surprise would not end there. Two more doors had been opened but with the difference that they kept their typical colors, implying that their stories are not yet over. Team after team came out celebrating and those who were supposed to receive the day's data and reports were stunned and speechless.

The leaders of each group went to Ross and Leen to thank them for the advice and parameters delivered the day before. The celebration was the order of the day and each leader sent his results through their tablets to the database of the rankers. Nobody would have imagined that the commotion would be greater when the giant screen on the wall showed Zebra 3 as one of the 50 best of 108 on its first day and that there were still 55 teams to arrive for the final calculation of its section.

The news of the opening of the doors did not take long to reach the ears of all the directors and other high officials. A fairy from the Rankers section rushed to the office of fairy Pryor, but the secretaries said to wait for the official call with the supreme fairy to finish, he insisted, presenting her with the most laughable panorama that was it would have happened to someone.

-Fairy Pryor, Buntu from the ranker section needs to speak with you urgently- the secretary was shaking at the door

-I am not for anyone, tell him to get out. Now is not the time- Pryor was losing patience.

Buntu pushed the secretary aside and aggressively entered the office.

-I'm sorry, but before you kick me out ... fairy Pryor has to go down urgently to the enclosure of the doors ... something unthinkable happened- Buntu was breathing with difficulty

-God ... don't tell me what...happened again .. No! - Pryor got up from his seat and ran away pushing everyone in his path.

-Wait, fairy Pryor is not what you think! -In his misery, Buntu receives the consolation of Adys

-What exactly happened? -

Upon learning of the opening, Adys set out in search of Cinthia. The news even reached the foreign delegation, who, wanting to understand the reason why, went to the venue. Pryor arrived exhausted and trembling with fear from what happened in the stories. His surprise was greater when the head of programming, Michelle Bouvier, told her that in total 8 doors had advanced chapters and one successfully concluded its story ahead of time, hence the accelerated arrival.

Nothing bad had happened, on the contrary it could be called a pleasant and wonderful situation, only if they had not been suffering from anomalies and bad news in recent days. It remained to be expected that the remaining 100 doors would open and send the fairies without problems to classify it as a miracle.


Leen and Ross went back to their office to finish arranging the group schedules and reports for tomorrow. Pryor ordered them to go to the amphitheater to speak before the general meeting after they finished their duties. They were tired and did not understand the reason for Pryor's anger towards them, they decided to dismiss it for now and continue with their things.

-What do you think is happening? Everyone seems nervous and fearful, they even mentioned the name of the supreme fairy-

Leen thought something was wrong and that bothered her

-Surely it's because of the early opening. Don't worry, just think of something else in the meantime- Ross massaged Leen's shoulders to relax her and began to kiss her on the neck

When they were getting more affectionate, Sonia entered their office without knocking on the door. She pushed a chair to close the broken door and sat on the desk.

-I think it's time for us to tell ourselves the truth about what is happening, don't you think? -

-Sonia, not now. We are busy-Leen contained her anger after being interrupted

-Of course, you can tell they are busy, pair of idiots-

-I don't know what you want to hear sister-in-law-

The door swung open again without letting Sonia continue. Sylph entered and pushed the chair to close the door while she glared at Leen without noticing that Sonia was behind her.

-Eda, for heaven's sake, tell me you didn't do anything stupid like the other day-

-What are you talking about?-

-Everyone is about to collapse of the nerves, the supreme fairy arrives tomorrow and for a change a world meeting was called by teleconference for today at 6 in the afternoon ... if it was not you, then what is happening? -

-I already told you that it was not me, I was with Ross finishing a story, ask him if you don't believe me-

-Oh sure! I'm going to ask your wand and what will he answer me? Nothing! Because he's your buddy! -

-Hey, calm down Sylph, Leen is right, she did nothing ..-

-You shut up! I don't know why, but I feel like this all started with you. If only Edaleen had not let you swallow the fragment to finally drag you from your story to this world ... I think none of this would be happening-

-What! are you a outsider? ... eh? And you have a fragment inside you, that means that ...- Sonia was thinking aloud and she was in shock

Sylph fell to her knees to the ground. Without realizing it, she had opened her mouth in front of the biggest gossip in the complex and possibly by tomorrow everyone would already know about Edaleen's mistake. Ross and Leen tried to pick it up when, Ross felt something inside the closet. He stood in front of the door and opened it. He wrinkled his forehead from the anger that caused him to see his secretary curled up listening like a hidden rat and next to him was Arthur trembling with fear.