
The Fairy's Clover

A wayward and tired soul emitting normalcy drifts into the world of the fairies. With the foreigner comes a power that belonged to another world. Armed with this great gift what will this individual do and what consequences will it have on Earthland?

hmak27230 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs


"Tell me more," I whispered in response—my voice resounding with unexpected authority in the vast emptiness. It felt like an eternity passed—the sea of white remaining motionless before me while bearing the same enigmatic message—before the silence was broken by a mysterious voice.

"Really? You truly wish to know?" It rang with an irritatingly eager tone.

It did not take too long before I recognized that familiar irritating voice. It was the same voice in my mind when I was monologuing slash narrating my life story! This oddly made me relieved that I hadn't been losing my mind towards the end of my life.

"It's you!" I declared.

The entity appeared slightly taken aback. "Me? Oh, yes, you heard me earlier, didn't you? Hehe, my apologies. I wasn't supposed to reveal my presence until after your demise, but your thoughts were simply too amusing to resist."


What neither the creature of light nor Rex knew at the time was that someone far outside of the boundaries of their dimension had teased the light creature for gaslighting poor Rex into believing he was going insane.


'My thoughts?' I pondered internally.

The entity continued, "Yes, your thoughts. In case you haven't figured it out, telepathy is just one of my many powers and abilities. Forget what Major Phil mentioned; your mind is among the most sensible I've come across. Not bad for a mere human, if I may say so myself."

So, speaking aloud was unnecessary, and I was just a 'mere human'? What was this entity, and what about the shadow from earlier?

"Hmm..." it began, appearing lost in thought. "I don't have an obligation to reveal this, but it seems you're not one to act on instinct and prefer having all the answers. Very well, here it is: that patch of darkness you encountered called me an 'observer.' I am akin to the Watchers in Marvel. One of my primary duties is—indeed—observation, but unlike those scholarly beings, I also take action."

I held my questions and let the entity continue. "In essence, I am a cosmic entity among many others, and my role is to seek out and monitor intriguing individuals."

"I may not be very interesting," I admitted.

"Actually, you are. Icons like Goku, Luffy, and Natsu may be entertaining, but their character tropes have been overdone, leaving audiences somewhat disenchanted. With a few exceptions, like Denji, very few newcomers manage to capture that unique charm. Nowadays, people are more intrigued by the average types, like Naofumi and Rimuru, before they were isekai'd."

I questioned the relevance of this to me. "So, what's my role in all of this?"

"Just like you, I serve someone, you could say a final boss, or one of many. You could liken them to the Constellations from 'Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint.' I suppose that makes me a Dokkaebi. Unlike in ORV, each constellation has its own Dokkaebi who works for them. Our responsibility is to identify individuals that align with our constellations' preferences and present them for our boss's amusement."

"A gift, perhaps? I shouldn't thank you for your earlier assistance then?" I asked.

"No, you shouldn't. There's no such thing as a free lunch in this world. Everything comes at a cost. However, you've been fortunate."

I inquired further, "How so?"

"Well," it began, "the shadow you encountered earlier was also a Watcher. However, he and his kind are referred to as Soul Reapers. It should be evident why they hold that title. His boss, Nihilus the Desolate, harbors rather grim inclinations. Much like my boss, he's taken an interest in ordinary individuals from various universes. He particularly relishes watching them descend into despair, stripping them of their memories and forcibly reincarnating them into different worlds. From there, he subtly manipulates their lives, leading them on a tumultuous journey of self-discovery. As they near the peak of success and fulfillment, he reveals the true meaning of despair by wiping their memories and stripping away everything they've gained in their new lives. Similar to the Great Sage, they're perpetually in the palm of Buddha's hand."

I remained skeptical. "And why should I believe your story?"

The entity replied, "You don't have to, and I'm not here to gain your trust. Moreover, given your strong spirit, you likely have some inkling of what that entity was doing to your mind."

I conceded, "Touché."

"Anyway, my boss has a distinct preference. He delights in sending individuals like you into a world of your choosing, offering you a 'golden finger,' and then... he leaves you to your own devices."

"You're lying," I responded with evident disbelief in my tone.

"It's the truth! My boss revels in authenticity and unpredictability. He refrains from using his foresight because spoilers ruin the fun. Occasionally, he may issue a mandatory quest, but how you complete it, and whether you can even do so, entirely depends on you."

"How 'benevolent,'" I said sarcastically.

The entity of light continued as if ignoring my sarcasm,"So, while we're not the heroes of the story, I'd argue we're a more favorable option than the alternatives. Well, at least one of them."

With my curiosity piqued, I questioned, "What are these alternatives?"

"Where should I start? There are hundreds, perhaps even more. Some of the notable ones involve individuals with particular 'sexual' preferences, granting them the power to manipulate relationships in rather unconventional ways. Refusing to comply with these desires carries consequences. Another alternative is far more extreme and perilous; it goes by the name of the 'suicidal system.' Here, the host is assigned nearly impossible missions, and it's truly a 'do or die' situation."

(For a better understanding, read "Naruto: This Ninja is Obviously Not Strong But Really Hard to Kill," to see how it works.) -hmak27230

(If you are like me—someone who likes or enjoys reading, but not wanting to go look stuff up to get a better idea of what's going on—I'll give you the cliffnotes of what Light is saying. Some people gain 'golden fingers' that enable them to manipulate how people relate to each other in various—sometimes unconventional—ways while others gain systems that go into extreme territory. Most Systems or other 'golden finger' variants often employ extreme consequences that carry potential permanent debuffs for their hosts—up to and including death in some cases—if certain requirements are not met. These requirements also heavily affect the punishment in those cases. I could go on and on about it, but you all get the gist of what I'm saying.) - Kyen_Syr

"Poor Aoba. So, why me? There are plenty of 'average Joes' out there, and I doubt everyone gets a shot at a second life. So, why me?" I inquired.

"Why you, indeed?" the light creature responded. "I must admit; I had my doubts about you for some time. But you truly captured my attention when you performed a selfless act!"

That confused me. "A good deed?... Wait! Are you saying it worked?! I managed to buy time for everyone to escape! Fast and Furious isn't that far-fetched after all!"

My elation was brief, fleeting like a flickering candle in a storm.

"…hahahaHaaaHaaaHaaahahahahahaaaaah!" The cacophonous laughter of this mule-like entity resounded through the void for what seemed like an eternity. This reaction made my initial excitement rapidly give way to despair. If I could discern anything through the oppressive white haze, it would undoubtedly be a vivid image of a NEET, sprawled on the floor, gasping for air, and howling with hysterical laughter while clutching their stomach.

(This strangely makes me think of Author-sama when he wrote this part…) - Kyen_Syr

"Stop laughing, you insufferable jerk! What's so damn amusing?" I demanded—my frustration slowly boiling over into indigenous anger.

"Hahahaha… no, it's just that… Hehe, you didn't seriously believe…haaaaah… it's better to show you." the creature responded.

A video screen replaced the holographic body of this enigmatic entity. In this screen was a familiar scene that had transpired in a third person view: my squad and I during the last moments of my life. The memory of my own fleeting glance at that looming tank before it obliterated me into a gruesome mess played before me.

Despite now existing without a physical form, I could swear I felt an agonizing, burning sensation as I gazed at that horrifying image. I had died before the agony of the explosion, but now, in my astral form, it felt as though I was being seared alive.

My suffering took a momentary respite—however—as I watched the video shift to a scene of the helicopter departing safely from the base with the Major on board. I couldn't help but chant—urging it to speed away from the impending danger.

The image of the helicopter dodging the enemy's attacks and growing smaller on the horizon did little to alleviate my distress. Instead, beads of cold sweat formed on my incorporeal brow.

Before too long, something happened.

The shadowy depths of Murker's base lost their dark blanket of night as it regained their electric life—their lights flickering back into existence and banishing the darkness. In the same breath, an M270 missile launcher truck entered the scene.

It fired without hesitation as soon as it got into place.

The image of the missile grew smaller as it rocketed through the sky, homing in on its target. In a matter of seconds, a resounding sonic boom shattered the silence with a pyrotechnic spectacle bursting forth in the distance. It was painfully clear who had triggered this deadly display. The cheers of the enemy served as the final twist of the knife in my non-existent form.

My spectral fingers clawed at my incorporeal form—attempting to dig out the non-existent knife—but no physical pain accompanied the action. In the realm of my spiritual senses—however—tears welled up and streamed down like crystalline rivulets.

"Wow..." the irritating donkey uttered, a condescending tone in its voice. "Your soul truly is potent, for a mere human, to shed tears as an astral projection... You're beginning to radiate protagonist vibes, you know that, right? Maybe you're not the ideal choice after all. But, well, I suppose you can still provide an intriguing spectacle for my boss."


"Douchebag" was a word that resonated very deeply throughout the cosmic Void, but was left unheard by its intended recipient. It has thus remained a mystery as to the extent of its mysterious intent as no one knew why it had appeared…


I refused to dignify its words with a response. Those long forgotten tears—after being dormant for years—had evidently gathered into an emotional reservoir that had a dam finally cracking apart under the pressure and couldn't be contained any longer. They flowed freely and aimlessly through the boundless void as I silently wept.

"Aw, why so melancholic, pal? In reality, you were prepared for this outcome from the beginning. Deep down, you knew that a scene like that seldom unfolds in real life, straight out of the movies, didn't you?" the light creature taunted.

I finally acknowledged with some witty comeback towards the only other entity in this dark void, "I know, you insufferable emo. It's just... it's frustrating when hard work and sacrifices yield no rewards."

This time, my less-than-illustrious celestial savior remained silent as if seemingly waiting for me to regain composure. With an entity like this, who probably perceived even a hundred years as a brief moment, a few minutes of patience weren't a big ask.

'It is a "he," right? Certainly sounds like one.' I mentally thought to myself. I felt like I needed to kick someone in the nuts after hearing this asshole's taunts.

Despite that growing instinctive feeling, I pressed on, "So, what next?"

"Huh?" it responded inquisitively.

"If they didn't escape, then what precisely is this supposed 'grand' deed I've accomplished?" I demanded, frustration tingeing my words.

This time, the entity said nothing. Instead, the screen transitioned to play a different video, one of the most poignant moments in my life. Back in '09, I had bid my final farewell to my mother and offered a comforting back rub.

"This?" I inquired with confusion evident, "What's so remarkable about this?!"

"She was afraid, you know," the entity began to speak. "Even though your mother chose to be strong—sacrificing her own life so your baby brother could be born healthy—she was still scared. Even for cosmic entities like my boss—who have existed since time immemorial—the idea of suddenly ceasing to exist is a terrifying prospect. Although you couldn't read his thoughts, the Soul Harvester from before was pleading with me to spare its life."

I retorted with annoyance at the mention of the strange shadowy creature (which was apparently called a "Soul Harvester"), "So? What does that have to do with me?"

"Even your father implored her to live, but she refused and made the sacrifice for her unborn child. Despite that, her mind was in turmoil—filled with fear. She was afraid of dying, afraid that you might hate her for not choosing to live, and above all, she was terrified of you resenting Luke for taking her away from you. Any other child might have clung to their mother, begging her not to leave. Instead, you offered her your support and love. You didn't linger by her bedside in her final moments, where she would have had to see your pleading face or hear your curses. Instead, you let her go. You gave her the strength to endure the pain and bring a healthy life into the world. Rex, your good deed was granting a fragile woman a peaceful death and playing an indispensable role in welcoming a new life. Your story might not be Hollywood-worthy, but it's still quite remarkable."

With this strange revelation now made known, I responded, "I never looked at it that way. I simply felt that I'd regret it if I didn't say goodbye."

The entity continued in a faux wise tone, "The best deeds are often those done without grand intentions, the ones that are impulsive and instinctual."

Brushing off the false wise-man tone in its voice, I wondered, "Whatever... before, you mentioned that your boss would 'send' me to another world, not reincarnate me like that Nihilus would have done. What's that all about?"

"The method of transportation is entirely your choice, whether to be reborn, reincarnated, or transmigrate. It's up to you."

That caught my attention. With a raised eyebrow, I inquired further, "That's nice. What's the difference between rebirth and reincarnation?"

"The former allows one to retain their memories. Given your strong preference not to forget, I doubt reincarnation is an option for you." the light creature responded back.

"Can I be reborn or return to my own world?"

"Nope, that violates cosmic law. The changes that could impact timelines when beings are reborn or return to their own worlds are unpredictable. Hosts are only allowed to reincarnate in their home world."

With an internal sigh of disappointment upon knowing that I could not exactly return to Earth in the same way as before, I inquired about a specific part of what it mentioned. "Worlds again. What are these worlds, and which one will you send me to?"

"The choice is yours," it eagerly responded, "It could be anything from a game, manga, or any other form of media. If you can think of a world, I can easily create it and send you there. If you ever wanted to go to Hogwarts and defeat Voldemort, I can do that. Ever wanted to stop Thanos' plans for wiping out half of the Marvel Universe? That too. As you are now an astral projection, time is no longer a luxury for you."

"I have no intention of inventing a world. If I had that level of creativity, I'd be an author," I responded with a stern tone. "Before I decide, I want to know something."

"What is it?" it asked.

"What happened to my family? How's my dad and Luke?"

"Your dad died on a mission shortly after communication was cut off," the creature—which I'll just call 'Light' from now on—began. "As for your little brother, he was always a genius. He received a full scholarship to MIT, where he became the lead assistant to a professor. Later, he was scouted, or rather forcefully enlisted, into the military. You don't need to worry about that because he's not serving as a common soldier; he's actually part of the research and weapons development team. The army is taking extensive precautions to ensure the safety of their engineers and scientists as their inventions are vital for the Allies to prevail over the Germans."

"Dead? So, all this time, I wanted to reunite with a dead man. Thank goodness at least Luke is fine." I responded with a sigh. Finding out that my dad had died that long ago gave me both a sense of sorrow and relief, but something nagged at me to find out more about his ultimate fate.

"What about my dad? Will he get another chance? He's also NPC material." I asked inquisitively towards Light.

"Nope, your dad is rather unremarkable even for an NPC. At least you're a named one. Besides, unlike you, your dad doesn't carry any regrets. He's content. He simply wishes to be reunited with his wife and watch over his two capable sons." Light responded in understanding my reasons for wanting to know more.

"That old man needs to aim higher." I lightly scoffed before continuing, "What do you mean by regrets? I'm pretty content with my life."

"Haha, very amusing," Light flatly laughed before continuing, "cut the nonsense. You've always yearned for a more vibrant and fulfilling life. The otaku in you dreams of and craves adventure. So, stop deceiving yourself. The opportunity is right in front of you. Are you going to take it?"

"Damn you, Pokémon! This is entirely your fault." I roared in false anger.

After taking a minute to enjoy my faux anger, I continued, "Alright, fine, you've got me there. You seem quite eager and anxious about me taking you up on this offer. Why is that?"

"Haha. Though I like you and appreciate your quick wit, being intelligent can also be a bit vexing. Anyway, do you recall the Soul Harvester I so generously and selflessly saved you from?" Light inquired.


(E/N: Just to re-iterate here, hmak—aka the Author-sama—didn't set up the shadowy creature which was wiping our boy Rex's memories to be called a "Soul Harvester" until Light casually mentioned it in the vague hopes of Rex figuring it out. This is true in the original raw text that he skipped right over it, so I put it in the earlier passages in parentheses so that Rex did explicitly figure it out.)


"Didn't you tell me not to be thankful?"

"I don't think I'd say something like that. When someone extends a helping hand, it's only proper to express gratitude. But back to the point, if you remember, he mentioned something about sneaking into his domain... well, I sort of sneaked into his territory." Light finished with a slight tone of mixed embarrassment and dangerous foreboding.

"Earth, right?" I asked Light.

"Well, in this universe, yes. I have my own version back in Universe 73980, but the Rex there is a bit too bright and, well, happy. Regardless, the fact remains that infiltrating another Watcher's domain is considered high treason, as it can trigger a conflict between constellations. Now, infiltrating and eliminating one is an even more significant offense. You see, each universe requires a Watcher to prevent 'undesirable situations' and now, one is absent. So, if I'm apprehended, I'll undoubtedly face execution."

"Why is that my problem?" I asked Light with a tone of skepticism.

"Well, as the cause behind my breach, your fate won't be a pleasant one either." Light responded.

"I can endure some pain; I've already lost pretty much everything." I replied—still skeptical of my real position in this predicament.

"Nearly everything," Light revealed to me.

"What are you getting at?" I asked it—my tone getting dangerously low in anger.

"Well, since no one is observing this universe, the territory reverts to <Nihilus > and is his to govern as he pleases. Whether he chooses to invest the effort in creating another Observer or merely erases everything and its inhabitants is at his discretion. Given the kind of person he is, I wouldn't put it past him. Furthermore, before he erases this universe, he'll likely take pleasure in tormenting Luke's life and the souls of your parents and grandparents right in front of you, purely for his amusement."

That revelation was like dropping a nuclear bomb right on top of my head. My eyes widened in shock for a moment before narrowing into a furious expression towards Light with some veins about to burst in my ethereal forehead.

"...You insane lunatic. What the hell are you proposing then?" I hissed out in a furious tone.

"Nothing. There's nothing that a humble Observer like me could do to stand against a Constellation," Light responded back in a casual tone—further angering me—before finishing. "But there's something you can do!"

"Get. To. The. Point. Before I start beating the living shit out of you," I hissed through gritted teeth—almost seeing myself enraged with steam coming out of my mouth and ears.

"If you form a bond with me, that would grant me jurisdiction in this universe, allowing me to incorporate it into my domain," Light explained—slightly hurried in his tone due to my growing fury towards his actions. "Plane annexation is not uncommon and is, in fact, quite typical among cosmic entities."

"Bond with you?" I asked in an indignant manner—not believing his intentions for the time being.

"Ah, yes, I forgot to clarify that part. The 'me' before you is actually an avatar, a sort of clone. Countless avatars like me exist across my universe, each contracted with different hosts. Various Observers employ different methods to support their hosts, but my approach involves bonding an avatar with my host, essentially becoming their 'golden finger.' This 'golden finger' ensures they can lead a happy and fulfilling life in their chosen universe, thereby upholding the end of my Constellation's bargain."

With the potential beatdown of a lifetime thoroughly nipped in the bud by the stunning revelation that Light was not actually here, I decided to calm down and put my plans on beating him into a pulp on an indefinite hold. Besides, the thought of having a 'golden finger' like those protagonists in stories did attract my inner otaku.

"So, if I agree to this, will Luke and everyone else be safe?"

"Well, given the kind of individual <Nihilus > is, he'll likely attempt to assail this universe. However, my boss will step in. Not out of any great concern for my or your life, but rather to avoid ridicule from other constellations if he allowed a universe under his purview to be annihilated."

Deciding to take it as it was, I accepted Light's terms. "Alright, let's do it. Just give me a moment to contemplate where I'd like to go."

It was not to be as in the next moment, Light—the bastard that he was—dropped another bombshell. "Oh, I recall mentioning earlier that we had ample time. Actually, now that I think about it, <Nihilus > will likely discover the death of his harvester soon and set his course here to exact punishment."

"You bungling imbecile, why didn't you mention that earlier?" I nearly roared out in anger.

"Didn't I just say I forgot? Geez, Rex, you really should get your hearing checked." Light responded in—what those in the business would call—a douchebag tone.

Deciding that I had enough of his shit, I shouted "Shut up, you damn nuisance! Fairy Tail!"

"What about Fairy Tail?" Light asked.

"I want to be reborn in the Fairy Tail world. Now!" I responded with some urgency in my tone—now aware that a cosmic tyrant was soon coming.

"Alright, so what are you willing to offer?" Light enquired with me.

"Offer? What? Speak clearly, you fool!"

"Humanity cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain something of equal value, something must be sacrificed in return." Light responded.

"Now you rip off Fullmetal Alchemist?! Seriously, you're making me furious. If I had something worth obtaining another life, do you think the military could conscript my family into service?" I asked through gritted teeth—now feeling like I had been duped by a real douchebag.

"Hmm, a more suitable term would be a binding vow or restriction. Essentially, you need to impose self-imposed rules that limit your interference in certain canon events within the world you're headed to."

"Self-imposed rules?"

"Yes, for example, you might decide that for every action you take to support the protagonist, you'll also take an equivalent action to support the antagonist, thus maintaining a balance. Finally, you must establish four rules for yourself. No pressure, but think quickly; I don't want to meet my end just yet."

"Yeah, both of us, buddy! Okay, four rules... Let's see. I've got one." I said before listing them all off in rapid order.

I first vowed to forget all my knowledge related to Fairy Tail as I knew from various fanfiction that having foreknowledge of events was troublesome to keep. There would be a lot of trouble keeping secret the future events of Natsu and the gang which could potentially trigger events that weren't in the canon timeline and alterations I could not account for. It was just better for me to forget it all anyway.

Second, I vowed to have no romantic interest in characters that were already engaged in the canon timeline. I felt like cutting off the romance between characters in the world that I knew were destined to happen due to the canon wasn't right at all—leading me to make this rule.

Third, I vowed to keep my consciousness and memories sealed until I was four years old. This was mainly to keep my sanity intact since I didn't want to remember my early years like that, but despite giving up an early head start on potentially learning magic, I felt like it was the right choice to make.

What I said to Light for the last rule gave off an interesting reaction at best.

"...And I vow to forget these self-imposed rules!"

"Ah, that's quite an interesting one. I've rarely seen anyone use that. But are you certain? This might come back to haunt you." Light inquired.

"Yes, yes, I'm sure. Let's get on with this bonding process."

Needless to say, Light agreed to all four of my rules.


As Rex eagerly implored the Observer to initiate the contract, the entity lost itself in thought.

'Rex, you're truly clever. In just moments, you managed to establish four oaths that, while seemingly limiting from the world's perspective, are actually advantageous to you. Much like my boss, you value authenticity and have no desire to meddle in established plots. This ensures you'll attain your wish without deliberately disrupting canonical events. You're also a fan of Fairy Tail and wish to avoid being a source of NTR (netorare). In the context of the world and the timeline you're entering, these vows prevent you from forming a relationship with someone like Irene, thereby ensuring that an integral character like Erza won't be affected. Additionally, you've chosen not to be conscious of your infancy, sparing yourself the trials of potty training and breastfeeding. From the world's perspective, you are forgoing the opportunity to leverage your early years and adult knowledge and missing out on the chance to enter a phase of rapid growth. As for your final vow, it actually will be disadvantageous for you. Well at least it will surely bring me some entertainment.' 

'Hmm, you've done me a favor today, and I've already broken a few rules, so why not a few more? In your heart, you only have one family, so I'll make sure you're an orphan and let you be reborn in a peaceful place. Well, peaceful at the beginning, at least.' Light mentally finished.

"Alright, Rex, I'll ask you once more. Do you wish for another opportunity?"

Two options appeared on the screen: a "yes" button and a "no" button.

Without a moment's hesitation, Rex clicked on the first option. The last thing he remembered before losing consciousness was the emergence of a brilliant light.


A few minutes later, a resounding voice echoed throughout the universe.

"Lowly Light! You dare encroach upon a domain of mine?! Well, if I can't have it, then no one will!"

Suddenly, a shadowy hand began to envelop the entire universe in its oppressive grasp. With a mere squeeze, it could obliterate the universe, extinguishing all life it contained.

However, just as it threatened to completely engulf the cosmos, a light far more sacred and brilliant than the Observer's radiated throughout, dispelling the shadowy presence.

"Stay your hand, <Nihilus >!" The new presence commanded with the authority of a divine sovereign before continuing, "My Observer has rightfully claimed this space. The Celestial Court will support me in any further conflicts! If you seek a battle, I shall accompany you!"

"<Orion >, you thieving scoundrel! ... Enjoy your victory today, but mark my words, this is far from over. Henceforth, keep your underlings in check, for I will be monitoring my domains with the utmost vigilance!"

As quickly as it had arrived, the Shadowy Constellation departed.

"Humph," <Orion > snorted in response.

The Constellation of Light turned to face the direction where his Observer had disappeared.

"You, young one, have caused me a considerable amount of trouble today. This host had better be truly captivating, or else you shall face severe consequences!"

The main story will begin soon! Thank you for all my readers and I'm still hoping and open to any ideas and thoughts

hmak27230creators' thoughts