
The Failed Creation

The Dawn of a new beginning. Death after Death. Life after life. What is there for a man to stay in a wretched world where Death was his only companion? Freedom was the answer. At least, it was the answer of a young man who had lived his entire life in that place. "I want to evolve further and help myself become the strongest. Survive. Adapt. Evolve. Rule and prosper! I will become the strongest and see what life offers outside this hellish hole!" Body drenched in blood, Merlin shouted at the sky. It was the only source of light in a cold, damp place. The exit of the hell hole brought hope and anguish. It was so close yet so far out of reach. The young boy knew that his tiny hands might not be able to grasp the world outside, but he would love to die a million times to obtain freedom. Let's see and explore the world of Morgan through the innocent eyes of the young outcast as he makes choices that will forever change the people and the world around him.

RavenGround · Fantasy
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A long time ago, before the creation of man, Divine Beasts and Demonic Creatures of mysterious origin roamed and ruled the world. They were so strong and magical that they split the world of Tremor into their own territories. Piece by piece, they took and incorporate the lands, seas, and skies. Wherever their eyes reached, it was theirs. Anyone who would breach their territory without their permission would be regarded as their enemy. Soon, they hunted one another. The Divine Beasts were humongous and thus they were physically strong. Their bodies were large and sturdy and they were able to hold and store the world's energy—mana—inside their bodies in large quantities.

On the other hand, their counterparts—Demonic creatures were insidious and demonic. They were also aplenty compared to the Divine beast who had a hard time bearing cubs. It would take them years to give birth to their cubs, while the demonic beast would only need to have a few years to give birth to another of their kind.

The fights and battles amongst themselves were destructive beyond description. After years of wars, the population of the Demonic creature grew too much for the Divine beasts to handle.

Even if they killed one of the demonic creatures, another one would pop out in a few days. If they killed two, then another two would pop out in a few years. The demonic creatures were filling their ranks way faster than the Divine Beast. They were employing their Demonic kins to their ranks.

Soon, the Divine beasts were simply outnumbered. The strongest of the Divines beasts held a meeting. They, too, wanted to have similar capacity and efficacy to bear cubs just like their mortal enemies, or even better. After a long time of the decisive meeting, they finally decide to do something outrageous. They had decided to create something similar to the demonic creature. Since they couldn't fasten the pace of their pregnancy period, nor the percentage of the potency. They didn't want another demonic race to take foot on this land. What they wanted to create were pure and loving creatures. They wanted it to be a race of loving creatures, and someone who would help them in their direst moment.

Forest of Creation. Legends spoke about this place. It was told by their ancestors that this is where everything began. All of them believed that this was the place where the two great races were born and raised with the help of even greater entities. It was also the place where both of the two great races claimed to be their land of Origin. Their Homeland. The Divine Beasts and the Demonic Creatures had fought initially because they wanted the Forest of Creation to be their exclusive Holy Lands. The start of the Holy Land war. Only the strongest race would be able to claim the Forest of Creation as their Holy Land, and only the last remaining creation would be able to bear witness to who would claim the land.

Since the Divine Beasts were stronger and mightier in terms of physical and magical prowess individually, they won the war that lasted for eons. The Demonic Creatures lost the battle but their rage never faded. As a matter of fact, it only grew stronger and stronger as the days went by. Later on, the Demonic creatures decided to flee to the Outreaches of the Forest of Nevermore, where the light of the day could barely reach. They bid their time there, waiting and training to become stronger while raising armies of battle-hungry of young Demonic Creatures.

After a few years, they decided to fight for their Holy Land. Their numbers had reached from a few hundred to hundreds of thousands, reaching an all-time high.

Inside the very center of the Forest of Creation, anyone could see - even from afar- humongous yet beautiful Falls. Anyone could feel the breeze and intense world energy that circled throughout the forest and gathered and dispersed at the center while brimming with magic. A leaf fell down from a tree. It swayed back and forth before burning into nothingness. It didn't even reach a few meters from the Golden Dragon.

"Skylark, is this the only way for us to survive their attacks and win the wars?" The golden dragon's voice was deep and firm as his size and stature. It had two giant golden horns that were making a zapping sound of fearsome lighting. Red slits reptilian eyes, and golden plated scales made it more majestic a beast. Its two gigantic wings were furled behind its back as it sat on its four legs with its spear-like tail rocking back and forth, as streaks of white, red, and golden bolts of lightning ran across his entire body.

"Grandius – the Golden Dragon, speak no more. We've had already decided this a long time ago. Long before we found the way to create a new being with the Earth of Creation. Do you want to back out, our mighty Grandiose, the Golden Dragon?" Sky Lark replied. Her voice was serene similar to a melody played from a bamboo flute. Skylark's body was smaller compared to the bulky and gigantic Golden Dragon. It has six wings that resembled the colors of a rainbow, and those wings looked like they were made out of blue diamonds. Although they were not really diamonds they were much sturdier and more flexible than a real diamond. Skylark's wings covered her entire body. Only her face was barely visible from the others. Her two golden eyes were gleaming with intelligence and her wings, which were surrounding her as she stood in place, kept on buzzing creating a small vortex of winds. It would probably cut anyone who tried to get close to her.

Grandius grumbled and streaks of lighting buzzed alight around him. "I'm worried for us, not just for myself. How many times do I have to tell you that what we're doing is like playing gods! We are not god!"

"Stop it, Gradius," This time the one who spoke was the Time Dragon--Aeon. It was told that it was the strongest dragon to have ever existed. Aeon can control time in a small space. It had four black antlers of a deer, a snake body, four legs with soles of a tiger, and talons similar to that of an eagle. Its black scales were similar to a carp, and its eyes were ominous red just like a devil with a golden slit in a center of it. "We've all made an oath, Gradius! It's far too late to reconsider everything. This is the only hope that we have left. The Demonic Creatures have already encroached on our domains. They're too many of them."

"Gradius," the Turtle of Chaos spoke, "it's okay to worry, my child."

Its voice reverberated throughout the surrounding, and down to the valley. Apophis, the Turle of Chaos, had a head of a black dragon, and a tail of a snake. It was the largest Divine Beasts and one of the oldest ones in existence. It was said that this Turtle was the first one to have ever lived in the Forest of Creation, and swam the Falls of Beginning.

Gradius stayed down like a puppy. Its streaks of lighting bolts grew fainter seemingly sad. "Apophis, we can fight them. We're bigger and stronger than them. Why should be afraid of those criters? We are the Divine Beasts – the strongest race!"

"Enough!" Skylark screeched at Gradius, "Gradius, how stupid can you get?"

Clouds formed and started to rumble as Gradius became angry. "What did you say, Skylark?"

"Have you seen their numbers? Have you seen the rage and anger on their eyes? In their eyes, we're the murderer of their ancestors and kids the evil that needs to be purged in this world."

"I have fought and seen what their eyes have to offer. But it can't never amount to the strength and might that we have in our body and history. We're the mightiest of Morgar. We can stop and annihilate them just like we used to. Just like what was written and told by our ancestors. We'll just do exactly the same to them this time?"

"Since you've seen them, you should now know that the owner of those eyes will never leave anyone of us behind. They won't spare the cubs. They aren't called demonic creatures for nothing. They are the exact opposite of us. They were already tainted with hatred and greed from the time immemorial. They won't stop. Not unless, they die or get sealed. Killing them all is impossible. They can hide in the darkest crevices just what they've been doing since the first great war, and would just give birth to their to a new and stronger generation of demonic creatures endlessly. After that, they would send an army to fight us.  Sealing them also impossible. They're immune to sealing magics."

"They have been using this tactics for years to weed us down, and study us,"

"I have seen far more that any of you have. It might have break my heart to say this. But this is the only chance that our race will ever have to prosper and live on."

It was at that moment that the very first human-like creature was given birth through artificial means. The Golden Dragon, the Giant Thunderbird, the Turtle of Chaos, and lastly and the devourer of time—the Time Dragon—poured their energy into the Earth of Creation and created the first man. It was nothing but a baby.

They were all jovial with the event that they'd forgotten that their time was already limited.

Soon, they named him Merlin. Only Merlin.

"From now on, you'll be named Merlin!" said the Time Dragon Aeon. Then the other both agreed without any objection.

Once they gave little Merlin his official name, the Forest of the Nevermore whispered his name and sang his name for days.

The demonic creature sensed a disturbing turbulence coming from the forest. They'd tried to locate the place where it was coming from. However, they were far too late. The place was sealed. It was sealed with the strongest magic found in the continent.