
The Extra Seeks Chaos

Eric Langley, an eighteen-year-old boy whose parents passed away three years ago, had no known relatives and was left to fend for himself. To support himself, he worked in a bakery, using his earnings to cover his daily needs and indulge in his favorite pastime—reading chapters of the novel "Humanity's Strongest Mage," which had recently gone on hiatus. Eric had a love-hate relationship with the novel. While he was captivated by its world, he despised the Protagonist, Alex Whiteheart. Alex had it all from the start: strength, fame, money, and of course, a harem. He never faced any real challenges, effortlessly overcoming every obstacle, which made the story lack something Eric craved....... Chaos. One evening, while taking a walk with his headphones on, Eric was lost in thought. The music drowned out the world around him, and he failed to notice a car losing control and speeding toward him. The last thing he heard was a screech before everything went dark. When Eric woke up, memories flooded his mind, and he quickly realized something was wrong. He wasn't in his own world anymore; he had somehow ended up in the world of "Humanity's Strongest Mage." To his shock, he found himself in the body of Arin Vale, an insignificant character never mentioned in the novel—a true extra. Now, armed with the knowledge of future events and driven by a desire for chaos, Arin had one goal: to disrupt the smooth journey of Alex Whiteheart, the Protagonist. He was determined to introduce Chaos into the story, making it far more interesting than it ever was, and in the process, he'll also find out that there's more to his character than just being an Extra. Let the Chaos begin! [Please, read up to 30 chapters before deciding. I'm sure you'll love it. Thank you!!] [WEEKLY GOALS] 100 Power Stones: 1 Extra Chapter 200 Power Stones: 2 Extra Chapters 300 Power Stones: 3 Extra Chapters 20 Golden Tickets: 1 Extra Chapter 45 Golden Tickets: 3 Extra Chapters Massage Chair: 2 Extra Chapters Luxury Car: 3 Extra Chapters Magic Castle: 15 Extra Chapters! [Please support this novel with power stones and comments. It'll motivate me a lot, thank you!!] Check out my other novels: Reincarnated With A Revenge System Elemental Vampire Join The Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/vZn9GF3y

anime_otaku_6087 · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Perks of The Title & Pain

The Blood Core rested in Arin's hand as he stared at it, his fingers unconsciously tightening around it.

"It's finally time..."

It was still night—perfect timing, really. The quiet darkness outside helped calm his nerves, but still, like they say, always save the best for last.

"System," he called out softly.

A familiar blue glow appeared in front of him as the system interface flickered to life, displaying his name. His gaze flicked across the screen, immediately noticing a new addition next to his name.

[Title: Harbinger of Chaos.]

A smirk curled across his lips. Focusing on the title, more information popped up.

[Harbinger of Chaos.]

[You are the one who brings Chaos. You shape and mold it, disrupting events, causing destruction and confusion, hereby earning the Title, Harbinger of Chaos.]

He let out a satisfied hum, but his attention quickly shifted to the details below.

[Effect 1: With this Title, you are now even more connected to the Chaos Element, allowing you to perceive and absorb Mana faster and more efficiently.]

[Effect 2: Nullification of Side Effects.]

Arin's eyes widened, his grip on the Core loosening slightly.

"This means I don't have to worry about the side effects anymore... nice." He exhaled, already feeling a sense of relief wash over him.

But as quickly as that feeling came, it vanished when the next message appeared.

[Note: This particular effect of the Title does not apply to all side effects.]

His brows knitted into a frown. "Great," he muttered. "So foggy thoughts aren't the only thing I have to worry about, huh?"

Now, two new problems hovered in his mind. First, he didn't know all the side effects of using the Chaos Element, and second, even if he did, he had no clue which of them the title would nullify.

"Tch..." He clicked his tongue in frustration, rubbing his temple. "Guess I'll have to figure it out as I go."

This also meant he needed to keep strengthening his mental fortitude—not like he planned to stop anyway.

[Effect 3: A 3 percent boost to Chaos Element Spells.]

"So, my spells will hit harder. Not bad," Arin muttered under his breath.

It wasn't a huge boost, but considering the tiny note beside it, it had potential.

[This Effect can be upgraded.]

He raised an eyebrow. There were no instructions on how to upgrade it, but the mere possibility of getting stronger was enough to excite him. More power was always a good thing.

Finally, the last message appeared on the screen, catching him slightly off guard.

[Effect 4:...]

A grin split his face, wide and sharp.

"A new spell, huh?" Arin's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Didn't see that coming."

He stretched his arms overhead, his joints popping quietly. "Guess I should start focusing more on my Chaos Element."

Since there was no one who could use the Chaos Element, Arin figured there was only one option left. "I'll have to create my own Spells."

Sure, the system might eventually give him a Spell again, just like it did now, but who knew how long that would take or what conditions had to be met? It'd be more interesting—and rewarding—to create an original spell by himself.

For now, though, it was time for the main event.

Arin shifted his focus back to the Blood Core in his hand, his thumb idly running along its smooth, cold surface.

"No more hesitating..."

Without warning, he popped the Core into his mouth, feeling its bitter taste coat his tongue as he swallowed it whole.

Arin grimaced, his lips curling back in disgust. "Tch... bitter as hell."

Not that he'd expected it to be sweet, but the bitterness was worse than he imagined. Still, it was done.

He kicked back on the bed, folding his hands behind his head as he stared at the ceiling.

"The author never mentioned how long this process takes. All it said was that it would work..." he muttered to himself, his eyes scanning the patterns on the ceiling.


A deep frown settled on Arin's face as he tapped his fingers on the bed, the ceiling still holding his focus.

"Okay, I've counted every single spot on this ceiling, and still nothing..." He clenched his jaw in frustration. "Am I missing something?"

His foot bounced impatiently as he mentally ran through the process again. But before he could finish his thoughts—

A sharp pain flared in his stomach.

"Shit..." he grunted, his hand flying to his gut. "That hurt."

It felt like someone had pinched him from the inside. And that was just the beginning.

The pain intensified, waves of discomfort rolling through him. Arin clenched his fists, nails digging into his palms as he tried to ride out the sensation.

Then, out of nowhere, a searing pain shot through his chest, causing his eyes to snap wide open. His mouth opened to scream, but nothing came out.

He bit down hard, holding back the noise. If anyone heard him, he'd be done for.


The unmistakable sound of bones shifting echoed through his body, making him grit his teeth.

'Are my bones breaking?!'


This time, the pain was too much.


The scream caught in his throat, though, his voice still trapped.

'Wh... why can't I scream? No... I can't even talk!'

Despite the overwhelming pain, a small part of him was relieved—at least no one would hear. But there was still the fact that he couldn't talk for some reason.

The sound of his bones breaking continued, his body contorting on the bed as he thrashed in silence.

'Arghhh! SHIT!'

His fists clenched so tightly his knuckles turned white, blood seeping from his palms as his nails cut into his skin.

Veins bulged beneath his skin, his muscles twitching uncontrollably. His bones weren't just breaking—they were rebuilding, reshaping.

Every part of him hurt. His stomach twisted, his heart felt like it was being crushed, and every breath sent jolts of pain through his body.


His mind screamed, but his mouth stayed closed.

Sweat dripped down his face as his body continued to shift. His veins pulsed angrily, visible under the strain. His eyes bulged, swelling as if they might pop out at any moment.

Finally, unable to bear the pain any longer, he squeezed his eyes shut.

In that instant, a new notification blinked into existence on the system screen—one he couldn't see.

[You have forsaken your Humanity.]

[You have accomplished a great feat.]

[###### is proud of you.]


[Undergoing Changes...]

[Changes will begin in 3.....2....1]

[Changes have begun.]

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