
The Extra Ordinary

Nicholas lived happily with his family until one day he gets a dream of what seemed like a slaughter of humans by monsters. Soon after, he comes to discover his supernatural abilities. As supernatural beings to infiltrate the city, he is tasked with protecting his home and everyone he loves. Little did he know that there was a much bigger burden. Bigger than protecting his home or his country since the day he was born. What is this burden? What is his destiny? Find out in this epic tale of "The Extraordinary".

JubalResh · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Encounter ⁴

" Nicholas remember, no one must know about your abilities". " Okay Kola. Enough of the lectures. There's a vampire on the loose". Mr. Kola held hands with Nicholas and they appeared in the in location of the vampire. It was a dark alley. A perfect spot to carry out evil. Only the moon provided light." This vampire sure likes to feed". " You again?", the vampire frowned at Nicholas. " I don't know how you managed to escape last time but I'm not letting you disappear this time". The vampire dropped the body it was feeding on and dashed towards Nicholas. "Drive this stake through his heart", Mr. Kola handed Nicholas a stake. " That's the only way to kill a vampire. Be careful. Vampires are very dange...".

The vampire ran into the stake in Nicholas hands, getting pierced in its stomach. " I did it! I drove the stake through its heart. Did you see that?", Nicholas bragged. " That's not it's heart. Its it's belly. Did you think it would be that simple?". The vampire grabbed Nicholas by his neck and lifted him off the ground. Nicholas held its hand as he gasped for air. " Why did you come back kid? Did you come to piss me off?". "No. I wouldn't dare". "Well guess what? I'm pissed. And when I'm pissed, I eat", it let it's fangs grow out. " Mr. Kola! Mr. Kola!!", Nicholas struggled to speak. " Who are you calling kid? No one's gonna save you from me". It brought his neck closer to it's mouth and its fangs were ready to devour. My drove a staff through it's heart, bringing it down to the ground. Nicholas, who just escaped death had a big frown on his face, staring at Mr. Kola as he gasped for air.

" Don't look at me like that. I just saved your life, again". "Why didn't you kill it earlier?". "Well... I thought you had things under control. Besides, what's so difficult about driving a stake through the heart of a vampire. Must I say, you're a terrible student. You can't even tell where the heart is located". Nicholas was not in the mood for jokes. This was his second time staring into the eyes of death and he didn't find it funny. " Why did it attack only me? You were there too". " Was I?", Mr. Kola smiled. " It couldn't see me. I've the ability to make my presence known to whosoever I choose". "Cool. Wish I could do that". " I know everything seems frightening but you'll get used to it and master your abilities. I'll always be there to guide you. And whenever you need me, remember and say this magic letter twice, 'k' ", he vanished. "I believe you can get home yourself ", he appeared again. "Yeah". "Okay", he vanished again.

Didn't didn't exactly know where he was but he knew he could find his way home. All he needed was a taxi. After walking a while torwards the road, a thought came to his mind. " Why should I take a taxi when I'm a living means of transportation?", he laughed. On his phone, he opened the Google map and followed it home. At first he was running at a normal human speed but as soon as he got to the road, he was, ' the Flash' "

"Hey Kate!. Come in". " Kate hurried inside. " How was your date?", Chloe asked. " It was okay", she replied bluntly. Chloe could tell something was wrong. Kate loved to tell stories but right now her words are for sale. She sat next to Kate on the couch, trying to ease her uneasiness. "A vampire". " Whatt?" " I was attacked by a vampire", Kate confessed. " Everyone knows vampires are a myth. Kate! Are you drunk?", Chloe laughed. What was she saying all of a sudden? She just couldn't believe her ears. " Its crazy, right? I know but I'm telling the truth". " Knock Knock", they heard a sound on the door. Chloe left Kate and went to the door. " Don't open the door. Please don't. It could be the vampire.", Kate pleaded. Chloe wanted to believe that Kate was just playing but the drop of tear she saw drop down her eyes made her think otherwise. She hesitated for a moment, trying to choose between Kate's story and reality. After giving it some thought, she replied, " scratch that Kate", she proceeded to open the door.

"Aaaaaaarrgggg", a loud sound was heard outside the door. Chloe screamed while Kate dropped on the floor, crying. Chloe didn't want to believe Kate but now she was face on with a fanged human. The vampire wore a hood that made its face difficult to see but it's fangs were very obvious. He got more than the reaction he expected from them. Not wanting to scare them anymore, he took out the fangs he purchased on his way back and dropped his hood. "Gotcha", he laughed. Chloe hit his shoulders angryly. She couldn't believe she fell for such a prank. So much for considering what Kate was saying. Nicholas apologized to both of them especially Kate who didn't stop crying. "Is she okay?' Nicholas asked Chloe. " I'm not sure. She said a vampire attacked her", Chloe replied. Nicholas tried to laugh it off. " I'm telling the truth", she cleaned the her eyes with the sleeve of her long sleeved blouse. He could see the fear in her eyes. " Well I think you might be right. Corpses have been found in various parts of the city with bite marks on them. He thought it best to let them know a bit of the truth so they can at least be careful on the streets.

"Breaking news! The predator responsible for the death of those with bite marks have been found. Its body was found dead with a hole in its heart. It has the form of a human except for its long, thick nails and fangs. What kind of a creature is this? The scientists are yet to give it a name. But many believe it is a vampire, a creature that feeds on blood. No one knows how it came but we know it died by being pierced in its hearts. The good news is that the predator has been found dead and people can now go about their various activities without being scared of being blood drained".

" See! I was telling the truth" , she pointed at the TV screen and looked at Chloe. " How should I have known? Who would have thought that that vampires were real?", Chloe replied helplessly. " There's no need to argue. And Kate, you don't have to be scared anymore. The vampire has been killed". " Yeah. That's a relief", Kate smiled , stretching herself on the couch. " But Kate, how did you escape from the vampire? ".

What do you think Kate's reply would be?

Is she going to give up Michael's identify?

Does she even know who or what Michael is?

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