
The ex-wife of an educated youth

Once drunk, Wei Jingjingshui was the most powerful rough man Lu Zheng in a period article she had read. She was the early-deaded cannon fodder educated young supporting actress. The supporting actress is obviously good-looking and beautiful, but she is infatuated with the hero's educated youth Jingchen. In order to anger him, she did not hesitate to marry herself to the poorest rough man in the village. Although she knew that Lu Zheng would be prosperous in the future, she also knew that he had always liked the heroine Lin Xia, so she planned to live in harmony with Lu Zheng and live together. But I didn't expect that on the night of the wedding, I would still be twins. Wei Jingjing planned to divorce Lu Zheng and give birth to the child alone before Lu Zheng found out. Unexpectedly, the rough man, who usually has no expression, blushed in front of her: "Jingjing, don't want me."

Kimmichii · History
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25 Chs

Chapter 3: If she can make the food delicious everyday, its not bad.

Wei Jingjing came out after taking a shower and happened to meet Lu Zheng who took a shower and changed his clothes.

She wiped her wet long hair with a dry towel, ignored him, and went back to her room to change her clothes.

Lu Zheng took a look at her and couldn't move his sight.

He touched his nose and was slightly angry. What is this woman wearing?

In the summer, Wei Jingjing wore a tender yellow short sleeve, and underneath was the white five-point trousers she had finally found. The five-point trousers looked a little short on her long legs, and the white and well-proportioned thighs also showed a small section.

If it hadn't been for the scissors, she would have wanted to cut it a little shorter, and with the professionalism of her tailor, she felt that the trousers were rustic and the design was poor.

But I can't help it. I don't have this tool! The original owner of the memory of acceptance is a girl, but she doesn't seem to be a person who can buy a sewing bag.

It's really hot in the summer days.

However, this length is already out of line in the countryside of this era.

Wei Jingjing didn't think about it, but she quickly thought about it. Since both of them had seen each other, and she didn't wear it outside.

What does it matter?

"Why don't you eat? I steamed steamed buns!" Thinking of the steamed buns still on the stove, Wei Jingjing forgot the unpleasantness just now and quickly walked into the kitchen.

As soon as the lid was lifted, it smelled a fragrant smell. Wei Jingjing stretched out her hand and went to pick it.

"Ah!" Wei Jingjing withdrew her hand with steam, and her white fingertips turned red.

She shook her head funnyly. She was so hungry that she forgot to put something on it.

The food I ate in the morning had already been digested, and I had done so much work that Wei Jingjing was so hungry that she was dizzy.

She just wanted to pick up the rag next to her again, but she asked someone to hold her wrist.

Lu Zheng glanced at her red fingertips, and her dark eyes suddenly had an unspeakable mood.

"Go and wait, I'll do it."

No wonder it is said that the women in the city are coquettish. When a little water vapor is hot, the hand is as if it is serious, and it is red. The woman's apricot eyes seemed to contain a layer of mist, and tears were about to come down.

Lu Zheng felt strange that she was in trouble and didn't want to see her hurt.

Wei Jingjing blinked, "Do you love me?"

Her smiling apricot eyes were bright and gentle, so she blushed Lu Zheng's face.

"I'm afraid the steamed buns will fall off." Lu Zheng pushed her out and couldn't help looking at her hand.

You should know to take a cold water bubble, right?

Of course, Wei Jingjing knew that she felt sorry for herself. She went into the yard, scooped out a small ladle of water, and put her whole hand in.

She didn't care what Lu Zheng said. Anyway, she didn't have any feelings for him. She had the right to fall in love with dew last night.

He has someone he likes, and she doesn't want to get into it.

In the future, we will live together.

Lu Zheng brought the things over and put them on the table in the inner room. He took a look at Wei Jingjing, who was still soaking her hands. He hesitated for a long time and said uncompressingly, "Come in for dinner."

He has been alone since his youngest sister got married, and he is not used to having someone when he is used to it.

Still a woman.

Forget it, forget it, let's see if she can stay for a few days.

Wei Jingjing came in happily after hearing this voice. Eat and have fun in life!

Lu Zheng was not ambiguous. He picked up a steamed bun and began to eat it.

The women in the city are so fastidious that they have made all their belongings for this meal.

In the future, I can't let him cook anymore!

After a big bite, the meat filling full of juice and white noodles are fully integrated. The noodles are very good, the steamed buns are soft, and the meat is so fragrant.

The tomato and egg soup is a little sour, but the egg is also a meat dish. After taking a sip, I feel comfortable.

Wei Jingjing originally wanted to ask whether it was delicious, but looking at the man's satisfied face, she knew the answer.

She also picked up a steamed bun and took a bite with a smile.

Lu Zheng was very satisfied with the meal. After eating, he consciously went to wash the dishes. When he washed the dishes, he was still thinking that if Wei Jingjing could cook for him every day, he could accept it even if she finally wanted to leave.

There is nothing left at home. What will she do tomorrow?

Lu Zheng was a little melancholy.

When he went to the bed at night, Wei Jingjing was already asleep in a daze.

Feeling the movement next to her, Wei Jingjing's eyes suddenly widened. Last night, they were barely forced to do it under Wei Jingjing, but he won't think about it today, will he?

Then she knew that she had thought too much. Lu Zheng lay next to her and turned his back to her without saying a word. He covered his own old quilt.

Wei Jingjing's heart was relieved.

"Call me when you go to work tomorrow, and I have to go to work." Wei Jingjing said.

Nowadays, educated youths have to work, but the original owner is a little white, rich and beautiful in this era, and they send a lot of things to their home every month.

However, it is impossible to work at all. The educated youth all have the requirements of working hours. In order to get close to Jing Chen, the previous owner followed Jing Chen to do those tiring work.

But she is not the original owner. She just wants to choose a relaxed job and fill the working hours. She doesn't care about the work points.

Speaking of which, her package this month should be coming soon, and the educated youth office also has something she hasn't brought back.

We will pick it up together tomorrow.

Lu Zheng's heart suddenly became blocked. Who didn't know that Wei Jingjing went to work for Jingchen?

He would rather Wei Jingjing lie at home every day and do nothing. Anyway, he can't help raising her.

"Hmm." He answered coldly.

Wei Jingjing raised the corners of her lips and said, "Good night."

Lu Zheng snorted coldly and covered the quilt.

Wei Jingjing soon lost consciousness and fell asleep.

She slept heartlessly, but Lu Zheng, who was motionless next to her, opened his eyes and couldn't sleep.

He played the picture of last night over and over again in his mind. It was reasonable that both of them were the first time, and the men in the village said that they had not been very comfortable the first night.

But he felt that he was satisfied as much as he wanted, so he followed the devil.

Before, he knew that Wei Jingjing insisted on marrying him for the sake of Qi Jingchen. They looked at each other, but why did Wei Jingjing, who was married, change?

Thinking of accidentally bumping into her in the shower during the day, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and his heartbeat could be heard in his ears.

Lu Zheng's subconscious reaction was shocked. He suddenly grabbed the bedding under the bed and forgot the picture in his mind.

...Even he himself has become a little strange.