
The ex-wife of an educated youth

Once drunk, Wei Jingjingshui was the most powerful rough man Lu Zheng in a period article she had read. She was the early-deaded cannon fodder educated young supporting actress. The supporting actress is obviously good-looking and beautiful, but she is infatuated with the hero's educated youth Jingchen. In order to anger him, she did not hesitate to marry herself to the poorest rough man in the village. Although she knew that Lu Zheng would be prosperous in the future, she also knew that he had always liked the heroine Lin Xia, so she planned to live in harmony with Lu Zheng and live together. But I didn't expect that on the night of the wedding, I would still be twins. Wei Jingjing planned to divorce Lu Zheng and give birth to the child alone before Lu Zheng found out. Unexpectedly, the rough man, who usually has no expression, blushed in front of her: "Jingjing, don't want me."

Kimmichii · History
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25 Chs

Chapter 2: She won’t go to the educated youth she likes, will she?

After eating Lu Zheng's cooking, Wei Jingjing swore that she would never let Lu Zheng cook again.

This is pure food, as long as it can be eaten.

She took a few bites and hesitated to put down the bowl. "I'm full."

But there is a struggle in my heart. Now that food is precious, isn't it bad to waste food?

"Don't be stubborn if you can't finish eating." Lu Zheng took her bowl and began to eat her bowl indifferently.

Lu Zheng was wearing a washed white rag today, and his thick eyebrows revealed undisguised indifference and vidness.

Wei Jingjing swallowed her saliva.

What, it is not written in this book that Lu Zheng is a wolf cub!

Maybe it's a bad impression of her.

Wei Jingjing squeezed her mouth, waited for him to finish his meal, and began to take the initiative to clean up the dishes and chopsticks.

Lu Zheng went to work after dinner. Wei Jingjing looked at the dilapidated small house and sighed.

The house is small, but there are a lot of things. Except for the yard, the three houses are very crowded.

Anyway, it's the place where she will live in the future, so she will be reluctant to clean it up.

As soon as Lu Zheng came out, he met Li Gang next door. When he saw Lu Zheng, he smiled and squeezed his eyebrows: "Lu Zheng, did Wei Zhiqing ask you to subdue it? I didn't see it today."

Who in the village doesn't know about Wei Zhiqing? But the Wei educated youth is beautiful and has a good family background. In fact, many people in the village are envious of Lu Zheng.

Lu Zheng didn't look at him and walked to the ground.

"What? It won't be the first night of the wedding. Haven't you done it yet? Is she still thinking about Jingchen?

Lu Zheng stopped and turned to look at Li Gang in a bad tone, "Do you want to die?"

He thought that Wei Jingjing could not give up on Jing Chen, but she also became his daughter-in-law. How could she be said so casually?

Li Gang shrank his neck and said nothing. He followed Lu Zheng's buttocks and walked to the ground.

Wait and see, Wei Jingjing is not a convenient person. Maybe she will be greened one day or return to the city one day.

He wanted to secretly look at Lu Zheng's expression, but the man was still gloomy as usual and couldn't see anything else.

Li Gang touched his nose and followed him. Who doesn't know that Lu Zheng is the worst-tempered rough man in the whole village. Maybe he beat Wei Zhiqing last night.

Wei Jingjing, who was alone at home, collected things in the house and found that there were not many things in the house, but she was not sure whether Lu Zheng wanted it or not, so she didn't dare to lose it.

There are three houses, one is a kitchen, one is a room for Wei Jingjing and Lu Zheng, and one is already very messy and small, and it is already full of things. Wei Jingjing plans to make it a utility room, so that the other two rooms will not be too messy.

Just do it, Wei Jingjing began to clean up and clean up.

She still has a lot of things, two large boxes, which are full of clothes and some miscellaneous things, as well as money bills.

In contrast, Lu Zheng's things are pitifully few. There are only a few clothes, especially shabby, and the trousers are not long.

Should I make a suit or something for Lu Zheng?

Wei Jingjing thought for a moment and decided to take the cloth ticket on hand to Lu Zheng to make a suit with the cloth ticket she had next time to go to the city.

It is still a very luxurious thing to buy clothes directly in this era, but it is easy for her to make clothes.

Wei Jingjing was born in the Su embroidery family before she wore the book. Her grandmother was the first seamstress in Shanghai during the Republic of China. Her grandmother also inherited her grandmother's mantle, but after ten years of catastrophe, she had actually lost a lot by the time of her father's generation.

Because all the students are men, no one is interested in this.

Later, the birth of Wei Jingjing changed this situation, but learning was still the main thing. After learning, Wei Jingjing had also been systematically learning with her grandmother. At the age of 16, Wei Jingjing could already make private customization alone.

After going to college, she also chose a major in clothing. She went abroad for a few years to study. She returned to China to open a studio. In the past two years, she received an order.

You should know that her price can be more than six digits.

In retrospect, it was a pity for Wei Jingjing. Before her career had a great ambition, it came to the 1970s when she was short of materials.

So it should be okay to make clothes for Lu Zheng, right? She thought, it's not difficult anyway.

As long as you know the size, isn't it?

This young man is in good health and can't be used to the end.

However, the house was really chaotic. Wei Jingjing cleaned it up until the sun was about to go down.

Fearing that Lu Zheng would come back and cook again, Wei Jingjing simply went to the kitchen when he came back.

She has just packed the kitchen, and she is probably clear about the food.

A little meat, about a catty of flour, a little oil, three eggs.

There are also some coarse grains, corn and sweet potatoes, and some fruits and vegetables.

I have left something to do tomorrow morning, and Wei Jingjing is going to make a good one.

After all, they are newly married.

Wei Jingjing plans to make a meat bun and a simple tomato and egg soup.

She used all the meat in one go and planned to have a good meal. Although the marriage was bloody, at least it was a new marriage.

By the way, the female boss who can't cook well is not a good tailor, and Wei Jingjing is also a good cook.

After steaming the steamed buns and the water on the other side is ready, Wei Jingjing plans to take a hot bath.

Lu Zheng smelled a fragrance before he entered the room. Li Gang, who followed him, sniffed carefully, "What delicious food does his sister-in-law make?"

After that in the afternoon, he no longer wanted to make fun of Lu Zheng, but it smelled so strange that he also wanted to take a bite.

Lu Zheng hooked the corners of his lips and ignored Li Gang. After entering, he closed the door with a "bamp".

The scene at home made him a little confused.

Why is it so neat?

It's not all packed and taken away by this woman, is it?

He strode into the room where they slept yesterday.

More neat.

It's just that the bed is covered with a new blanket and a new quilt. He recognizes that this is the woman's thing.

Lu Zheng turned over the cabinet impatiently, only to find that the large cabinet containing only a few clothes was filled with women's clothes and skirts.

He looked at the table again, and there was also a mirror on it, as well as snow cream and head oil.

Some old newspapers were pasted on the window of the room, some of the broken corners of the table were wrapped in a little cotton by women, and there was a bottle with yellow flowers on the table.

Lu Zheng could see that this flower grew by the roadside at the door.

The most ordinary thing, I didn't expect her to do it like this, and it still has a fresh and elegant flavor.

His room is full of women's things.

Yesterday, she told him not to touch her things. Why did she pack them up today?

What about that woman?

Lu Zheng went out of the room and entered the kitchen. The kitchen was burning. He opened the lid of the pot. There were several big white and fat steamed buns lying on the steamer inside, and another small pot was cooking a pot of tomato and egg soup.

But there is no Wei Jingjing.

Where did she go?

Lu Zheng was a little panicked. She didn't go to the educated youth she liked, did he?

He kicked the door of the last room in the house.

Although he thought she probably wouldn't be there.

I should have gone to find that Jing Zhiqing.

"Ah!! Lu Zheng, what are you doing?" Wei Jingjing in the water was scared. She hugged her chest in a panic, lowered her body as much as possible, and looked at Lu Zheng angrily with a gorgeous face.

Lu Zheng stood still and his fingers trembled, and he said quickly, "I'm sorry."

He turned around and closed the door again.

He felt that his heart couldn't help beating wildly, and the forgetfulness of the two of them came to his mind last night.

Lu Zheng stood in the yard and scooped out a small bucket of cold water and poured it on his body.

What do you think? The educated youth is going back to the city.

But look at the neat and clean home, the cooked food in the kitchen, and the woman who hasn't left.

He couldn't say anything in his heart.