
The ex-wife of an educated youth

Once drunk, Wei Jingjingshui was the most powerful rough man Lu Zheng in a period article she had read. She was the early-deaded cannon fodder educated young supporting actress. The supporting actress is obviously good-looking and beautiful, but she is infatuated with the hero's educated youth Jingchen. In order to anger him, she did not hesitate to marry herself to the poorest rough man in the village. Although she knew that Lu Zheng would be prosperous in the future, she also knew that he had always liked the heroine Lin Xia, so she planned to live in harmony with Lu Zheng and live together. But I didn't expect that on the night of the wedding, I would still be twins. Wei Jingjing planned to divorce Lu Zheng and give birth to the child alone before Lu Zheng found out. Unexpectedly, the rough man, who usually has no expression, blushed in front of her: "Jingjing, don't want me."

Kimmichii · History
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25 Chs

Chapter 21: He can muddle along, but his woman can’t

The next day, Wei Jingjing woke up before she could wait for the landing call. In the past few days, she slept here almost every day, and she slept early, and the quality of sleep was excellent.

The whole body is comfortable.

Until I looked down and saw my messy skirt, my face turned red in an instant.

She is self-akoned about her sleeping appearance.

Lu Zheng won't see it, will he? She opened her little mouth in a daze.

It should be impossible. Lu Zheng slept with his back to her.

Wei Jingjing felt at ease again.

She put on convenient clothes and trousers before going out. Today, she was wearing a pair of gray trousers and a tender yellow short sleeve.

It's not that she wants to wear this bright clothes. It's exactly the same as the original owner's preference as that of an ordinary little girl. The cabinet is full of pink, yellow and blue. Yesterday, her black long-sleeved dress was the only one.

Lu Zheng, who was chopping wood, just wiped his sweat and raised his head. Usually, he would get up a little early every day or two and go to the mountain to cut down the firewood.

The woman looked in a good mood, with a smiling face and a yellow color. She looked at her whole body shining white.

Lu Zheng lowered his head quickly.

"Good morning~" Wei Jingjing came over.

Seeing the thin wood cut by him, I was caught off guard.

She is not very good at make a fire. It is very difficult to make a fire every day. She doesn't dare to put out the fire. She only dares to burn a little, otherwise it will take a long time to make a fire next time.

Lu Zheng seemed to have noticed it, so he took out the chopped wood and split it again.

The smaller the firewood is, the more difficult it is to split, but she is happy to accept it.

Wei Jingjing said to Lu Zheng with a sweet smile, "I'm going to cook noodles."

Lu Zheng didn't raise his head and hummed.

When she entered the kitchen, Wei Jingjing couldn't help sighing that this thing was really uneatable. There was only half of the flour and only a bottom of the oil she bought yesterday.

Fortunately, some people in the village have chickens, and it is not difficult to buy eggs. Anyway, the villagers usually take eggs to the county to sell. They think it's better to sell them to Wei Jingjing.

Wei Jingjing thought of the things she brought back yesterday and thought about it. She must sort out the things and the packages sent by Wei Jingjing's parents later, and then go to the city to buy things.

I listened to Lu Zheng today, so I won't go to work.

Wei Jingjing extravagantly took out all the flour, knocked two eggs in, and then slowly added water and (huo) noodles.

Egg noodles are more chewy than ordinary noodles.

The awakened dough was taken out by Wei Jingjing and began to knead it repeatedly, then cut it into small mustard seeds one by one, and then began to knead the dough.

The noodles were boiled in boiling water, and on the other side was the warm fish soup. Wei Jingjing divided the fish soup into two, and the big bowl was given to Lu Zheng.

Then put the cooked one into two bowls, and finally cut a little chopped green onion to decorate.


Lu Zheng always appeared at this time. He stood behind Wei Jingjing without saying a word, and Wei Jingjing went outside to wash her hands.

After going to the table, Wei Jingjing looked at the bowl in front of her and smiled hoarsely, "The big one is for you. I can't finish it."

Lu Zheng had already begun to eat, and he didn't raise his head after hearing this, "Give me when you can't finish eating."

Wei Jingjing blushed when she heard this. Although it was not the first time for Lu Zheng to eat her food, she also drank the water that Lu Zheng had drunk.

But I was quite happy to hear him say that.

Wei Jingjing couldn't eat after eating half a bowl. She pushed the bowl in front of Lu Zheng with her little hand and touched her swollen stomach. "I can't eat it. You can eat it, Lu Zheng."

Lu Zheng raised his head and looked at her touching her stomach. He was silent for a while and said lightly, "You are too thin. Eat more."

The woman's limbs were so thin that he felt that he could break it with a strong grip, and his waist was only the size of a palm.

Wei Jingjing looked unconvinced and straightened her chest, "Who do you think is thin!"

Lu Zheng: ... I feel like I'm going to have a nosebleed again.

He didn't dare to look at it at a glance, so he quickly brought the bowl to eat.

The fish soup that warmed up slowly all night became thicker, and the noodles were also smooth and elastic. What I felt between my lips and teeth was not only the deliciousness of the noodle soup, but also the tenacity of the noodles.

What happened just now was quickly forgotten by Lu Zheng. He ate noodles and drank all the soup into his stomach.

The stomach is really satisfied.

It was the woman opposite who looked at him with a smile on his face, which made him a little confused.

"What's the matter?" Being stared at by her, Lu Zheng simply wanted to pack up and leave.

Wei Jingjing took his hand, "Did you forget that we are going to invite you to dinner tonight?"

"I haven't forgotten." Lu Zheng didn't move. His hand was slippery, tender, and comfortable to wrap around his body.

Wei Jingjing pouted. She had just figured out how to ask for leave, and she was a little embarrassed to say it. "Then help me ask for a leave. I'll go to the city."

"What are you doing in the city? Have a good day at home. Lu Zheng said subconsciously.

Wei Jingjing stood up along his hand and stretched out her finger to calculate with him, "I'm going to buy flour, oil and sugar. If I have wheat milk essence and wheat milk essence, my snow cream is about to run out..."

Lu Zheng's eyes darken a little, and he slowly pulled out Wei Jingjing's hand, "Okay, I'll ask for leave for you."

After saying that, he went to the inner room to get something, then came over and put it in the palm of Wei Jingjing's hand, and went out to work.

It's a little strange for Wei Jingjing to stand still.

She felt his low pressure, but she didn't know why. Is he unhappy? Why?

Lu Zheng walked silently into the ground with tools.

A problem he has been avoiding has finally surfaced at this moment.

No matter how strong he is, he doesn't have the ability. He can work and play game, but there are many things in the world that he can't give.

As she said, snow cream, wheat cream, and beautiful skirts that women all like, and spacious big houses.

He didn't have any, because he needed money, and his work points were ordered to exchange food, not money. At that time, in order to save dowry for his sisters, he sold his food to the villagers at a low price.

Because he is a villain, a descendant of a landlord.

Occasionally, I go to the black market to buy some wild goods on the mountain for money, but this thing is not available every day. Now there is a woman at home, and he also wants to bring all the meat back.

He used to muddle along. His needs are not high, as long as he has enough to eat, but his women are different.

She... When she was still here and by his side, he must give her the best.

"Brother, what are you thinking about being so fascinated?" Ergou followed Lu Zheng all the way, but Lu Zheng, who had always been cautious, had no reaction. He couldn't help chasing after him.

Lu Zheng stopped, staring at Ergou with gloomy and cold eyes, with a low voice: "Ergou, tell Master Kun, I'll do it."

Ergou's eyes slowly widened, and his face was excited. Then he gritted his teeth and suppressed his joy and confirmed, "Really?"

Lu Zheng said "um" in silence and walked forward.