
The ex-wife of an educated youth

Once drunk, Wei Jingjingshui was the most powerful rough man Lu Zheng in a period article she had read. She was the early-deaded cannon fodder educated young supporting actress. The supporting actress is obviously good-looking and beautiful, but she is infatuated with the hero's educated youth Jingchen. In order to anger him, she did not hesitate to marry herself to the poorest rough man in the village. Although she knew that Lu Zheng would be prosperous in the future, she also knew that he had always liked the heroine Lin Xia, so she planned to live in harmony with Lu Zheng and live together. But I didn't expect that on the night of the wedding, I would still be twins. Wei Jingjing planned to divorce Lu Zheng and give birth to the child alone before Lu Zheng found out. Unexpectedly, the rough man, who usually has no expression, blushed in front of her: "Jingjing, don't want me."

Kimmichii · History
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Chapter 20: This woman’s sleeping posture is so bad

Lu Zheng saw that Wei Jingjing went to bed heartlessly. He had just swallowed his stomach and lay on the other side of the bed honestly.

The kang is very wide, and there can be at least three or four people sleeping between Lu Zheng and Wei Jingjing.

He admitted that he was indeed slow, but when she said she was afraid just now, he did think, what if she was pregnant?

Lu Zheng's mind rolled over.

She is a city girl, and going to the countryside is also temporary, and her family conditions are unusual. It's only a matter of time to go back to the city.

Originally, Lu Zheng planned to live a good life like her. If she wanted to go back to the city, he would take the initiative to divorce her.

His composition is destined to be a farmer for a lifetime and a subordinate for a lifetime.

She is a bird in the sky and a fish in the water. She must not want to be a muddy person like him.

Forget it, I don't want to. If she is really pregnant, he will try his best to give her a good life, but if she wants to leave, he will not stop her.

You have to get some more meat back, so that she can't go to work.

Lu Zheng turned over impatiently. The next moment, his nose warmed down. He turned back like a ghost, and suddenly got out of bed.

That woman's sleep is so bad! She leaned sideways, her hair spread around her waist, and her two long legs were clamped with quilts. The original long skirt had shrunk to the root of her thighs, and her white and well-proportioned legs were displayed in front of Lu Zheng.

Lu Zheng never dared to go back to the room. He washed a nosebleed on his face, put together a few stools outside the room, and curled up for a night's sleep.


Lin's family, Zhang Xiu's baby was born from the afternoon to dawn the next day.

Lin Xia was dissatisfied with the dirty of her bed, and she felt that Zhang Xiu was too good at shouting. She couldn't sleep in her mother's room, so she simply came out and stood outside the door of her room like the others in the family.

Inside is Zhang Xiu and two midwives, as well as a female doctor. Zhang Xiu's mother and her husband Lin Jie, the second brother of the Lin family, are also in it.

Unlike other people's anxiety, Lin Xia was full of complaints.

But she also knew that it was not easy to complain at this time, so she only held Zhang Cuihua's hand and said, "Mom, I don't want anything on this bed. Please buy another bed for me next time you go to the city!"

Zhang Cuihua frowned, "Why can't I take it? Haven't you been building for a long time?"

This is the ticket and money she saved for a long time to get such a bed for Lin Xia. Although it is dirty, can't it be used for washing?

Hearing Zhang Cuihua say this, Zhou Fenfang, the sister-in-law next to her, was relieved.

The only man in the Lin family works in the city. He usually gets an invoice when he pays his salary. Those bills have been taken away by Zhang Cuihua, and most of the money has been taken. It was originally agreed that when the little sister buys the quilt, they can take the cloth ticket by themselves.

So when Lin Xia made a request just now, she shivered and received a cloth ticket for a month, which was only enough to make a pair of trousers. Won't she be asked for it?

Lin Xia took a look at Zhou Fenfang and despised her.

Don't think she doesn't know her bellyful intestines. Zhou Fenfang is not like Zhang Xiu. What can she say? She is very thieves and also likes to hide things.

There is no separation. The money earned by her eldest brother should be controlled by her mother, but her second sister-in-law often secretly hides it by herself, which has been found by Lin Xia several times.

Lin Xia shook Zhang Cuihua's hand again and said, "Mom, this quilt smells of blood. I can't get used to it. Besides, I'm still a big daughter of yellow flowers. It's not auspicious!"

Zhang Cuihua's expression wavered. Just as she was about to agree, Captain Lin in front of her suddenly turned around, "How dare you buy it for her!"

"Dad!" Lin Xia looked at her father's fierce face because of excessive fatigue and anger, and her eyes turned red.

In the past, if Captain Lin saw his daughter so wronged, he would have been eager to give her everything, but today he was really disappointed and annoyed.

Village Chief Zhang's eyes seemed to float over. Captain Lin said with a straight face, "Today, your second sister-in-law has nothing to do with you. Xia Xia, you are really ignorant. If your second sister-in-law has three strengths and two shorts, I will teach you a lesson!"

"What are you talking about, old man!" Zhang Cuihua's tears also followed.

In fact, her heart was also very painful. As soon as she came back, everyone knew more or less about Lin Xia's anger and Zhang Xiu in the afternoon, but she felt sorry for her daughter and didn't want her to blame herself, so she asked others not to say anything in front of Lin Xia.

However, she is not only Lin Xia's mother, but also Zhang Xiu's mother-in-law, Zhang Xiu's mother-in-law. Although she is also worried about Zhang Xiu in it, what she suffers more is that in case there are three or two shorts in one show, the village head Zhang will definitely not forgive Xia Xia.

"Dad, what did you say? What does the premature birth of my second sister-in-law have to do with me? Lin Xiameng, this is the first time he has heard about it.

Zhou Fenfang looked at Lin Xia coldly. Although her relationship with Zhang Xiu was not good, what Lin Xia did was too bad.

Lin Tian, the eldest brother of the Lin family, patted his mother-in-law and asked her to restrain her eyes.

But because he is also a father and has seen women have children, he knows that this is a matter of ghosts, so although he usually loves his little sister, he doesn't want to say a word about this matter for Lin Xia.

Captain Lin pointed to Lin Xia's face and roared, "Aren't you angry with your sister-in-law in the yard in the afternoon? What did I tell you before? Since you don't work at home, take good care of your sister-in-law. You are not only working outside all day, but also make your sister-in-law so angry. If your sister-in-law has something, you can go to prison for labor reform!"

This is the first time that Captain Lin has been angry with Lin Xia in his life. Lin Xia stood in place and was scared, and she usually couldn't say a word with her eloquent mouth.

How can Dad say that about her? How could it be her fault that her sister-in-law gave birth prematurely? It's not that she pushed her and hit her, but she just told the truth.

It's right to have a daughter, and it's right not to have a son in the future. Does everyone think it's her fault behind their back?

Lin Xia said hatefully, "Dad, you will regret it!"

Then she stamped her feet and ran out, and Captain Lin's heart jumped violently.

"Xiaxia!" Zhang Cuihua didn't hold it and fell to the ground.

Xia Xia is not going to make a short-term look, is it? He pushed Zhang Cuihua away and was just about to chase her when his third son, Lin Hao, had already chased her out.

After a while, he caught up with Lin Xia.

Only then did Captain Lin's heart come down. It's false to say that he doesn't feel sorry for him, but it's true that Lin Xia was spoiled by Zhang Cuihua.

He gave a fierce look at Zhang Cuihua, who was helped up by Zhou Fenfang. Zhang Cuihua's mouth was strick and he dared not speak.

Village head Zhang snorted coldly and sat on the door.

Captain Lin handed over a pipe, and Village Chief Zhang hit the ground with a bang.

Captain Lin sighed deeply.

Whether Zhang Xiu can produce smoothly or not, it will be difficult to pass.