
War in Prison World 1

After Souta gave his order, he closed his eyes and looked at the system. His order was for everyone to prepare as they would initiate an attack against the empire.

But before Souta could focus his attention on the system, he heard Jamine's voice.

"What if that's a trap of the empire?" Jamine asked him.

"It doesn't matter if it's a trap. We will quickly annihilate all of them. Even if it's a trap, it's impossible for them to quickly gather in one spot when they are scattered across the whole world. At least from my calculations, it will take them one day before they could gather their whole force." Souta opened one of his eyes and said while looking at Jamine's face.

"Then, do you have a plan that could take out the army that you will attack?" Jamine asked once again.