
The Eternal Emperors Ascension

Keiren Kendrall is living a normal life. Like everyone else, he has a job, friends, and a wonderful fiance. Unfortunately, the day of his wedding is not really what he had hoped for. First, he gets stuck in the traffic. OK, bad Luck. Then he accidentally summons a giant eagle. A talking giant eagle to be more precise. Then the talking giant eagle taxi left for the wedding. The worst part is that right after the wedding, an angry-looking Woman blasted herself into his life and he and his friends get sucked into a black hole on a wave of curses... // AN: And this is where my story will begin, give me some useful feedback so that this story can grow better. I hope you enjoy it and have fun reading it. // // The picture isn't mine. if it is yours and you do not want it to be used in this way please contact me. //

Matthias_Schmidt · Fantasy
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36 Chs

The God of Fainting

>> Name: Kerum Primus Soldum

Age: 22

Race: Divine Human

Cultivation: Level 10 / Mortal King Stage (1st Layer)

Battle Spirit: Eternal God of Slaughter

Emperor Spirit: Eternal Burning Cleaver

Special Cultivation Physique: Golden Body of Eternal Slaughter <<

Kerum was the first to wake up among the trio of friends.

'What happened?' All that Kerum remembered was that he had leveled up and unlocked a ton of new abilities. He had fallen into trance to absorb the information and instincts of his new skills.

"Richard." Kerum ran to his best friend's side and squatted down, ignoring David who was in a similar state. "Richard, wake up! Can you hear me?"

Richard groaned and opened his eyes, only to be greeted by a System notification.

# Name: Richard Bestial

Age: 22

Race: Humanoid Beastial

Cultivation: Mortal King Stage (1st Layer)

Battle Spirit: Error (Only human cultivators can have Battle Spirits)

Special Cultivation Physique: Bestial Body Of Endless Beasts #

"Kerum, I'm a cultivator now as well! That's not all, I'm actually at the Mortal King Stage!" Richard yelled into Kerum's face in excitement, making his friend let out a sigh in relief.

David heard the loud yelling and woke up from it. He too was greeted by a System notification.

# Name: David King

Age: 21

Race: Supreme Human

Fate: Human God

Cultivation: Mortal King Stage (1st Layer)

Battle Spirit: Human Domination Scepter

Special Cultivation Physique: Human God Body #

"Richard, will you shut up! How much did we drink last night? Shit, we need to hurry, today's Keiren's and Shyla's wed-" David stopped when he noticed that they weren't on Earth anymore, remembering where they actually were and how they had gotten there. "Goddamn it! Why can't this be a dream instead?! Why do we have to live in such a cruel world?"

Kerum and Richard looked over to David with pity and loss in their eyes. They understood that their friend had dreamed about the day before the wedding… before their arrival on Chaosia…

Kerum released his Eternal Slaughter Intent and shouted: "I swear to the heavens that I will do everything in my power to reunite with my sister, no matter the cost! AND THEN I WILL MAKE THAT UGLY DOG GODDESS PAY!!"

This stunned David and Richard for a moment.

"What is this? It's like someone is trying to convince me to Slaughter every living creature in this world." David asked himself, dumbfounded. "Yes, we just need to KILL them all and take back what is rightfully ours." A wave of Domination Intent surged out of David the next second.

Richard looked at them both, stunned. He now understood why humans are always labeled with boundless potential. They just need to commit themselves to it. He may be the weakest among them all, but he knew that whatever these are doing was not something they should do after freaking 2 days of being in a cultivation world. It felt unreal and strange.

What they didn't knew was that Intents are commonly seen by Mortal Gods or Supreme Geniuses in the Mortal Emperor Stage, and only true monsters would have their first Intent in the Mortal King Stage.

Galatris entered the room, worried after the sudden appearance of Intents.

"Blessings! Can you tell me what is happening here?" Richard asked, but instead of an answer, he emitted a green light that shot between Galatris' eyes. With a stunned look of disbelief, the giant eagle fainted on the spot.

'Seriously, System, are you doing that to fuck with me?' Richard asked his System.

# Oh, not at all. #

Were it not for the mechanic sound of his System, then it would drop with sarcasm and sadism.

'First you told me I had to prove my worthiness, and now you knock out people?'

# It isn't my power, it is yours. You have to learn how to use it. It isn't my job to teach you. I will not spoon-feed you anything. You should start using your own brain. I live inside you, and you can use a part of my power. Do you want a house? Build one! I can tell you how, but you have to do it yourself. #

'Don't you have access to my memories or something like that? If you have, you would know that I have no clue of anything besides training my body in the old way.'

# Yeah, that a Humanoid Bestial like you learned something from it is astonishing. #


# What I want to say is: This world is cruel to the last plant. I already gave you the information you need. You just didn't bother to look it up yourself because you thought I would tell you. Let me make it very clear, I'm not your guide, I'm your warden, and so far you haven't worked hard enough to earn any help. If that doesn't change, I might have to take out my whip. #

# Your mission will be to become a worthy Beast Saint. #

# I wrote down everything you need to know, read it and make yourself useful, or you will die a miserable death. The Eternal God of Slaughter picked you up from the street. You are a stray dog. The Eternal Emperor has no need for stray dogs. He can summon everything you could possibly imagine. People who are useless die by the dozens in the imperial court.

Currently, you're unfitting to hold the title of Imperial Protector. #

# Name: Shyla Kendrall

Age: 19

Race: Divine Human

Cultivation: Mortal King Stage (1st Layer)

Battle Spirit: Eternal Valkyrie of Wisdom

Emperor Spirit: Grimoire of Magic

Special Cultivation Physique: Eternal Empress body #

Shyla opened her eyes which beamed with joy. A smile formed on her lips. Her System had just blessed her with a MASSIVE amount of knowledge, now that she had stepped into the Mortal King Stage.

The knowledge about Battle Spirits, Humans, High Humans and Divine Humans alone was enough to fill up a library each, if not two. What's more, the fundamentals of every 'common' Tradeskill was enough to make her a professor on that subject, capable of teaching the entire curriculum to pupils.

Tradeskills were divided into 7 Ranks and 4 Grades.

The Tradeskill ranks are Mortal, Earth, Heaven, Immortal, Imperial, Supreme, Emperor and the various products are ranked low, mid, high ,peak for everything except for artifacts.

Artifacts included Weapons, flying treasures, ships, etc. They are divided into low, mid, high, superior, and Half-step / quasi grade while their ranks miss the Supreme Stage and go Mortal, Earth, Heaven, Immortal, Imperial, Emperor.

The 'fundamentals' covered every step up to the peak grade Earth Rank.

This also includes knowledge about the necessary components.

Be it herbs for Alchemy, ores for Forging, inks for Inscriptions, Talisman Crafting, Runes, and of course the various and endless methods to build array formations.

Now she could drown you with every single detail from smell, over taste, up to their atomic structure.

Furthermore, the System of Eternal Wisdom analyzed the process that happened inside her while Keiren gave her the Emperor's Kiss.

It even created an Alchemy recipe for the Emperor's Kiss Pill.

# Emperor's Kiss Pill: Unique pill.

This pill purifies someone's Battle Spirit with elemental Thunderfire.

If used on a person before breaking through to the Mortal King Stage, it will awaken and strengthen the new Battle Spirit.

If used on a Cultivator above the Mortal King Stage, it acts as a talent breaker and will unlock the target's FULL potential.

Ingredients; 739 different herbs

Note: Can only be used once in any target.

Note 2: After refining the Emperor's Kiss Pill for the first time, it can be used as a high-grade Immortal Healing Pill. (This can be upgraded if the Alchemist concocting the pill is skilled enough.)

Note 3: No Alchemist below the Heaven Rank should try wasting his time and precious resources in the attempt to create this pill.

Everyone with skills below the Emperor Grade Alchemy Rank should NEVER try to improve the pill beyond Immortal grade.

It is bound to fail. #

Truth be told, she would have complained about her System being totally useless if it had been unable to perform such a 'small job'. She couldn't bear to see her husband run around kissing people into a new State of Being. Besides this girl and her, no one was allowed to experience that.

Shyla would have preferred it if she had stayed the only to be kissed by Ken, but she understood the value of saving that Weaponmaster. A cultivator who had been only one step away from reaching the Emperor Realm at her age was an achievement to be proud of. In this world, such an ally was precious, enough so for her to overlook her husband's 'betrayal'.

She looked down to see his peaceful face still asleep in her lap. Shyla reaches out and softly caressed his cheek. Ever since they had arrived on Chaosia, Ken had been more un- than conscious. "Sigh, it seems I married the God of Fainting."

# Name: Suran Tarnum

Age: 16

Race: Divine Human

Cultivation: Mortal King Stage (4th Layer)

Battle Spirit: Divine Lightning World

Special Cultivation Physique: Divine Infinite Lightning Body #

Suran giggled inwardly as she continued to observe the Emperor and the Empress. The two of them made a great couple, so much so that she felt a bit sad. She longed for such a simple and easy life.

No more stupid family business!

No more ignorant suitors that her clan would force her to meet, because her fiancé had been deemed unsuitable out of the blue.

No more denying that she loved fighting!


'I wish this were reality.' She sighed inwardly. The 'Knight Commander' had never 'dreamed' a better dream in her life.

Suran had never wanted to be the Lightning Princess. Even her parents had never wanted their daughter to bear such a burden. Like every parent, they only wished for their child's happiness. Alas, as members of their Clan, their opinion on the matter wasn't taken into account.

This young couple of Emperor and Empress in this 'dream' were perfect in so many ways.

Keiren was an easy-going person that seemed to have no clue at all what he was doing. In a way, that just made him even cuter in her eyes. It was like someone pulled the strength of the universe in the incarnation of recklessness. He seemed to give zero fucks about everything and anything that wasn't 'HIS'.

Shyla acted as his external conscience and a well of wisdom. The perfect person to hold Keiren in check. Without her, he would have killed himself at least a dozen times, if not more.

David King was Shyla's brother and Keirens best friend, though he was 'simple' in her eyes. Apparently, her subconsciousness lacked in the department of fleshing him out.

Richard Bestial seemed to be Kerum's personal lapdog for bad times. At least it seemed to be like that. He was the weakest of these five 'young masters', and not even Human in the first place.

Only Kerum was worth special attention. He gave off a feeling of danger, one that made her fear for her soul. He was like a monster that had been chained and caged his entire life, before suddenly being freed. Even though she 'realized' that she had to be dreaming, Suran still didn't wish to cross him.

From what she had gathered, the five of them were close to a certain Vera, who seemed to be Kerum's sister and David's girlfriend, but everyone refused to talk about her. They treated it as if her name alone was a curse, and speaking it warranted the death penalty.

The only thing that would make her surreal dream even more perfect would be if her fiancé Dantos could also be there.

Suran knew that at some point, she would have to wake up from this dream, returning to her bleak reality, but until then she intended to enjoy every single moment of it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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