
The Escaped Vessel

What is it to be a monster? What is it to be human? Is it not possible to be both, or neither at all? Malik finds himself awakened. Full of jumbled memories that don’t quite fit. In a body that he does not recognize. While he also finds himself next to someone that he can only call a goddess, he begins to learn. Guided by kind hands. He tried his best to assemble who he is from his own mind. But there are cracks. Damage caused by the weak bonds between body, soul, and divinity threaten to tear him apart in all that he is. That’s besides the gods. Their hidden battle goes unspoken but to their closest followers. The followers who are told that a great danger approaches. One that’s hunting for the vessel that was lost. Should he ally with these other god's vessels? Should he even fight the cultists after his body? This brings Malik to a choice. Accept the monstrous body he now resides in and grow stronger. Reject that body and lose his mind. Or completely give in and allow for his fate to be sealed along with his soul decimated by the eldritch god of the unknown. will he make this body his and everything that comes with it?

1King_Rep1 · Fantasy
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152 Chs

What Changed?

The gathered flames suddenly flattened. Became a roaring wall of red that Malik pushed forward. He had channeled the fire mana to mimic the earth wall, but why would he just make a wall? That was a pointless skill to have since it would just be the same as using mana to make a wall. 

No, he made a wave of fire that covered everything he could see in front of him. The intense heat caused the screaming frogs to immediately burn. They had soft skin that was more acclimated to the water mana and the cold, not at all to the heat. 

"It can be better." Malik scolded himself as he saw that some sections of the fire wave were thinner. These sections allowed the screaming frogs though, however burned they were, they did survive. 

The second fire wave that Malik created much faster due to the fire mana he had gathered already being higher, was thicker. The flames rolled inside like a ripple in a puddle. Becoming more like a true wave. 

As he released it, multiple attempted screeches were sent out, but Malik had also drawn in a decent bit of wind mana which made the screaming frogs with weaker wind affinity struggled to bring the wind mana toward them. Malik had a stronger control of it than they did, so the mana followed his will. 

Not that it worked for the elite screeching frog. That monster had pushed through both fire waves as if it was nothing to it. The water mana within its body was strong enough to resist the two fire waves. While burned and angered, it was not giving up on the energy before it. This was the best opponent to fight and show off its true strength to all the other screaming frogs. Why it was an elite monster. 

The sudden change in wind and water mana around the elite screeching frog made Malik's mana senses scream at him. It was enough for him to immediately dash forward. 

This drew the attention away from the carriage while he knew that an attack was imminent. The speed at which the water mana had been condensed by the elite monster in front of him was faster than what he could raise any proper defenses to keep the carriage from being destroyed.

The best option was to draw the elite screech frog's attention so that it would attack him in a different direction. 

It worked.

A larger water bullet boosted by wind tore through the air and forced Malik to make a shield for the first time. The earth and water that condensed to defend him barely froze in time to act as a deflector for the water bullet piercing toward him.

The speed had been higher than what he expected, but not enough to beat him. Malik had trained himself to be able to react to these situations. The angelic eyes saw every detail. This was who he was.

'The mental corruption recedes slightly.'

Without noticing this prompt from the guide, Malik trusted himself and how fast he could be. In a wind boosted sprint, he managed to close the distance between himself and the elite screeching frog.

The fire mana was still not gone. It was still lingering around even as the elite monster gathered more water mana to attack again. Not that it had the chance, the fire became a dense spike of red heat. 

Pushing it down with great force, Malik pierced through the top of the elite monster's head, brutal heat expanding from impact. The burning skin was just a single scent as the fire spike also went through to the ground and caused the damp mud to sizzle and steam.

Looking back to ensure there were no other enemies, Malik caught the surprised look of the young woman driving the carriage. She had never imagined that she would see someone his age with such intensity. 

"That was a new attack? You should make it more condensed, that way it will do more than just burn the skin. It will damage the eyes more, get breathed in to damage the lungs, and potentially cause muscle burns."  

Jen was standing right next to Malik and he had still not sensed her. It was proof that he had yet to actually make his mana sense greater than her stealth. 

"Now go get the twenty ahead that you just attracted over here." Jen pointed well ahead of them. She had easily watched their back but also taken the time to dash ahead and scout the incoming monsters.

That was how Malik spent the next few hours. Refining a skill he had made on the spot and getting it to the level that he was able to actually have it register as a magic skill at all.

'Fire wave- active

Using mana, and fire mana, one creates a wall of flames dense and hot enough to severely burn everything that it touches. The wave is sent forward ahead of the user causing damage to everything.

Using a catalyst, the speed of creating a fire wave is much higher. However, it is not required to use the skill. Understanding of fire mana Is also required so that the fire wave can be condensed properly or even increased in temperature.'

Simple but effective. That was all Malik needed. For another magic skill to be this useful as soon as he understood it, was perfect. Especially since he could see how I could use this in different ways. 

Just using it as a method to be able to make space was ideal. If he felt overwhelmed, he could send out a wave of flames that forced his opponents back. In turn, giving him the time to retreat temporarily or to heal his wounds. 

As the rest of their journey progressed fairly safe, they reached the entrance to the dungeon where the young woman needed to be. 

Malik found out that the small base with guards to ensure safety was owned by the general store that hired them. Many of the materials within the dungeon could create glues that were perfect for reassembling stone. Tough enough to survive a lot more roughness. 

But that was all because the dungeon was the stone slime dungeon. They were a species of monster that had earth affinity, but also seemed liquid. Perfect for glues and other similar crafting projects. 

They didn't stay long, since the guards were hired by the business, they would protect their client for the next few days. It left Malik and Jen to venture back. A quick job just like Jen had said it would be.

Not that Malik had an easy trip back. Jen forced him to try to find her while she moved in stealth. The incentive was that he would not get hit if he was able to sense her in time to dodge. Another method to add to his mana sense training list.

Since he had gained experience, a new skill, and a reward that boosted his experiment using the skill, Malik felt that he had accomplished a good deal of things. 

However, he didn't feel like it was enough. He was still not strong enough to be able to do more. The moment that they had returned to the adventurers' guild, Malik had started to hear new rumors.

More small dungeons were being investigated due to mutated boss monsters found within. Dead cultists appearing more often along with evidence of rituals. 

Shockingly, even a monster seller who traveled large distances to buy and sell captured monsters to tamers had been discovered dead with every monster released in to the small town nearby. 

All of this pointed toward a growing issue. The cultists of the eldritch god of the unknown were getting worse. Their attacks escalated to causing small towns and villages grave casualties. 

Things were getting worse. The cult that was thought to have been broken down to be cleaned up had actually just been hiding its main forces. They were plaguing the people and surrounding lands.

Worse off, there was evidence that they had been trying to get within the brilliance academy too. The information was hard to find, but rumors still flowed. As such, Malik could only guess why. 

They wanted him.

He knew this. He was their experiment. Their madness induced creation which they thought that they could corrupt and use. His soul being in this monstrous body was just a small issue to them.

'The corruption grows.'

The prompt as Malik grew troubled made his kind snap back to when he was fighting the screaming frogs and the elite screeching frog.

He knew he had received an odd notification from the guide, but why? Why had the mental corruption reversed back then? 

'The soul and the body resonated more deeply connecting. This allowed unique manas to flow between them solidifying the race and existence of yourself overall.'

The guide gave this as an answer. Malik wanted more information, but gained nothing. Just this. So wherever he had been doing, had allowed him to unify his soul and body, which in turn eased the corruption eating away at his mind and soul.

Was it the magic he was using that he had taught himself in the moment? Was it the focus in his mana flowing through this monster body? What was it? 

come on Malik! pay attention!

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