
The Escaped Vessel

What is it to be a monster? What is it to be human? Is it not possible to be both, or neither at all? Malik finds himself awakened. Full of jumbled memories that don’t quite fit. In a body that he does not recognize. While he also finds himself next to someone that he can only call a goddess, he begins to learn. Guided by kind hands. He tried his best to assemble who he is from his own mind. But there are cracks. Damage caused by the weak bonds between body, soul, and divinity threaten to tear him apart in all that he is. That’s besides the gods. Their hidden battle goes unspoken but to their closest followers. The followers who are told that a great danger approaches. One that’s hunting for the vessel that was lost. Should he ally with these other god's vessels? Should he even fight the cultists after his body? This brings Malik to a choice. Accept the monstrous body he now resides in and grow stronger. Reject that body and lose his mind. Or completely give in and allow for his fate to be sealed along with his soul decimated by the eldritch god of the unknown. will he make this body his and everything that comes with it?

1King_Rep1 · Fantasy
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155 Chs

Area Of Effect

The sudden changes in mana weren't detected until the first solid earth spike had already been thrown. The screaming frog that had been aimed at with higher precision than someone Malik's age should have, did not stand a chance. 

Malik had learned to be able to throw his weapons from Jen. She had been a teacher to him with the many ways that he could sense attacks toward enemies while fighting normally. But throwing a knife or ax, or even a spear from cover? That was much easier. 

As long as Malik had the skills to hide himself, he could keep his movements slow, keep himself somewhat lower to the ground. That way, he was hidden very well and able to attack much better. His form still needed work, but he had already gained the skill that matched his basic ability to throw any weapon that he made with the elemental weapon creation skill. 

' basic weapon throwing- active

This skill requires very little mana unless infusing elemental manas, then it will have a greater cost of mana overall. It is made from the various weapon throwing techniques that came from learning various weapon styles. Specifically, knife, spear, and sword throwing. 

This skill allows a more accurate throwing of any weapon in battle and outside of direct battle. While still requiring focus, this is a basic skill that will allow more damage to be done by the thrown weapon. As the skill grows, there is more power and other additional boosts to thrown weapons that can be gained.'

It was not a majorly impressive skill. However, it could be a skill that grew with him. One that was going to advance a lot more the harder Malik worked. Right now though, basic was enough for this job. 

The earth spear had been condensed and stabbed in to one screaming frog. The positive about that wasn't just that it severely injured the screaming frog. It was also the fact that when the earth spike pierced the screaming frog, it lost the built up wind mana that it was going to use to create a loud scratch. This stopped any potential alert from moving through the direct area. 

Using the shadow wrapping skill, he moves as quietly as possible while making another earth spike. This time he had to throw it a little further, but by pushing it forward with wind mana, Malik was confident that he would meet his target well. 

The next throw whizzed through the air with a bit more force than the last. It pierced through the head of another screaming frog stopping its mouth from opening. Unfortunately, a nearby female screaming frog witnessed all of this since the one that had just been killed was the potential partner for her since she had seen it defeat the boar that Malik had spotted a little earlier. 

The result was what anyone could expect. The screaming frog opened its mouth and took a large gulp of air. The wind mana became highly pressurized and a piercing scream broke out that made Malik kneel a little more due to the pain he felt in his more sensitive ears. He could feel the wind mana vibrating around him as the larger amount of wind mana had been released from the screaming frog. 

His aim was off when he threw the next more rushed earth spike. But it did the job anyways. The screaming stopped making it quieter, not that there wasn't the distant sound of screams now. The other screaming frogs had heard the warning. They knew a larger prey was here, not that they would ever beat that larger prey. 

'It is recommended that you begin to prepare a larger area of effect skills.'

'Qust: magic in a minute


-using your higher mana manipulation skills, create and use an area of effect magic spell


-double experience for all monsters defeated with the created skill for one day.'

'This is something the user has been considering. It would be valuable now due to the situation.'

The guide could sense what Malik was about to say about this being a bad time for a quest like this. He was fighting monsters that were literally a pain to his ears, yet the guide saw a benefit in making him create magic? 

At the same time, he had just alerted many other screaming frogs. They would be trying to find whatever had just killed their fellow screaming frogs. Not for revenge, but because it would impress the other female screaming frogs to be victorious over a known tough opponent. 

The wind mana seemed to vibrate slightly more. Malik could feel it on the edge of his senses. Nothing close, but enough that he could tell that there were either multiple screaming frogs heading his way. Or there was something bigger wielding more wind mana. Regardless, the area of effect skill seems like a great idea. 

The only issue was that manipulating mana more closely like that would need his focus. He would be unable to easily walk forward and focus on his surroundings. But if he were to just fight one on one, he could have to fight against attacks while making more earth spikes. Let alone completely lose his hearing for a bit so that he could attack at close range. 

Backtracking, Malik found a surprising space between him and the carriage. Everything appeared good though. The young woman driving noticed Malik and gave a smile, but she didn't say anything. She trusted that he had returned for a reason. 

When he sat down and began drawing in mamas, she believed he was just working on a skill to detect enemies around. Which was part of where his attention went. 

While partially true since Malik focused on the wind mana for his current mana sensing ability, he was also deciding which mana to use as his focus. 

Right now, water mana and wind mana were more plentiful in the area. Partially due to the small streams and partially due to the screaming frogs not letting the wind mana dissipate naturally.

But if he used either, the screaming frogs would sense it due to their affinities. So his mind went to earth. He made spikes out of it normally, so he could try to do the same over a small area. 

That would be harder. Earth was slower and less flexible without using a lot more mana. However, Malik also learned in the elemental mana basics class, that some mages did certain things to make using larger amounts of a certain mana easier. 

Whether it was having a magical stave with mana gems or crystal within it, or carrying around a unique monster material, it was perfect. That was why he took an extra torch which was one of the basic items for any adventure to carry around. 

Upon lighting it, he felt the for mana radiating from it. The warmth with a slight bit of light mana mixed it. He focused the fire mana though. 

The intensity of fire mana was always a bit greater than other manas. Like an untamable fury, or maybe just a chaotic energy that wanted to spread out more and more. 

By pushing at it, Malik envisioned what he wished it to become. He didn't use a fireball like most people made. He didn't want a fire blade sent at a single enemy. 

His mind rested on the earth as he had seen an earth mage create. A defensive form of magic that allowed a wide range of protection from attacks, especially ranged attacks since it blocked vision.

He recalled how some earth mages would be able to move the wall forward to temporarily advance safely with troops. It was a well known battle tactic that the vice headmaster had used against the last monster wave escaping a dungeon three years ago.

As such, Malik used the torch to condense the fire mana naturally in the air. He could feel the fire resonate with the torches fire mana. "Oh!"  It wasn't the young wa man's surprise at Malik's sudden usage of fire magic. It was that she spotted a few monsters looking right at them.

One larger monster stood out too. It was easily double the size of the screaming frogs, it also had a deeper green and blue coloration in its body. Plus larger stretched pouches in the side of its throat full of water and wind manas being mixed together. 


Just opening his eyes, Malik knew this was an elite screech frog. The guide had added that as a warning to the appraisal of the screaming frog. However, the temptation of fate along with the elite screech frog being more than just unknown to Malik before today and made it come to him. 

The other screaming frogs were unable to fight it, so they also targeted the enemy which had already defeated a few of them. They had a better chance to fight it, or so they thought. 

They couldn't sense the changes in fire mana which Malik was already manipulating in front of them. The shape of fire which he was guiding it to be. It only took another minute for him to glare at the new enemies before releasing the skill he was trying to create. 

using knowledge in the fly will prove your skill

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