
The error

'Yamanaka Shiro, is your average person. There's nothing really special about them. But they're a mystery to most of us. Hell, we don't even know their quirk and we've been in the same class for 3 years! But theres this weird attraction we have to them. We just want to bask in their warm personality. ' Mostly everyone of their class mates would have explained Shiro like that. It was true, they were a mystery. They rarely spoke or got in trouble. But they were also the most welcoming person they ever met. They were labeled as the 'Smart quiet kid' the 'Mystery kid' and the 'Motherly figure'. But there was so much more that they didn't known about... (Shiro is basically me, but with out the trauma/backstory. I mean what kind of story of mine wouldn't have some deep background!) I do not own bnha! I only own my characters and added plot!

Shiro_Yamanaka · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

The last chapter*

I got my bag and all my stuff came out unscathed, well except glasses. I rested my head on the window of the car and slowly fell asleep.

Time skip*

I stayed home for the rest of the week, as I had to rest. Today was the day I got to finally see my face. According to Sakura a had a huge scar on my face, along with some small ones.

Sakura unwrapped the bandages and turned me to face the mirror. I opened my eyes and...

I don't know how to explain it. I started crying. I don't even know why... Sakura picked me up and brought me over to Shota's and her's room.

Shota was laying out some blankets and took my crying figure out of my sister's hands. He laid me down rolled me into a fluff burrito. Sakura came back with a container of snacks.

Shota and Sakura sat down and laid me down in both their laps. This is what they would do whenever I would cry or just break down. It's pretty rare for me to do so, but they can tell whenever it would happen.

Once I calmed down a bit Sakura spoke up. "Hey, I know you probably don't want to, but I need you to go to school on Monday." I nodded knowing that I'll still have to go to school anyway.

Sakura looked at Shota, who pulled out a small box from the pillows. He set down in front of me, I looked at them and they got me to look inside.

Inside was a new pair of glasses, two sports bras and a new binder. "You guys didn't have to get me all of this stuff!" I smiled, going in for a hug.

They hugged me back. We laid like this for a minute or two, just enjoying each other's presence. "Well, the only reason we got the other stuff was because..." Shota said trailing off towards the end. "We're gonna train you!" Sakura grinned, throwing her arm up, successfully hitting Shota in the head.

"Oh no..." I mumbled, chuckling at the soon to fight.

*Time skip to the day of entrance exams, 'cause I'm lazy!*

Smiling, I walk towards the familiar building that I had grown to love, UA. Right next to me was Izuku, I had to pick him up from the beach. I was shocked that he cleaned it all.

During the past 10 months, Sakura and Shota had been training me. Sakura focused on physical strength, while Shota focused on mental and quirk strength.

They both took three days of a week, leaving me to do whatever training I'd like. I also noticed that Izuku had started to work out, as I could see some muscle forming. I decided to talk to him about it, he told me that he would show me.

So one my off day, he took me to the beach he had been working on. I met All might again, as he was one of the many pro's that helped me. Izuku was shocked as to how I was so close to him at first but remembered what happened.

I helped out a bit on my off days, but also decided to work out with Katsuki. His mom, Mitsuki, was always so nice to me, as she looked at me like her own child.

It was fun, having someone act as a mother figure to me, as I lost mine at an early age. The Bakugo residence has always been my safe spot, and I think that it will continue to be.

That really didn't matter at this moment.

Only because Izuku had tripped.

As I was about to stop his fall, a girl with short brown hair used her quirk to stop him.

My quirk acting on its own analyzed her.

Uraraka Ochako

15 years old


Quirk: zero gravity

Allows the user to manipulate gravity with a touch of their fingertips.

Blinking all 3 of my eyes, I looked at Uraraka. "Thanks for catching my friend." I said. "No problem! I would be bad if he fell on the day of the entrance exams!" She exclaimed. She undid her quirk once I had Izuku standing up straight.

He stuttered like crazy, trying to find words to thank her, but she had walked away. "Oh my gosh!! I just talked to a girl!" His face flushed a deep red. Giving his head a light smack, I left him. 

I prayed to Kami-sama that both of us would pass the test.