
Chapter 12: The poisoned Chalice III

Amon looked left and right at the upper town as he walked down the street corner, a basket in his hand. The street was scanty, only few street traders were allowed compared to the lower town where every corner was turned to a trade point.

Hadu had sent him to get some radishes and snake oil from the lower town market—since Rod had been busy running other errands.

He turned to the tavern area and pushed the door in. He walked into noise of people chatting among themselves with a cup of beer in their hands and took up a seat by the far end, and waited.

Some minutes later, a man with grey hair, dressed in an old brown shirt and black trouser sat across from him. "What you got?"

Amon leaned towards him from across the table, "Apparently, King Ratarod arrives tonight. They will be hosting a feast in his honour."

"Hmmm." The man scratched his beards. "Who is allowed in the kitchen?"

"Only the cooks."

"And who supervises the food?"

"It goes through the head cook."

The man thought very thoughtfully, massaging his jaw and beard.

"But I also heard the king Ratarod takes a tonic for his long term illness."

"Where is this kept?"

"It's always with his man servant, will probably be in his quarters tonight." He looked at the man. "But you do know you can't do that here in Aridal, it could cause war."

The man laughed and stood up. "It's war we seek. Your information was indeed helpful." He threw him a sack of coins. "That's your payment."

Amon caught it and opened it, his eyes bickering at the shiny silver coins in it.


Towards the evening, the parade of the kingdom of Rabadon walked down the Capital of Aridal, from the general town to the lower town, then the higher town where the knights went to receive them.

As they walked towards the ground royale, Sharma was walking down the stairs to stand with Verlock who was now by her left and Romayo who stood by her right.

Her neat dreaded hair was plaited into a side french braid which ran down to her lower back, with a classic tiara to accentuate the feature and feel.

She was dressed in an Off-white knitted gown with pinkish and purple flower and leaf embroideries by the hem of the hands and the hem of the dress which flowed down to the ground. She wore matching gloves which covered her hand to her elbow. Over the dress, she wore a corset which brought out her slim waist.

Verlock felt her walk down the stairs to stand beside him; he looked at her and did a double take.

"Keep it!" Sharma warned. "Don't say anything."

Verlock withheld his statement as the parade of Rabadon came to a halt in the ground royale, preparing to receive their king.

Verlock leaned in closer to her. "I've never seen you in a dress, my lady. I must admit, dresses look good on you."

"Hold your peace Verlock, or I will have your tongue."

"I was as surprised as you are when she opted for a dress." Romayo said from where she stood, grinning. "I thought she was doing it for the attention of King Ratarod. That's, until I heard he is married..." She pressed her lips and added disappointedly. "...with a child. He would have made a fine husband."

"I don't see a woman in her right mind who would want to marry King RaTArod of RaBAdon." Sharma said mockingly. "He is a haughty man and an extreme pain in the ass."

"He has a queen though. I am sure someone wanted to marry him. A once betrothed maybe.."Romayo stated. "Even the most arrogant man could get a wife."

"Then I pity the woman. She must be dealing with a lot than most kings do."

Romayo observed her from the corner of her eyes. "You talk like you know him. Have you met him before?"

"Yes I have. With my father."

Verlock and Romayo nodded as if they understood fully well what she meant.

One of the Knights of Rabadon opened the first chariot, the man with the beards and king's crown came down from it, accompanied by his man servant.

"He is as stiff as the crown on his head." Sharma said through her teeth, not wanting them to over hear.

"He wore his crown for four days straight?" Verlock asked too in a whisper.

"He is a haughty man, I tell you. But be careful, do not speak without a bridle before him or I myself cannot and I mean, WILL not—help you. Understand?"

"Noted." Verlock said.

"Noted." Romayo simultaneously added.

"The King Ratarod of Rabadon!" The knight announced.

The other chariot opened and the other man came out with his Knights crown on his head, accompanied by his servant.

Romayo leaned in towards Sharma, "Oh god of royalty! Do you know who that is? He is a very fine man! A spectacle!."

Sharma looked at the man behind Ratarod as he walked beside him to where they were standing. They made eye contact as he broke into a smile. He was very charming.

"Prince Artirad of Rabadon!" The knight announced.

"Lady Sharma," Ratarod acknowledged as he walked towards her. "You look wonderful." He took her hand and planted a kiss.

"As do you. King Ratarod. You never cease to amaze me with your—" She looked over at the chariots and thought that both brothers could have just rode one or travel on their horses. " —charade."

"It is the attribute of Rabadon, Sharma. We are grand." He laughed out loud which made Romayo cringe. He turned and tapped his brother's shoulder. "Prince Artirad. My younger brother."

Artirad walked towards her, he took her hand and planted a kiss, probably trying to woo. He looked up at her, "My lady."

Verlock and Romayo looked at themselves as they saw what was playing before them. They felt awkward.

"Prince Artirad," Sharma withdrew her hand, "I never knew King Dahanda had a second son."

"Third." Ratarod corrected.

"A third?" Sharma asked, clear bewilderment on her face. "Rabadon is full of many secrets."

"Ha!ha!ha!" Ratarod laughed out loud. "It is the reason our Kingdom still stand strong till this day."

"I presume." Sharma was sincerely amused. She pointed to Verlock, "This is our Regent commander, Verlock."

"My Lord." Verlock said as both men shook hands in a truce shake.

"Verlock, what does it mean?" Ratarod asked.

"Fierce and Noble."

"Haaa! Just like you then. It's a perfect fit!"

Sharma wanted to roll her eyes, but she didn't. "The cooks have decided to throw a feast for your stay. And we are honoured to welcome you with two trophies we got at hunting today—wild pigs."

They began to walk up the stairs, Ratarod by her side. "I hunted a wild pig before, it was almost the size of a bull. My father was so proud of me when I brought it home."

Sharma smiled. "King Dahanda had a knack for hunting wild animals."

"You say it so right, Sharma. Hahaha!"

Romayo rolled her eyes.

By the time night was falling, the tables were set in the dinner room and knights were seated, along with other Nobles present. Artirad and Ratarod sitting close to Sharma by her right. Their tables filled with fruits and different plates of food...and meat.

Harmonic harp was playing on the background which added a more subtle aura to the room.

They watched as the chalice was brought in by the a guard on a tray with a wine by the side. He dropped it in front of Sharma.

When he left, Sharma stood up, picked up her knife and tapped her goblet, getting the attention of everyone. She smiled. "We have in our presence, his majesty and magnificent King Ratarod of Rabadon!"

Ratarod looked around acknowledging the people at his table.

"And close to him, his brother, Artirad, third prince of Rabadon. This would also not be useful of course if we don't acknowledge the troops who marched with them, the fierce knights of Rabadon!"

The people around cheered and clapped.

"As you all know, Rabadon has been our ally and sister Kingdom who have handed their aids in the time of my father, Late King Andor of Aridal, and their father, Late King Dahanda of Rabadon. Today, they have come to renew that truce with the new King!"

The claps grew louder.

Sharma turned to Ratarod as she picked up the Chalice and the bottle of wine. "In this bottle is the most ancient wine made for my father and great grandfathers who had drunk it to seal a truce. Today, it serves as a significant factor in a truce signing. The moment you drink from this chalice, our deal is renewed."