
Chapter 11: The poisoned Chalice II

They were a group of marching foot soldiers leading the two chariots of the royalties in it.

The first Chariot was led by four knights on horses and four foot soldiers guarding it. It was then followed by four archers on horses and two knights who led the second chariot–guarded by four foot soldiers at the sides and two at the back.

Their parade an over pompous one for just traveling and everyone who saw it could tell they were warriors of Rabadon. Their emblem of two swords cutting across each other over an eagle was boldly drawn on the shields the foot soldiers carried.

In the first chariot sat a man in his late thirties, with ducktail beard and a king crown on his head, with a man in his early forties who happened to be his man servant.

In the second sat a man in his early thirties wearing a knight's crown with his man servant who seemed to be around the same age as him.

They traveled in silence through the woods and pathway that led to Aridal.



"You are awake?" Hadu asked Amon as he tried sitting up on the bed.

He squinted his eyes and shook his head. He was having a headache. He pressed his fingers to his temple and incessantly shook his head. "Where am I?"

Hadu folded his hands and looked at him. "Aridal. The court's physician's chambers."

Amon squeezed his eyes, he knew that voice. He looked around the room, there were books scattered here and there and the tables were occupied with Flasks and bottles. He looked up at the library of books before looking at Hadu whose eyes didn't stop glaring at him. "Oh... it's you."

"Yes. It is. You don't look surprised to see me." Hadu looked unpleased. "What are you doing here? The last time I saw you, you were on your high way to serve Kings and princes."

Amon scoffed, squinting his eyes one more time. "That's true, alright. I knew you were in Aridal and I knew you are now the court's physician."

"So what are you doing back in Aridal?"

"I came to look for work."

"You? Great Amon of Witchteck came to Aridal for work? I thought you were going for higher places in Rabadon and Antroch?"

"Things didn't go as planned." He replied placing his legs to the floor, using them to search for something. He looked up at Hadu, "Where are my shoes?"

"I sent Rod to sundry them. They stink like the rathole."

"I see you are still not fond of me, Hadubal. And I am still not fond of you either."

"Well, you owe me nothing but a few silver coins and you will be on your merry way. You were on death bed. Your ancestors were ready to receive you with open arms. You are lucky Rod found you on time." He walked towards him and stretched his hand. "My coins."

Amon rolled his eyes and looked around. "I'm not with my bag."

"That's not a problem then. You could run some errands for me to save yourself the trouble."

Amon laughed, once. "What makes you think I will do that?"

Hadu walked to the right table and brought out his small mortar and pestle. He handed it to Amon. "Rod is on his way back with some herbs. You could start by grinding those."

"You would give work to a sick man?"

"No. But I will give work to one who said he came to Aridal for a job and to one who isn't willing to pay for recovery. You could stay here and recuperate while you earn your keep." He passed the mortar to him. "And just to be sure you don't run away, I will be watching you... all day."

Hadu walked over to the left table where the basket of papers sat and picked up a paper, opened it and observed Amon from under his eyes. "Don't think of running. If you do that, the next time I see you, we will be taking your legs."

Amon scoffed. He was still the same old Hadubal in their small town in Witchteck. It's been twenty years or more since they last met.

He looked at the mortar and pestle before him and thought about grinding the herbs. That must be tedious work, not the type he was searching for. He was here for a purpose, seemed like the first step of his plan was successful.



"Why are you quiet?" Sharma asked Romayo as they rode their horses back to Aridal. They could see the Kingdom from where they were—It was after noon already.

Romayo looked back at the wild pig they caught which sat on the horse with a knight. "Perhaps, we could have caught three."

"Oh, so now you talk?"

Romayo was exasperated. She had been shooting arrows since morning and she needed a bath. She stank.

"You know," Sharma continued talking, her horse was ahead of theirs. "When you first came to Aridal a while back, you were chirpy and you always had something to say. I wonder what happened."

Sharma happened. Romayo thought. She warned her that she should be mindful of her words and she took that to heart. And besides, she was tired. She wasn't really in the mood to talk.

Sharma groaned. "Goodness! Your silence is sickening. Shall we race then?" She looked at Romayo who seemed to have been uplifted by that statement. "First to get to the palace will be served breakfast by the other."

Romayo brightened up. "You will serve me breakfast?"

"If...you win." Sharma grinned.

"So you think I can't win?"

"You will have to prove me wrong."

Her lady was definitely boasting. "You know, you could be a bit arrogant sometimes, Lady Sharma."

"Ah...so now you are talking. I see why you don't talk much now." She said and looked at her. They were both smiling. "First to the palace will be served breakfast, for the whole of the day."

"Food for the whole of the day then." Romayo replied, preparing her horse for the race.

Sharma turned to the knights behind them. "You heard her?"

They smiled.

"We are witnesses." The lead knight said.

"Food for the whole of the day then. I need you to count to three." Sharma said to the knights.

She slowed her horse down to stand beside Romayo. "You better keep your word."

"I will say the same to you, my queen."

They turned their feet inwards towards their horses.

The Knight behind them counted with a loud voice, "One!"


They tightened their hands on the reins.

He waited a bit before calling the last number. "Three!!"

When they both heard the last call, they trotted their horses on the way and then galloped before picking up speed, Romayo leading and Sharma following closely behind.

The knights picked up speed too and followed them.



Their horses ran through the gates and into the lower town, the people realizing what was going on and cheering from their homes and fences.

They passed through the upper town with Sharma leading in front.

When they got to the ground Royale, Romayo was ahead.

"Woah!" She signaled to her horse to stop. The guards were already by the horses, petting them. She looked at Sharma also halted not long ago.

"I will let you have that win." Sharma said to Romayo.

"You are saying you let me win?" Romayo asked as she descended from her horse and patted it.

The other knights also brought their horses to a halt and descended.

"Lady Sharma owes me breakfast, lunch and dinner, starting tomorrow." Romayo laughed. "I would say today was fruitful."

Sharma smiled. "It's only for a day and it's at intervals. I can do it."

"If you say so."

Sharma turned to the knights, "Bring the pigs to the palace kitchen then would you?"

"Yes, my lady."

"There will be a feast tonight so everybody will have a taste of it."

The knights offloaded the pigs and handed it to the man servants waiting on them.

"Get it to the cook." The lead knight said.

"Yes, my lord." The two of them replied as they carried it over their shoulders to the kitchen direction.

Sharma and Romayo walked towards the stairs that led to the quarters.

" Get me some hand maidens to prepare a gown for me."

Romayo stopped walking. "A gown?"

Sharma stopped too and looked at her. "Yes? A gown."

Romayo was holding in a laugh. "You are planning to wear a gown tonight? Is this because of the king of Rabadon?"

"Oh! Will you shut up?" Sharma rolled her eyes and continued walking, Romayo walking beside her.

"So, I am right?"

"There are times when I wish you will be quiet. This is one of those times."

"Ayyye...you are dodging this question because I am right."



"King Ratarod is a married man."

She gasped. "Oh! He is?"

"Just keep quiet."
