
The epic of the idiots!

The reality... It is often portrayed as something sad and meaningless, something you can't expect anything from unless you are a ''blessed'' person either with talent or beauty. This group has seen it all, being themselves part of the excluded people (Or at least most of them are). Who would have thought they would end up that way?. Out of so many people, they, simple Fanfiction authors and translators, would end up in one. - Get back to work, you bunch of useless people with little brains! - ...great adventure Being enslaved and locked in the bodies of the characters of their stories, Kira and the group of imbeciles she has as friends will have to embark on a journey full of courage, honor... And senseless stupidity! A true epic that not even fucking Gilgamesh would want to avoid being part of! An epic... of idiots! I don't own the anime/manga/and more mentioned in this fic besides my MC and some OCs. This is a non-Harem story I always welcome those who see and warn me of typos or any other mistakes I leave out there in the chapters. Thank you very much for reading Warning, this story contains some pretty silly humor that might offend some people as many jokes are xenophobic, racist, classist or about sexual diversity.

KiraWolf · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 21: Parasite

Without losing the trail, Ryu moved slowly in the darkness.

His figure was hidden perfectly in the shadows, his footsteps not releasing a single sound.

I really owed Carplex one for making such useful stealth gear, if there was anything I could give the jerk, it's that no matter how much human trash he is....

The guy can get to have his moments (As few as they may turn out to be).

Even if he screws up later by doing something very cringe-worthy.

I could still feel his skin crawl at the shit he did.

- 'Gugh the FGO self-insert with the Omnitrix' - The guy needed a psychologist or a shrink in his life.


Sakura kept her wits about her, despite the security she could feel from being with Melone and Rider, a sense of dread and heaviness continually assaulted her.

It was as if someone was holding her neck tightly as he laughted.

Her body shuddered as a memory of Shinji choking her with Zouken in the background replayed in her head

The "old days" were a really unpleasant thing.

She really didn't want to face him. As much as she wanted to put an end to his existence, she felt fear, the obvious side effect after years and years of getting wrapped up in his "training"

The old parasite sure was one of the nastiest Magus on earth, there was no doubt about that.

As for Shinji...

She honestly couldn't deny that she hated him, and at the same time she really felt sorry for him.

It was no secret that he too had gone through great suffering there, the old parasite didn't spare anyone

Which was why he felt slightly sad to hear of his death from Rider.

That was the fate of those who ended up in the hands of Zouken Matou....

It happened with Kariya, now with Shinji...

...Is it she turn now?


Diavolo could feel the anger burning inside him, if it wasn't for the fact that he was incredibly useful maybe he would have killed on the spot the guy who had made sure to bring him the news

Melone had betrayed them....

Formaggio, Cioccolata and presumably mind Ghiaccio as well....

He really had to stop relying so much on the useless clowns that he had as subordinates.

It seemed that the time had come to play his hand here, no one should even have the thought of going against him.

- King Crimson... - With his call the Stand appeared, Diavolo's gaze swept over his servants before he sighed and stood up.

Messing with the King's men was no laughing matter....

And today should definitely etch it into the minds of the assholes in Fuyuki....

Fuck the weird contract he had signed with Kotowime It was time for blood to stain the streets!


Ryu saw with concern how close they were to the Matou mansion, he could hide at certain distances from the Servants and fool them with his little presence, but he was sure the magus would detect him quickly

He couldn't be trusted to fool a guy like the horrible thing inhabiting that place.

He definitely didn't want to know what would happen to him if Zouken sees the special thing in his body

Her body shuddered for a few moments just imagining it.

Yeah, he might like Sakura, but that didn't mean he'd risk taking a dip in a pool of raping worms for her, he had to be realistic

As much as he felt that he could help, that his presence could make a difference to the situation.

He's not a suicidal jerk with a hero complex, or a guy with a lack of functional brain cells.

Not even if he was Emiya Shirou or that weirdo Kira!

He knew he was really going to get into trouble.... But this was definitely more important than whatever fucking board game the assholes in his classmates might be playing

With a grin plastered on his face Ryu sent embarrassing pictures of every asshole in the chat room and threatened to post them on the internet of every world they traveled to

- 'Yep, definitely evil feels better...' -

As well as making sure to set off as many alarms as possible to wake up those who fell asleep.

Oh I could already hear Guren's moans from here!

As expected the effect was immediate, even being so far away I could feel the assholes' bloodlust

Alone he was not going to be able to cope with everything he had to face.

But hey, what are the companions for if not to be used as cannon fodder to save a waifu?

Ryu wouldn't argue with that, justice is justice at all.

No matter how edgy it might sound, he knew he was doing the right thing.

As they say...

- It's for the greater good... - He muttered before moving to a different spot, one more out of sight in case the assholes started attacking him with long-range weapons.


The thing moved as it evaded the view of the few passersby in the street, the last thing it would want was for them to start hunting it down as if it were some sort of rare animal.

Normal humans or Magus would do anything to get it and start dissecting it, there was no doubt about it considering what they thought they could get out of it by starting their crazy experiments.

If not, he didn't want to be strapped to a table right now.... Unless the one tying him down was a super hot older sister.

God knows he'd answer "Yes" instantly, even better if it was a girl with fox ears and a fox tail

...Although he was sure that most would say yes.

- It shouldn't be that far off.... - He muttered as his gaze alternated around the surroundings.

A toothy grin graced his face as he thought about his successful hunt, after taking care of Shinji he made sure to get as many of Zouken's familiar insects as he could.

He could feel himself getting closer and closer to an "evolution", one that with luck maybe would let him return to a full human form

Always being hidden is really exhausting so a more "normal" appearance would be incredibly useful.

He didn't know how long the excuse to be looking for the cosplay convention would last.

And it was really getting annoying that situations like the one the day before where he couldn't buy his beloved ramen because he had to pay for everything he had destroyed in the store with his damn fidgety tail were happening

It wasn't her fault!

He only needed one of two things, both being difficult to digest both in execution and in moral terms

1- Consume Zouken and all remaining worms.

2- Go after Illya and the other homunculi.

For anyone with half a brain it should have been clear which was the best option to take.

While Zouken might be considered a hideous monster, I preferred him to Heracles a thousand times over.

He wasn't arrogant enough to believe that a piece of shit like him could take him the Berserker.

Not that he was an idiot who wanted to kill himself for a reason out of his balls.

Besides... Who's got the heart to hurt a loli? It's not like he's Gilgamesh's fucking bastard.

Oh yeah, a new target to check off his list.

- Kick... Gilgamesh's... balls... - He muttered as he jotted it down in a small notebook with a picture of Fate Extra's Caster, Tamamo-no-Mae, which he usually kept in his newfound inventory.

The thing was too useful to put aside

In the distance could be seen the ever closer silhouette of the Matou mansion


A full smile could be seen on the magus' face

Zouken watched intently as the body of the guy he had captured was slowly being filled in by his familiars

His ability, though not useful for his purpose, would be a very useful thing to get rid of the riffraff trying to meddle in his affairs.

- With what... Stands? - He muttered as he remembered what the man shouted during his interrogation.

A wonderful amount of interesting test subjects had come to Fuyuki.

Could he consider himself a good magus if he didn't observe them? No, he definitely wouldn't

The quest for true immortality was indeed an exhausting path.

And if his memory did not fail him, the guy had told him about abilities that were very out of the ordinary in his group.

Ranging from logical to bizarre

Plus a rare object called "The Arrow", if he could get his hands on it....

Although he wasn't sure what he could bring to his research, it never hurt to get something new to study in his spare time

It really was a shame that Sakura and Shinji had left.

She had run out of a good hobby to entertain herself and avoid stress.

- AGGGGGGHH - with a hysterical scream Cioccolata stood up.

His eyes looked empty and lifeless, behind his body was a greenish colored humanoid being, though it looked slightly blurry

Zouken could be sure that what the guy calls "Stand" was manifesting all around him

The smile deepened as he nodded in satisfaction.

He was really going to have the time of his life, even more so with so many interesting types making their way to his humble abode


Omake 13: FGO: Septem 00

The first singularity had been defeated with great success.

But the brothers couldn't have been more disappointed.

I mean it was supposed to be a battle between legends, historical figures and even a fucking Dragon!

Why did it have to end so anti-climatically?!

But the sorrows had to be forgotten, for it would be a while before they found the next singularity.

And now the time had finally come to do it once more!

Summon new Servants!


Placed on the ground, Mash's shield glowed with several colored lights that soon joined together to form the shape of a card.

- Is that it? - shouted Gudao as a smile formed on his face.

Having beaten Gudako at rock, paper, scissors once again, his turn had come and it was obvious that he was going to be excited.

The card of the best kind was in front of him, the Saber card!

Soon a strange music started to play while a person bent down on one knee appeared.

In the background a few words could be heard

I am the storm that is approaching

He had white hair combed back, a black trench coat with blue details and an Omega sign on his back.

There were two katanas at his sides that looked suspiciously similar to the swords of a certain resident Archer.

Provoking black clouds in isolation

His figure had a slightly malicious air about it....

- What the fuck?! -

In short, they were looking at a high-level edgy with an appearance as cliché as the Over Powered protagonists in the Isekais or their ridiculous harem subplots....

- It looks like they've decided to summon me.... - He muttered as he stood up

Born in flames, I have been blessed

- No, not really - Said Gudako while giving him a blank look

- Seeing that you look like losers, surely you must need the help of someone as powerful as me? -

Gudao looked at his sister while rubbing his forehead.

- That guy has too much self-esteem -

- ...Why do I somehow feel he's a tsundere? -

The siblings muttered while looking at him with raised eyebrows.

- Anyway, I guess I'll go explore the place. Maybe someone (preferably a beautiful lady) needs my help! - Without paying any more attention to them, the boy left the summoning room with hurried steps.

Knowing what her brother was feeling, Gudako proceeded to comfort him.

It was not well known in Chaldea, but his brother had a serious fear of edgies.


Despite the fear of what kind of madman would answer their summoning call, the Fujimaru siblings decided to continue.

Maybe they would finally get lucky and summon someone cool and useful?

Sparks flew, the image of a card began to show itself.

It was Avenger!...

Oh shit

They definitely had to be careful with every word they said now, otherwise they could die instantly.

Once the lights cleared his figure stood there revealed.

A black combat suit, an exaggeratedly large black and gray sword was held on his back.

His hair looked as if it had just been pulled back in a coarse hairstyle that left people with the impression that he had a porcupine for a head.

- ...Shit - He muttered as he looked at the Masters as if they were monsters.

His eyes betrayed no emotion, being filled completely with a cold indifference.

His hand gripped the handle of his sword as his atmosphere gained a touch of rage and pent-up anger.

- If you want to live answer my questions.... - He said with a growl, making his voice sound somewhat hoarse.

The two Masters nodded, it wasn't the first time since things like this had happened, you couldn't get used to life with the Berserkers if you had a weak heart after all.

- First question... Are there Milfs here? -

- Huh? -

- Second question... How many fucking Peruvians are there in the place?! And where the fuck are they hiding them?! -

- HUH?! -

The masters' luck was far from changing, and with two new additions to the team...

Things would only get more fun

- Come out now Peruvians, every minute you hide will be another one added to your torture! -


*Crish *Crish


2%... 10%... 45%...



The lights came on as Kanade, who had escaped from the asylum, rubbed the knife in his hand against Angello's back.

- Don't give me away... Or you'll taste the consequences - Whispered the girl in the ear of the very scared and pissed off boy.

- We're on the air! - shouted Guren as he appeared for a few short seconds on screen, wearing normal clothes except for his cap with the words "Staff" on it.

- Welcome to the credits! - Said Kanade smiling as he rested the tip of the knife on Angello's back dissuading him from trying to take away the presentation like last time - Surely you have missed me, haven't you?! -

Sounds of crickets could be heard throughout the studio as the psychopath's eyebrows twitched in annoyance at the lack of affirmative responses.

- Well, seeing your excitement I think it would be good to first show the pictures of the trip I took with Angello a few weeks ago! - Kanade said as she tried to divert attention to another matter.

Soon the screen behind her changed and there we could see the image of a board with a bikini and a plastic skeleton wearing shorts.

Angello let out a small chuckle before being punched in the stomach.

Kanade gritted his teeth as his eyebrows twitched, the aura around him was one of deadly danger.

- ...Who was the fucker who did this? - He asked and without a shadow of a doubt everyone pointed to the culprit.... Guren

- I... am ...I can explain! - Guren said as he stepped back

Kanade kept a smile on her face as she raised his knife, her short stature making him look like a Chucky doll as she did it.

Taking advantage of the opportunity he had been given, Angello pushed Kanade and grabbed Guren's hand and started running.

- How dare you, you bitch! - Kanade growled before getting up, grabbing the knife and starting to chase them around the set as the whole thing was being broadcast live.

(Song: the edwin davids jazz band - benny hill)

Soon Edu, who was wearing a T-shirt with the words ''Security'' on it, motioned to the camera to cut the transmission.

My head hurts a bit, lately because of the heat my nose has been bleeding a lot.... Yesterday it happened at least six times

Anyway, how is your day going?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

KiraWolfcreators' thoughts