
The Entropy Generated by Evolution

The Red Continent was the scene of hundreds of wars throughout its existence, caused by the ambitions of men and the selfishness of the gods. The peace that seemed impossible was only achieved with difficulty at the end of the worst military conflict ever seen. Unfortunately for the inhabitants of that land, there was in the south of the continent a monster that would threaten to end human supremacy and divine hegemony. The creature at the bottom of the food chain, rising to the top through evolution, a danger to the entire world... A goblin. [WARNING] The MC is a monster, literally. He sees no value in concepts of morality, ethics or honor. His actions can be immoral, cruel and disgusting, his desires are selfish and reckless.

MkHungria · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 8: Bite for Life

His body was picked up with just one hand and thrown towards an opposite wall. He felt the big bone standing in his back crack, he knew better and yet he was inclined to believe that lie. Oblivious to the weak monster's thoughts, his new enemy ran on all fours towards him.

With her left member she caught him and threw him upwards so that his weak flesh hit the stone ceiling. In no time 'he' dropped the human weapon in his hand, even if he used all the strength he had to do so.

The big hairy human used her arms to keep herself on her feet and using the hands on her legs she grabbed the goblin by the head bringing him close to her face and roaring in fury. It opened its mouth, demonstrating the intention to bite the head of its prey. The monster in quick reaction used the sharp piece of iron and stuck it in the female's mouth crossing her cheek and causing her to let go.

The beast threw it without seeing where and touched its own mouth in disbelief. She roared and snarled as salty water ran down her face.

'He' fell away amidst those who walk on branches. Just breathing was painful, being tossed from side to side like a twig was pushing his body to its limits.

One of those animals approached and came close to touching the fallen monster. At that moment the female screamed and leapt towards them, kicked the dung-thrower away and again roared. She thumped her chest several times and spun around, pacing back and forth raising her arms.

What she meant was obvious, the unfortunate creature was hers and hers alone. She punched the ground with her fist and forced her voice so hard that she coughed at the end of her threat. Fear unfortunately wasn't enough, furry humans are useless and don't obey any monster.

Angered, some lunged at the female, roaring and punching the air with their strong fists. She hit those who came from above with a swing of her hands, their much weaker bodies fell and they didn't fight back.

"UUUUUUHUUUU UHU UHU" She grabbed one of the long-armed oranges and smashed her head against it.

The animal went down with the top of her face bleeding, dead, without any resistance. Many had already given up on that uprising and walked away, as even the most stupid understood that the fight would only result in defeat.

'He' seized the moment, crawling in search of an escape. His green skin going against the stone floor, he felt the cold hardness of the ground scratching him. Other living beings would get injured moving that way, but the body adapted to living in tight tunnels protected it from that risk.

The goblin intended to reach one of the holes in the ground, seek the darkness in which he lived the first years of his life and where he was never attacked by any creature. As he followed his objective, the fight in the center of the strange cave grew smaller in size and greater in ferocity.

Those who walk the branches were around the female and her new target. They screamed and jumped, laughing and slamming their hands on the ground excited by the blood they knew would be spilled.

One of those who steal things walked into the center beating his chest. It was the color the sky takes on when night comes, when all the light is hidden. His head was pointed, his teeth thick and hard as rocks. Arms larger than the goblin's body fled in silence, its belly was full and smooth, its curved legs supported its immense flesh.

"Huu huu." On all his limbs, he moved, breathing deeply with his chest rising and falling he slammed into his body, after which he screamed. "UUUUUU UHU UHU UUUUUU"

"HUUUUU UHUUUUUU." She answered him louder, her voice making the cavern upon caverns tremble.

The two advanced towards each other, their bodies collided and their mouths joined. The strongest bite would define who owns the power. The faces stayed together for some time, neither one letting the other close his mouth completely, focused on breaking the target's teeth.

The leader jumped still without stopping biting, used her lower hands to grab the night-colored furry human's shoulder and with her upper ones, held the back of his head. The one who walks in the fat branches gave up at that moment, tried to walk away and she wouldn't let him.

He punched her in the stomach with his fists and seeing that she wouldn't let go, he punched again and again. Whether it was the grab or the bite, neither got any weaker. Those watching screamed even louder and jumped up and down in glee, some threw fruit at what they knew to be the loser.

"Uhu uhu uhu uhu!!!" They said imitating the desperate movements of the already defeated animal.

The sound of something breaking was heard and then no more. The female let go of her victim, who fell to the ground and brought her hands to her destroyed mouth. She tried to stop the blood that was spilling, to stop the red from falling onto the stone floor, and she couldn't.

Her chin was hanging by thin pieces of meat. Her bottom teeth all gone, her top teeth mostly snapped in half. Lying in the cold sun, covered in his own blood, the furry human tried to howl something and got nothing. He just raised a bloodstained palm to the female.

It was a practice of those who walk on branches, the defeated extended the palm and if the strongest accepted it, they could continue living in their strange caves.

"Uhu uhu." She walked over to stand beside him, ducking and roaring. "HUUUUUUU UUUUUU"

He slapped his hand, the female wouldn't accept him among hers. Everyone knew what was going to happen, only in the forest, without a mouth, the night-colored furry human would not be able to eat. Increasingly weak and without the protection of others, he would be killed and devoured by some stronger monster or animal.

The defeated man slowly, almost passed out from the pain, walked towards the exit. When he walked through the door, he knew he would never return.

The female roared, screamed asserting her dominance over all of them. She licked her own mouth, the enemy's blood was bad and she only ate fruit, but what pissed her off was something else. Her tongue passed through a deep wound rising from her chin and ripping across her cheek.

She screamed consumed by rage and when she turned to kill the next enemy, she was taken aback.

The goblin was no longer there.