
The Entropy Generated by Evolution

The Red Continent was the scene of hundreds of wars throughout its existence, caused by the ambitions of men and the selfishness of the gods. The peace that seemed impossible was only achieved with difficulty at the end of the worst military conflict ever seen. Unfortunately for the inhabitants of that land, there was in the south of the continent a monster that would threaten to end human supremacy and divine hegemony. The creature at the bottom of the food chain, rising to the top through evolution, a danger to the entire world... A goblin. [WARNING] The MC is a monster, literally. He sees no value in concepts of morality, ethics or honor. His actions can be immoral, cruel and disgusting, his desires are selfish and reckless.

MkHungria · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 10: History

The tunnel he was walking in also had more of the drawings on the walls. Before, all that would be just more images, when 'he' wasn't who he became. If he was still one of his own, he would have been unable to understand that those walls showed something deeper, revealed something that happened.

A story.

The monster knew that word, some of the humans his people had captured in the past had said that term before. Whose story was on those walls? Was he related to Q U E A T Z A C O A L T?

Everything began with nothingness and darkness, from this emptiness arose the red flower that burns. Many beings that were not there before appeared on the walls and gathered around the flower. They looked like humans, yet the goblin didn't believe they really were. Those in the drawing were different, they looked stronger and older.

One of them walked towards the large flower and then stopped, his face showing fear as he backed away. Another of those strangers had more courage, crossing his equals, this second ran and jumped on the red flower where he was consumed.

From the remains came the yellow light that settled on top of the darkness and illuminated all that existed. The one who was afraid before, ran again and just like the previous one was consumed, but this time the great white rock that only comes with the night rose.

The story seemed to continue, however there were no more drawings. The wall showed cracks and what 'he' believed to be the rest of it was lying on the floor.

To his happiness, on the opposite wall there were more drawings, these did show humans, although a little different. The race was born from the mixture of blood and a plant that the goblin has never seen before, they lived in the forest and in it they cut down the trees and piled up large stones. Those caves upon caves were in the wall, it was really humans who built that, the monster thought.

And at the top of these places, they killed others of their race, the blood flowed through the great construction and when it reached the ground, it made the opposite way floating to the sky.

None of that made sense, if 'he' killed humans on top of caves then blood would fly? And what happened to those humans anyway? The walls didn't tell that part, the drawings didn't say anything else.

With its hollow head full of questions, the green creature reached the end of the corridor, reaching yet another large cavern. Full of water just like before, but this one ran even if slowly.

In the left region, from several cracks emerged the waters that flooded the hall and that ran because there were holes in the floor of the opposite region. Those inlets and outlets for the liquid were not built along with the site.

'He' supposed that they existed due to the great earthquakes of the earth. It had been a while since he'd felt one of those, they were rare and unpredictable, but they always returned. The days when the earth shakes caused screams and death throughout the forest, so he was glad that they were rare.

And he was even happier that those tremors were probably responsible for the holes and cracks in that room, which would allow him to get out easily. Before that he'd allowed himself to spend a little time taking a closer look at the place and it sent shivers down his back.

On the walls there were bones, those of the head, it was a custom of the people to expose the head bones of their enemies. Those white things that once had eyes and a mouth, but after death all they had left were their teeth.

Several of those were stuck to solid rock, staring at the goblin with their empty eyes. None there were of his people, or those that walk the boughs, nor of the great greens of east and west.

The heads were human, every one of them and maybe that answered his question or part of it. He already knew where some of those in the drawings ended up.

That, however, was not the only thing to catch his eye. That thing in the center also made him more curious. A large stone with all its smooth sides full of strange inscriptions and topped with three items.

The monster walked closer to the objects, he had already seen many human items and none like this one. It resembled the pieces of flat metal that 'he' had stolen, but this strange thing was made of oak and edged with stones as black as night. In the wood could be seen drawings of skulls and warriors using the same weapon.

The goblin could never use it, as it was the same size as him, yet he still intended to take it home with him. Momentarily putting that weapon aside, he turned his attention to the other items.

There was a large piece of wood, round and flat, on one side you could see a colorful painting of the sun, on the other leather straps to hold the arm. Useless to 'him' and he would keep it to himself anyway.

Only the last object did not arouse any interest in the unfortunate green creature. A small vine made of some yellow stone, on it was a serpent's head carved of the same kind of material, and with eyes of some green rock.

"He" took the item in his hand and tried to find some use for it, but concluded that it would be of no use other than to put it around his own neck. He threw the object without thinking twice, the flowing water would decide its fate. The goblin just wanted to go home with his new things and recover from his wounds.

The hapless green monster wanted peace, those high in the caves wanted chaos. The female threw weapons and fruit this way and that, none of her equals were able or willing to stop her fury.

Where stolen objects were piled up, she grabbed a large piece of wood whose tip seemed to have a large stone and ran out of the place. When she got to the forest she jumped into the trees and kept moving. Following the large furry human, several of her companions also carried different weapons.

Any creature in that forest that was small, walked on two legs and was green in color would suffer when meeting those that walk on the branches.