
The Entity of Fear

Entity000 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Tragedy Erupts 1


A sound of alarm ringing in a room, as the teenager stare at the clock and the date.

"Oh sh*t, I am F*cking late" a teenager in his senior year of highschool suddenly got up of bed and change clothes for his graduation, the moment every high schoolers dreamt of.

"Raven wake up, how can you wake up so late, do you even care about today?" a middle age woman wearing a beautiful blouse scolded him, her name is Rea Syraight, his mother.

"Ehhh?! Why didn't you wake me up? You also know it's my graduation day today, wha? You're already prepared?!" Raven told her, like he was betrayed.

Raven was raise by his mother, he didn't even know his father, the only thing he knows about him is that, he died trying to rescue his mother.

"Hahaha" she suddenly laugh at him, looked at him like he was stupid, as she pointed at the clock on the wall, he reflexively turned his eyes and saw that there is still two hours til his graduation ceremony. " Oh son, how can you be so gullible, you didn't even checked your phone or something" He just stared at her and laugh with her, pointing out his stupidity.

'Ugh even though she's old, she still likes to play pranks at me.' He thought of this words and started getting ready for his graduation.


They're handing out the diplomas as he waited for his name to be called

[Raven Syraight]

As his name got called out, he saw his mother yelling like she's cheering for her favourite sports team, yelling out 'That's my son'. As everyone looked at her, he was so embarrassed. Even though what she's doing is embarrassing, only the old aunties criticized her, and the males whether it was the teachers, married men or students stared at her with awe. His mother is really beautiful, no one will believe that she is a mother in her early 40's.

Raven shook the hands of the professors and took a picture with his friends, his classmates and lastly his mother.

'Finally I can earn a living and let my mother rest.' He stared at the piece of paper, a paper that decided his future. 'How can a piece of paper hold such importance in an individuals Life' He looked up the sky and begun reminiscing his highschool life, and then he saw a crack like shape within it, Raven squinted and rub his eyes, confirming if he's just hallucinating or something.

"What the f*ck is that?" as he muttered that out the crack grew larger, and something is pouring out of it. As he look around, the same scene is happening everywhere, cracks formed in the ground, trees, walls and sky. Monsters are running out of it, as soon as it run out, this monster began their slaughter.




Screams and flesh being torn can be heard inside and outside the auditorium, Raven reflexively look for his mother.

"MOM!! WHERE ARE YOU!!" He belatedly realized what he did and instantly regretted it, Raven caught the attention of a monster busy eating the professor, it stared at him like it was staring at its food, he took a closer look at the professor that it was eating, and smile wryly. It was eating the professor he hated the most.

'Sh*t why am I being optimistic at this situation? Well he kinda deserved for trying to groped my mother.' As he was thinking of useless things, the monster started dashing towards him, but he didn't flinched, he was as calm as the sea, there is not a single speck of fear that can be found in his eyes.

'What the? Why am I so calm? If this is me I would've sh*t my pants.' He remembered when her mother scared her last year and he pissed his pants. People around him, called him a coward. Hiding behind his friends because he is scared, He is that kind of person, but right now he should feel fear, but why can't he?

Due to him thinking too much, he got hit by the club the monster was holding, and he instinctively know that monster is an ogre.

'Ugh it hurts, what am I dozing off for? I should be looking for my mother and find a place to hide.' Suddenly an icicle went past him and hit the ogre straight to the head and died. ' An Icicle? What the f*ck? How?' he looked back and saw his mother, also shocked, and cannot believe it was her, that shoot and killed the ogre with an icicle she emitted.

"Mom! You're safe!" Raven dashed and hug his mother, and suddenly ask " How did you do that? Do you have superpowers?"

" I also don't know, but this isn't a place we should talk about it." As they looked around in the mass slaughter happening around them and run. They found themselves running towards their home, as if it was the only place they could think of, fortunately they were lucky travelling home, plenty of monsters lurking in the vicinity and they manage to avoid it. Now they've arrived home.


"Ok now mom, how did you do that?" Raven ask her mother, but she just shrugged her shoulders like saying she doesn't know.

"All I know is that, I wanted to protect you and suddenly, I can feel a mysterious warmth surrounding me and 'pew' 'pew'." Raven stared at her with utter disbelief but with a different reason, 'How can a grown woman say 'pew' 'pew' like a kid, and in this situation.' And then suddenly she added as her eyes filled with worry " How about you, you were hit by that monster, but you could run and hide as if nothing happened."

Raven belatedly realized it, 'Why am I fine?' he searched his entire body, but no wounds, 'Do I have the a regeneration like ability?'.

"Maybe you have a Healing ability" It was just like she was reading his mind, and then he replied.

"Yeah just like in the games"

"But what is happening in this world?" They both turned on the T.V but no good news, no news report about the situation, phone signal and the internet are cut.

' What is happening it is like we were put in a game without any tutorials' and he begun thinking of possible hypothesis about the current situation. And then her mother interrupted him.

"Maybe this just a hardcore reality prank show?" as he looked at her and said.

"You can't be serious? Mom, this is reality and no CGI or hologram can produce those kind of effects, heck, there is no such thing as holograms" The son continued to scold her mother, and it was as if she is still rejecting that this is reality.

'Hmm why is this happening? How come mom can used Ice powers and I have Regeneration? If this is like a game, where is the tutorial?' and then he had an idea.

"Mom can you try to do the icicle thingy again?" as an reply she nodded and concentrated. And then shouted,

"Icicle come forth!", but nothing happened.

"Mom can you feel the warmth something right now?"

"No" as she stared down disappointed.

"Can you reimagine that feeling and do it again?" as she understood it, she concentrated again.

Then ice can be seen forming on her hand.

' As I thought, this is the tutorial, humans should learn to deal with their powers and defend themselves.' Raven smirked and suddenly an earthquake can be felt, 'No this is different from an earthquake.' and he suddenly became pale as he look out the window.