
The Entity of Fear

Entity000 · Fantasy
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17 Chs


'What do you fear the most?'

As chaos lurks in the shadows, while Law and Order shows the light. Everything and everyone has fears. So what if there is a being, an entity, that can make your deepest fear come true.

A ruined city can be seen in front of his eyes, monsters are wrecking havoc, people are dying and hopelessness can be seen everywhere. But his eyes doesn't even have a hint of sympathy, his face that is as calm as the sea, as he look at this utter chaos, from a city that used to be his home.

He walks leisurely on the streets, people are hiding, screaming and dying, but he still continued like they're just insignificant beings.

"HELP ME!", a woman being eaten by goblin like creatures, as she is being eaten fear can be trace in her eyes, the fear of dying. "Please help m..." she couldn't finish her sentence as the creatures ripped her apart.

The man looked at the head of the woman, as it rolled towards his feet. He knows this woman, she used to be his neighbour, but even though he knew her, he still didn't show any emotions.

He looked back from where he came from, every step he took, nightmarish creatures begun sprouting from his foot prints, big and small, creatures that can be considered as nightmares of the people.



"Mommy? Please wake up, PLEASE!!"

Cries can be heard everywhere in this city. As the man continued to the center of the city, he sat on the fountain. He stared at the chaos he created and then gaze upon the sky.

" Great sir the contract is over, the world has lost 50% of the residents". The man stared at the tall, slender black figure wearing a tuxedo in front of him.

" I guess so, you better keep your end of the bargain, or else I will destroy that bureau of yours." he let out a bit of killing intent, which caused the surrounding to shake, as if an earthquake was happening.

" Yes great sir, as stated in our agreement, there won't be another 'tragedy' opening on earth for 10,000 years. But please kind sir, please keep your other end as well." the black figure reminded him.

"Yes I know, I won't interfere with your 'tragedy'" as the man summoned back the creatures to himself from around the world, he opened a portal and left. Only the black figured remained and muttered to himself.

" Oh great Entity of Fear nothing can really stop you." as the figure finish a little angel suddenly pop out.

"Master who or what is he?" the angel asked.

" A being born from of the tragedies, he is chaos itself and at the same time the law and order, The Entity of Fear, Raven Syraight."